Chapter Twenty: Happy

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Chris hasn't had another nightmare since I've been sleeping in his bed again. I've been worried about him being wrong and having a nightmare with me in bed. The way he was thrashing around was scary, he really sounded like he was in pain. I'm worried that he might hurt himself, maybe even me. It makes me wonder what he was dreaming about.

When I woke up I hear the shower going, I look over and Chris isn't in bed with me. I get up and go to the bathroom, I see him put his face under the water. I pull off the nightie I'm wearing and drop it to the floor. I open the shower door then walk in, I close the door behind me then I put my arms under his putting my hands on his chest.

"You okay?" I ask noticing how quiet he's being

"I had another bad dream. I got up in the middle of the night and I went to my office. I dozed off in there and I had one."

I sigh "I'm so sorry, if I knew I would've been there to wake you." I kiss his back

"It's okay. The water's helping me relax."

I kiss his back again and he sighs "This isn't how I wanted to start your birthday."

"I'm with you, that's all I wanted. You're doing great."

"You're too kind to me, you know."

I smile and hug him tighter, I let go and he turns around. He kisses me and he presses me up against the marble wall of the shower. I kiss him back and I rub my hands on his chest. He breaks our kiss then looks at me. "What are you doing to me?" I shrug "Being genuinely nice to you."

After our shower, we both got dressed. I had a hard time watching him dress without wanting to jump on him. I put on a pair of black leggings and a deep green oversized knit sweater. I comb out my wet hair then just leave it. Chris comes over and says "Ivy's gonna be here around four. Do you know when Max's coming?"

"Not till about five."

"Hm, well, if I knew that..maybe I wouldn't have had you get dressed."

I smile "Save it for tonight."

He grins and kisses the top of my head, look up at him and say "I'm sure if we wait, it'll be worth it."

"It always is."

Around five-thirty Max and Ivy show up, we all sit in the living room and talk. I sit next to Chris and he holds my hand. He rubs the top of my hand with his thumb. Ivy talks to Chris about how she wants us to come to her graduation in May.

"You guys need to come, it'll be so great. The whole family's coming. I promise Dad'll be on his best behavior."

Chris laughs "Fat chance. But, of course we'll be there with bells on. You know I'd never miss a chance to embarrass you."

"Please don't! I'm already nervous enough about the possibility of tripping over my own feet."

I smile at her "You'll be fine, just wear flats. That way you'll at least lessen the possibility of rolling an ankle."

"Did you walk at your graduation?"

"No, Max and I skipped it. Can't remember why now. We went to the after parties though. Do you remember why we didn't go?" I look over at Max

He shrugs "I was probably either to high to go or we just didn't want to. I remember picking up our diploma's at the office then getting the hell outta there."

Ivy looks at Max "How long have you guys known each other?"

"Charlotte and I met when we were young kids. We were in the same foster home, stuck like glue ever since."

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