Chapter 18

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Aurora awoke to her phone. She had a text.
Hey. Hope I didn't wake you. Was wondering if I could give you a ride tomorrow?
"Who was that?"
"Scott asking if he could give me a ride tomorrow."
"Oh? Isn't Chris giving you a ride?"
"I'm not sure. I assume. He never really said anything."
"You could always tell him you have a ride."
"Yes I guess I could."
Okay. I will be there at 8:00
Alright see u then
"What did he say?"
"He will be here at 8. I guess I need to tell Chris."
Hey. Wanted to let u know Scott is picking me up tomorrow.
It didn't take long till she got a reply back.
Oh okay. I'll see u at the studio then
Yes. Goodnight
Goodnight beautiful. Sweet dreams. 😊
"Oh my gosh! Aurora!"
"Look at this."
She showed Aurora her phone. It was a picture of Chris leaving their apartment with pj pants on. Authors note-I couldn't find a pic sorry guys I tried.

Chris is spotted leaving an apartment building in pj pants. Where has he been? What has he been doing? Does he have someone in his life?
"Oh my gosh! Do you think he has seen it yet?" Aurora asked.
"I'm sure he has."
"He hasn't said anything."
"Maybe he didn't know what to say."
"I will ask him about it tomorrow. Well I am heading to bed. I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight."
"Goodnight girl."
The next morning Aurora awoke to her alarm and got ready for her day. She ate some toast and drank her coffee. She has just finished brushing her teeth when their was a knock at the door. She opened the door to find Scott. He was dressed in khaki pants and a blue button up shirt that was open at the top and his white shirt was showing under neath.
Author note-this is best pic I could find. Couldn't find one exactly but he is still cute ☺️

 Couldn't find one exactly but he is still cute ☺️

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"Good morning. Are you ready to go?"
"Yes, let me just grab my stuff."
Aurora grabbed her phone and her purse and followed Scott to his truck. He helped her in then climbed in the drivers side and pulled away. They rode in silence. Scott looked over at Aurora a few times and smiled. When they reached the studio Scott opened Aurora's door, she climbed out and they walked inside together. Chris was talking to a young man. He looked over and saw them walking in. He walked towards them.
"Good morning Aurora good morning Scott."
"Good morning." They both answered.
"We will get started in a few minutes."
Scott walked away.
"So uh... how was your morning?" Aurora asked.
"Good. I'll admit I missed riding with you. It wasn't the same. I hated driving here alone."
"Aww. I missed riding with you too." Aurora smiled.
"You did?" He asked surprised.
"Yes. Oh uh Willow showed me something last night and I wondered if you had seen it."
"What was it?"
"That you were seen leaving an apartment building with pj pants and asking if you maybe you have a mystery girl."
"Oh," Chris laughed. "Yeah I saw. Don't pay them any mind. The press likes to stir up things."
Before anything else was said Scott walked back.
"You ready to get started? We have a lot to do today."
"Yes." They both answered.
They worked hard most of the day, filming up to the scene where Baby says she will do the dance with Johnny. They took a short break in between for fifteen minutes but then were back working. They finally called it day at 10 pm
"You guys have worked hard today. We are almost done. We will come back tomorrow and try to wrap it up. I will see you back at 9 tomorrow morning."
Aurora left the stage and was heading to the rest room when Scott stopped her.
"I will be ready to leave in 15 minutes if you want to wait."
"Alright. I will. I am just heading to the rest room."
Aurora walked off. Chris walked up to Scott.
"So you taking her to the bar?"
"Thanks Chris for setting up the zoo trip."
"Your welcome. I could tell how much you liked her but was afraid to make a move."
"Yes I was. I'm still scared. Scared I will mess it up some how."
"You won't. Just take it a day by day. Also I probably should tell you, but..." he paused.
"What is it?"
"Aurora has never been kissed before."
"What! Your kidding?"
"No. That's what she told me before we did the kissing scene."
"Wow. Well thanks for letting me know."
"Your welcome. Just don't tell her I told you."
"I won't."
Just then Aurora walked up.
"What are you guys up to?"
"Nothing," Chris smiled. "I will see you tomorrow. Have a goodnight Aurora." Chris left. Scott looked over at Aurora.
"Let me grab my stuff and we can leave."
While Aurora waited for Scott she looked at her phone. She had a missed call from Willow. She decided to call really quick.
"Hey girl!"
"Hey. What's up? I saw you tried to call me."
"Yeah. I got a call from work. They asked if I could come back to work Monday."
"Oh. Well do you think you are ready to go back?"
"I think so. It's just a matter of how I will get there."
"Well, I'll talk to Chris. I know he said he would help."
"I'll let you know. I am fixing to head to the bar with Scott."
"Okay talk to you later."
Scott still had not come back yet so Aurora decided to call Chris. He answered on the second ring.
"Aurora, everything okay?"
"Yes. Hope this isn't a bad time."
"No, I'm just sitting on the couch watching tv. What's up?"
"I just talked to Willow and they want her to come back to work Monday. You said you would help out, so I wondered if you..."
"Sure no problem. I start back filming Avengers Monday, but I will work something out. When does she have to be there?"
"I don't know. She didn't tell me that, but I can find out and let you know."
"Thanks Chris."
"Your welcome, anytime. You at the bar?"
"No, not yet. We should be heading there soon." Aurora said just as Scott walked towards her.
"Alright. Well let me know what time Monday."
"I will. Goodnight Chris."
"Goodnight Aurora."
Aurora hung up.
"Everything okay?" Scott asked.
"Yes. Willow told me that they asked her to come back to work. I called Chris to see if he could help. He had said he would get her there since she still has no car."
"Oh, okay. Well you ready to go?"
They walked to Scott's truck. He helped her in then climbed in the drivers side then headed to the bar. They arrived 5 minutes later. Scott helped Aurora out and they walk in together. After Aurora puts her stuff down in the back she heads our front. She starts whipping down the counters. A customer arrives and sits down. Aurora walks up to him.
"What can I get you?"
"Well hey there gorgeous! Get me a blue motorcycle."
"Okay coming up."
Aurora starts fixing the drink. She hasn't made this drink in a while. She remembers it is 1 oz tequila 1 oz rum, 1 oz vodka, 1 oz gin, sweet and sour mix, lemon- lime soda, but she knows there is one key ingredient after the 1 oz gin but she can't remember what it is."
Scott hears Aurora struggling and walks up to her.
"What's wrong?"
"I can't remember what else goes in a Blue Motorcycle. I haven't made it in a while."
"What have you put in it?"
"1 oz tequila, 1 oz rum, 1 oz vodka, 1 oz gin. I can't remember what comes next."
"1 oz blue curaco."
"Of course. That's why it's blue. Duh. Thanks Scott. I'm sorry."
"It's okay." He smiled.
Aurora finished the drink then looked over at the man.
"Do you want a cherry on top?"
The man smiled. "Would that include you?"
"Excuse me?"
He grinned again. "Yes gorgeous I would love a cherry."
Aurora added the cherry then walked over and handed him his drink."
"Here you go."
"Thank you gorgeous."
Aurora went back to making more drinks. She was constantly getting the one man drinks all night. He was starting to get drunk.
"I just love cherries. I would love to kiss your cherry lips."
"Excuse me?"
"Yes gorgeous. I can just imagine what it would be like to kiss those full red lips of yours and rub my hands all over you."
"Sir, please don't talk to me like that."
"Why not? Make you uncomfortable?"
"Yes it does."
"Why? Don't you want to be kissed? Give me your number and I'll call you. We can talk dirty and..."
"Sir! Please stop!"
"Oh come on gorgeous, you know you would like it," he says reaching for her.
"Stop! Let go of me!"
"Come on gorgeous stop acting like that. I can make you scream in a way you never have before."
"Let go of me!" She said trying to pull her hand away but he had a strong grip.
Scott is in the back and hears Aurora screaming and runs out. He runs out to Aurora.
"Sir, I believe the lady asked you to let her go."
"And who are you?"
"I'm her boss, the manager of this bar!"
The man let's go.
"Am I going to have to ask you to leave?" Scott asks.
"Then leave her alone or I will personally escort you out!"
Aurora walks over to the sink and washes a glass. Scott approaches her. She is shaking a little.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes. Thank you."
"Your welcome. He shouldn't give you anymore trouble. If he does let me know."
"Thanks Scott." She smiles.
The man finally left. He left her $400 tip and he wrote on a napkin
Sorry gorgeous. If you decide you want to have some fun give me a call. I can show you a good time 😉858-901-7980
Aurora couldn't believe the amount of money he had left. She took the napkin and threw it in the trash. She was use to being hit on, but nothing like that. She was glad Scott had been there to help. The rest of the night went by fast. Aurora stayed busy. Then it was 2:30. Aurora had just finished wiping down the bar and was heading to the tables.
"Aurora when you are done if your ready we can go."
Aurora finished cleaning the tables then grabbed her stuff from the back. Scott locked up and they headed to his truck.
They drive in silence to her apartment.
"Are you okay?" Scott asked as he pulled up outside her apartment.
"Yes, why do you ask?"
"You have been quiet just looking out the window."
"Yes, just tired."
"Alright. Well get some sleep. I'll pick you up same time tomorrow at 8."
"Okay thanks. Goodnight."
Scott watched Aurora get in her apartment the drove off.
Aurora found Willow laying on the couch reading. She puts her stuff down then walked towards her.
"Hey girl."
"Oh hey. I didn't hear you. How was your day?"
"Good. I got hit on today at the bar by a creep, but Scott made him stop."
"Yeah. Anyway. What time do you have to go in Monday?"
"Umm at 2 pm."
"Alright. I will let Chris know. I'm tired, heading to bed. Goodnight."
Aurora got ready for bed then climbed in bed and sent a text to Chris.
Willow has to be at work Monday at 2 pm
It wasn't long till he wrote back
Okay. I will work something out
Aurora lays down and was soon asleep.
The rest of the week went by fast. They worked hard filming and got done at 10 pm everyday. Aurora had no more trouble at the bar. That man never came back. She was glad. Finally it was Friday. They had just finished filming.
"That's a wrap! Good work guys! This movie should be out soon. I will see you at the premiere which will be in February. When I know the actual date I will let you know. Thanks for all your hard work."
Aurora grabbed her stuff and was starting to walk toward Chris when Scott came up to her.
"Hey. Do you think Chris could give you a ride? It will be a while till I can leave."
"Sure. I'll ask him."
"Okay. I'll see you at the bar in a little while."
Aurora walked towards Chris who was standing at the door.
"Hey can you give me a ride to the bar?"
"Your not riding with Scott?"
"He asked if you could take me. He said he would be a while."
"Oh, yeah sure."
Aurora waves to Scott then headed out to Chris's car. Chris opened her door then climbed in. They pulled away from the studio, it was quiet for several minutes until Aurora finally spoke. "I guess this will be the last time I'll see you until the premier."
"Why do you say that?"
"Cause we probably won't see each other again. Will we?"
"Why wouldn't we? We are friends right?"
"Well yeah, but I..."
"Well friends hang out and see each other. Can't we?"
"Well yeah, but I just thought that..."
"You and Scott aren't..." he paused.
Aurora looked at him. "Scott and I are friends like you and me." Aurora smiled.
"For now." He grinned.
"Have you worked out how to get Willow to work Monday?"
"I'm working on it," was all he said
He pulled up at the bar.
"Your welcome. I'll see you later."
"Alright." She stated to get out.
"Hey Aurora."
"Yeah?" She turned and looked at him.
"If you ever need anything don't hesitate to call or text. I'm here for you always," he smiled.
"Thanks Chris. That means a lot."
"Goodnight beautiful."
Aurora walked into the bar. Chris left the bar after watching Aurora walk in.
Scott came in about an hour later. Aurora was fixing a drink. They worked hard and stayed busy. Aurora had not stopped making drinks. It was a busy Friday night. Scott watched Aurora and was impressed with the way she handled the chaos. She didn't stop or panic once. Finally it was almost 3 and Scott started closing things up. Aurora wiped down the counters then started on the tables.
"You did good today Aurora. It was busy, but you handled it well."
"Hey, I was thinking. Why don't we take part of the day off tomorrow and do something."
Aurora smiled. "What did you have in mind?"
"I don't know. I was thinking maybe Ice skating."
"Ice skating! Really? I haven't been in years."
"I guess that is a yes?"
"I'm not sure how good I'll be. I've never really been ice skating."
"I can help you."
"Okay great. Well it's late. Let's get going. It's been a long day. I'm sure you're tired. I know I am."
After closing up they got into Scott's truck. They drove to Aurora's apartment.
"So, what time were you thinking tomorrow? Or rather later today?"
"Around 12 or 1. Will that work?"
He pulled up in front f her apartment. There was a new red 4 door Tesla parked out front.

 There was a new red 4 door Tesla parked out front

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"Who's car is that?" Aurora asked.
"You don't think Willow got a car do you?"
"No. She couldn't afford a car like that."
"Do you want me to go inside with you?"
"Yes. Thanks."
They got out and Scott walked with Aurora to the door. On the door handle she found a little bag. She opened it to find a key and a note.
"Oh my gosh!"
"What is it?"
"It's a car from Chris!"
"Yes. Look." She showed him the note.
Aurora and Willow,
I was not able to get your car fixed and I will be filming all day Monday for Avengers, so I thought I would get you car. Scarlett helped me pick it out.
"Wow," Scott said.
Aurora opened the door.
"Willow!" She called.
Willow came running into the room.
"Aurora what's wrong?"
Aurora held up the key.
"What's that?"
"Your new car."
Aurora read her the note.
"Wow! Where is it?"
"Parked out front."
Willow ran out in her pjs to the front.
"Oh my God! Wow, my favorite car and it's red!" She went back inside. Aurora and Scott were still at the door.
"I can't believe he did that!"
"Me neither."
"Well I better go," Scott said.
"Thanks Scott, for coming with me."
"Your welcome. I'll see you tomorrow at 12."
"Alright see you tomorrow." Scott left.
"I can't believe it!" Willow said.
Aurora lays the key on the kitchen island.
"Me neither. I'm tired heading to bed. See you in the morning or later."
Aurora got ready for bed then climbed in and sent a quick text to Chris.
Thanks for the car. That was very nice of u. You didn't have to do that. I feel like I need to pay you back some how. 😊
Aurora put her phone on the wireless charger then rolled over and went to sleep.

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