Chapter 158 Who Took the Bird's Nest First?

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Chapter 158 Who Took the Bird's Nest First?

"Lady, do you still remember the source of the bird's nest?" Qing Yue asked.

Unknowing why Qing Yue would ask this, Qin Wanru answered questioningly, "Our mansion newly bought the bird's nest for mother in order to build up her health. She particularly asked her servants to prepare an extra bowl of bird's nest for me when cooking porridge!"

"Yes! There is not only one bowl but four!" said Qing Yue indignantly. Thinking of that scene that four bowls of bird's nest porridge were in the kitchen, she vented her fury and said, "It is Madam Shui's healthy bird's nest porridge and Old Grandma used her own money to let Madam Shui build up her health with that! However, why would everyone be able to enjoy the bird's nest now?"

"Did you ask about that?" asked Qin Wanru with her eyelashes batting.

"Yes, I did. I asked them who could have these bowls of bird's nest porridge and the supervisor of the kitchen told me that they were Madam Di's and Young Lady's. Why could they have them? It is Madam Shui's bird's nest! It is Old Grandma who spent her own money on it! You could have it because Madam Shui herself agreed to give you some in private! She even lied to you that she doesn't like bird's nest but likes its porridge so that there would be more bird's nest left!"

The more Qing Yue thought about it, the angrier she felt! The scene that the old maidservant took that bowl of bird's nest nearly made her blood boil!

"Qing Yue, did you get mad at that time?" Qin Wanru suddenly smiled and blinked her eyes.

"Absolutely! It is the bird's nest porridge which Madam Shui saved for you particularly! Why would they take advantage of it again?" said Qing Yue unwillingly.

"But if they don't?" Qin Wanru smiled with her crystal-clear eyes which looked like there was a lake in.

"What do you mean?" Qing Yue didn't understand.

Yujie who stood beside understood it immediately and asked, "Would Madam Di and Young Lady buy it themselves and ask the kitchen to cook?"

Her answer made Qing Yue's eyes almost pop out. She couldn't believe and asked, "Would Madam Di spend her money on it? Really?"

"Everything is possible. Why would this be impossible?" Hearing Qing Yue's words, Qin Wanru chuckled. She smiled lightly and said, "It was impossible in the past but it doesn't mean that it couldn't be possible now!"

Qing Yue was shocked. Biting her lips, she felt anxious and said, "Lady, I almost got mad and tried to knock over their bowls deliberately."

"Fortunately, you didn't. They might want to irritate you!" Qin Wanru warned, smiling lightly.

Her words suddenly reminded Qing Yue of the scene in the kitchen. She frowned and said hesitantly, "Lady, it, it seems so. When the old maidservant took those bowls of bird's nest porridge, she kept looking at me and chuckled, looking very proud of herself. Subsequently, she gave the old maid of the kitchen a small purse. Although they tried to be stealthy, I saw them!"

At first, Qin Wanru only made a guess at it but now she looked serious.

"Who took the bird's nest porridge first?" Qin Wanru's smile looked very deep.

"It was me. I saw that old maid tried to go upstairs to the attic so I stopped her. She said she was going to kitchen and now she got lost. I thought that the cooking of bird's nest porridge might finish so I went to kitchen with her in case she would come back and find out that you were in the attic. Before we reached the kitchen, she didn't know who I am."

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