"Aspen! I am so glad you could join us." Mrs. Gunner grinned at me, getting up from her seat and pulling me into a hug. I returned the hug before pulling back and she placed each other her hands on my arms before scanning over me "Well don't you look beautiful."

"Thank you. You do too." I smiled back at her before taking my seat between Juniper and Pierce. "Pierce. You're late." Mr. Gunner cleared his throat, sending a look over to his son "Thank you for joining us Aspen, you do look beautiful."

"Thank you." I swallowed a lump in my throat, glancing over to Pierce who I could tell was on edge. Every time Pierce had been around his dad it seemed like he went on some type of alert. I just hoped this dinner wouldn't turn into something else, although I couldn't help but feel awkward. Was I crashing some family dinner?

"So are you like Pierce's girlfriend now or what?" Reese asked bluntly while picking apart a piece of bread that was laid out on the table. I looked across the table to Xander to see how he'd react, knowing he was the enforcer of the no-dating rule. 

"No Reese, she's not my girlfriend," Pierce said bluntly back at her. Earning a 'Yeah ok' look back from her. Reese was definitely the sassiest out of the Gunner's and it didn't fail to make me chuckle. She was blunt but at least she was honest.

"Better not be." Xander muttered, earning glances from everyone "Crestmont rules."

"You know I never understood why you guys would make that rule. It never used to be like that in Crestmont, your father and I dated when we were in Crestmont and now we're married with six beautiful children."

"That's because your son over there went around to three different girls and caused how much drama in the gang. Archer and I couldn't take it anymore, it was best just to ban it." Xander was making it obvious to put all of it on Pierce. 

"You're just mad that you couldn't get Phoenix so you banned dating so you wouldn't just look sad." Pierce snapped back at him, and I looked over at Juniper in hopes that this wasn't about to turn into a fight. Before Xander could say anything, the server had approached us with a notepad and pen. 

"Welcome to Blue, my name is Clara. How may I start you off with some drinks?" She cheered happily. She had hazel eyes and long ginger hair that went down to her waist. 

"Whiskey. On the rocks." Mr. Gunner answered, raising his glass of champagne that had been set in front of him. Mrs. Gunner immediately sent him a look "Vance you know you shouldn't drink whiskey-"  

"This is a special occasion hun." He stopped her and nodded at Clara. She went around the table to take everyone's drinks before walking away. 

"So Aspen." Mrs. Gunner spoke up "Have you thought about what you want to major in for college? Or where you want to go?"

"Oh I wanted to major in nursing, probably go to Emerson- it'll be an easy commute," I answered. Emerson University was only about twenty minutes away from Aster's and since it's not like I was stuck with my parents, I wasn't really looking to room on campus. Plus it will end up saving me thousands. 

"Oh really? That's where Pierce and Juniper both plan on going if acceptations all go well." She offered me a smile and I looked over at Pierce shocked. I had to know Juniper was planning on going to Emerson, but Pierce didn't strike me as a college guy. 

"You're going to Emerson?" 

"Thinking about it." Pierce shrugged slightly while staring down at the table. "Oh good, they can live together." Mr. Gunner took a sip of his champagne and I sat up straight in my seat, shifting uncomfortably. Pierce and I living together? That would be a horror movie itself, we would both end up killing each other. I could see Xander staring down at the table, biting back his tongue after being so mad about finding out about Pierce and me. 

Ride Or Die | Book #1 ✓Where stories live. Discover now