Chapter Twenty Two: Sight

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I've been so nervous the past couple days. I've been anxiously waiting to see him. I'm seeing him within the hour, I took a half day at work and I just let my last patient of the day go. I had to reschedule everyone else for next week. The words 'I'm seeing him!' run through my head over and over. Making my heart swell in my chest.

I'm practically bouncing in my seat, I hope the dress I picked is okay. It's going to be an outdoor ceremony so I picked a short sleeved burgundy dress that goes just below my knee. It has a v-neckline and it has gold buttons that goes from the v-neck down to the hem. I like this dress because it hugs my body and it shows off my curves. I wore a pair of gold heeled strap sandals. I kept my hair simple and pulled it up in a ponytail.

I eagerly watch my clock, I haven't talked to Chris since the other night. For all I know he changed his mind about me coming along. I stand up and look at myself in the small mirror I have on the wall. I look decent enough, not as lifeless as I have the past few months. My phone starts to ring in my purse.

I practically spring forward and grab my purse. I unzip it and grab my phone. It's a text from Chris. "Running a bit late, meeting went longer than I'd hoped. We'll be there in about five minutes."

I reply "Okay, no problem."

I press send then grab my purse. I walk out of my office, locking it behind me. I go and clock out for the day. I walk down the hall and go outside to wait fo them. It's a warm afternoon but there's a light breeze. I lean up against the building and watch people walk by. I see John walk towards me, he must be back from lunch.

"Hey Charlotte, you heading to lunch?"

"No. I'm leaving early, I have a graduation to go to."

"Oh, nice, for who?"

"It's for my ex's sister. Last minute invite."

"Well I hope you have fun, listen..I was wondering if you were free this weekend?"

Oh god, this again. Maybe I should give him a chance. He's a nice guy and I already said I was considering it. I smile at him "Sure. How about Sunday?"

He looks at me shocked, like he wasn't expecting me to say yes. "Oh, uh, yeah Sunday's perfect. We can do dinner and a movie?"

The SUV pulls up to the curb, I nod "Sounds fun. Go ahead and get my number from Laura."

"Yeah, okay. I'll text you and we can get something planned."

"Sure, I gotta go though. Have a great rest of your day John."

"You too, Charlotte." He says then pulls me in a hug.

I hug him back and I see Malcom walk over to the back door. I pull away and say goodbye, I walk over to Malcom and smile at him "Nice to see you again, Malcom."

"Miss Montgomery." He says then grins

Malcom opens my door and I see him. Christopher Cerulli sits in the back seat. Looking as handsome as ever in his black suit, no tie, his white shirt open at the collar. My mouth dries up over how good he looks. I climb in to the back with him and Malcom closes my door.

I look at Chris's face, he looks stoic. His eyes would probably tell me more if he wasn't wearing his sunglasses. He turns his head to me "Good afternoon, Miss Montgomery."

We're back to that? He can't just call me Charlotte? I think we have enough history for that. I suck it up and sweetly say "Mr. Cerulli."

Malcom slides in the front seat, he starts the car then pulls out into the afternoon traffic. I buckle my seatbelt and place my hands on my lap. He looks at me again "You look lovely. Thank you for coming today. Ivy and I appreciate it."

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