Alex: Okay, Michael on the other side of our wall here, we have three beautiful women who have volunteered to do this. You'll ask the questions, and they will give you their answer and at the end you can pick who you wins, but you won't know who any of the girls are, got it? Oh and they're all gonna talk with accents too.

Michael: Does-

Alex: No questions! So let's meet our contestants.
Alex panned to each girl showing who they were to the camera, without telling Michael who it was.

Alex: Girl number one.
Alex panned to Mia, and she waved to the camera, but had a pissed off look to her face because she didn't want to be there. She was going to talk in a French accent.

Alex: Girl number two.
Alex then moved the shot to Sienna who smiled, but then Jack came and stood behind her, which caused her reach her arms back to try to hug him. Due to the wall though, Michael couldn't see any of this. Alex shooed Jack away and he frowned while Sienna stifled a giggle. She was mostly here for laughs because no one else wanted to do it and there needed to be a third girl. She was going to be talking in an Australian accent.

Alex: Last but not least girl number three.
The camera panned to you. You had arrived early just as you planned and you set up this whole plan with Alex and the rest of the house in order to surprise Michael. You held your finger up to your lips for the camera, as if telling them to keep a secret. You have always been told that your British accent sounded so real, so you were going to do that one. Alex pulled away from his closeup shot on you, and backed up until he could see all three of the girls and Michael in the same shot. Alex then told Michael to start asking some questions.

Michael: How old are you?

Alex: Girl number one?

G1(Mia): I'm 19.

Alex: two?

G2(Sienna): I'm 16.

Alex: And three?

G3(You): I'm 19 as well.

Michael: Okay, so girl number two won't be chosen for legal reasons, plus I'm pretty sure it's Sienna because she can't an accent to save her life. Question two... Do I know you?

Alex: You know them all Michael, next question.

Michael: Okay. Um- If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go.

Alex: One?

G1(Mia): I would go to somewhere warm, and with a beach. There's one off the east coast of Africa that looks really nice but I forget it's name.

Alex: Okay and girl two.

G2(Sienna): An active volcano sounds like it would be pretty cool. Or to go see kangaroos.

Alex: Three?

G3(You): It's going to sound cheesy, but here, as in LA. I don't come visit very often because I live far away, but there's always lots to see and do here, and I have a lot of great people here that I love seeing.

Michael: I'm convinced I don't know girl three, because she's definitely British, so she lives in the UK, and I don't know anyone who lives in the UK, so I think you're lying to me about me knowing them all. I think I know who girl one is though, and girl two has to be Sienna, I'm at a loss for three though.

Alex: Do you want to ask anymore questions, or do you just wanna pick your match?

Michael: I think I have my answer, but an important question just popped into my head, so I need to ask it first. Number two doesn't have to answer if she doesn't want to because she's off the table anyway she's 16. Do you have a boyfriend, and could he or would he beat the shit out of me for picking you.

Alex: Okay, hahaha, girl number one?

G1(Mia): Yes I do, and yes he could, and he may or may not beat the shit out of you, but he's massive so I might not test it.

Alex: And girl three seeing as we're skipping two.

G3(You): I do have a boyfriend, but he wouldn't beat you up.

Michael: Okay I'm picking girl number three, cause she at least said her boyfriend won't beat me up which is better than girl one.

Alex: Okay, close your eyes Michael, we'll bring girl number three to you.
Michael closed his eyes covering them with his hands, and you walked over to be in front of him. You took a breath before pulling his hands down from his eyes whispering 'surprise' to him in your normal voice.

I felt someone grab my hand and pull them down, and I was met with her beautiful eyes. Her soft voice drifted into my ears as she whispered the smallest surprise to me. It took me a second to react because it was almost too good to be true, I was in shock. I jumped up off my stool that I had been sitting on and wrapped y/n into the biggest hug I have ever given her. I picked her up slightly off the ground and we spun in a circle a few times before I set her down, a smile splitting across my face from ear to ear.

"I thought you weren't gonna be here for another few weeks?" I asked her in disbelief.

"I lied, so I could come surprise you. The rest of the house helped." She giggled and blushed. By now Alex had enough content so he stopped recording, and mostly everyone had left the kitchen, so it was basically just y/n and me left in the kitchen. I wrapped my arms around her waist once again, pulling her in close to me. She snuggled her face into my neck, and I rested my chin on top of her head.

"I missed you so much, and I'm so happy you're here." I whispered to her. She pulled her head from my neck in order to look up at me, to which I looked back down at her.

"I'm glad I'm here too. In fact I was even thinking about maybe moving down here soon." She said to me with a grin.

"REALLY?!" I yelled out not being able to contain myself. She nodded, and in sheer excitement I grabbed a hold of the sides of her face and pulled her lips in to meet mine, and we kissed. We pulled apart for air a moment later, and I planted a kiss onto her forehead before running, jumping, and screaming around the house telling everyone the good news. She stood where I left her and just laughed at my foolishness.

I stood where he left me and laughed at his foolishness. I couldn't even begin to explain how in love I was with him, and seeing him this excited told me that moving would be the right decision. I knew that starting a new chapter in my life with that big of a change would be okay, because I would have Michael by my side.

Author's note;
I hope you all enjoyed the story! I had a dream similar to it last night and knew i needed to right about it. also i didn't proof read this so i'm sorry for any grammar mistakes.
happy new years eve to you all, i hope you all have a safe and great new years! here's to 2021, and may it be better than 2020. i'm praying to get 100k reads by new years because i think that would just be an amazing milestone, but i am so grateful for the 99.5k that you have all helped me accomplish already, and the 1.4k votes which just blows my mind completely! i love you all and am always here if you wanna dm me to talk.
until the next chapter... <3

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