Jisoo and Ryujin

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The purple haired girl wandered aimlessly through the streets. Her hands stuffed in her navy blue combat jeans pockets. 

She shivered slightly as the wind blew. 

"Nothing here" she whispered to herself, pulling out radio. 

She pressed the on/off button and begun

"3-1-2 repeat 3-1-2 Jisoo speaking. Anyone online repeat anyone online over"

She released the red button as she found a small building to sit in. 

A static pulled her out of her tired state

"16-1-1 responding 3-1-2 repeat 16-1-1 Jennie speaking. whats the issue? Over"

Quickly pressing the button the dark eyed girl spoke

"3-1-2 response 16-1-1 repeat 3-1-2 Jisoo speaking. No issue, I was wondering if anyone needed assistance over"

The response she got was quicker than she thought it would be

"16-1-1 responding 3-2-1 repeat 16-1-1 Jennie speaking. Move onto your next area. Once your done head back to base. Keep and ear out for radio calls. Message received?"

Jisoo sighed before putting her finger back on the red button

"3-2-1 response 16-1-1. repeat 3-2-1 Jisoo speaking. Message received. See you at base. Over"

Not checking if the girl had responded she put the radio back into her pocket and begun walking to her next area, checking if her shotgun was loaded fully.


The black haired girl skated through the streets, fiddling with her small game boy when she heard a loud piercing screech. 

She sighed heavily before putting the small game machine into her pocket. She swirled the cherry lollipop in her mouth before skating towards the noise.

She carefully hopped off her board and crouched behind a small stand as she watched a few Adelts roam the streets, occasionally screeching 

Her eyes squinted, trying to spot what the small creature was next to it was. She pulled her leather notebook out of her bag silently and quickly scribbled down the appearance of the creature. 

Sliding the book back into her back she swirled the lollipop once more before grabbing her automatic pistols from their holsters

"Show time."

She stepped out of her hiding spot firing, the creatures screeched loudly, dulling out the noise of the gun shots

Once she had taken down the Adelts, the small goblin looking creature grew to human size, running towards her with a devilish cackle

"Shapeshifter huh?"

She went to fire, but her guns simply clicked in response


She shouted as the shapeshifter  landed a punch to her chest. She ducked and hit the side, instantly fumbling around for some sort of weapon. 

"c'mon, c'mon. . . Finally!" she shouted in glee as she pulled out her small semi automatic AR-15

She rolled underneath the creatures legs, kicking it in it's kneecap as she did.

The shapeshifter dropped on it's knees letting out a screetch as it did, it turnt around quickly, aiming to land a swipe on the black haired girls stomach, however she was prepared.

The same second the shiftier turnt around, Ryujin filled it's head with at least 10 bullets. 

The creature let out one last scream as it fell to the ground. Shrinking back to it's original size as it died. 

She sighed as she wiped the blood off her face, unconsciously replacing it with dirt and more blood.

Groaning in pain she slumped onto the ground, pulling out her radio. 

"17-4-7 repeat 17-4-7. Ryujin here. Anyone online I repeat anyone online" she spoke, pain lacing her voice 

"Base to 17-4-7 repeat base to 17-4-7. Yeji speaking. Whats wrong?" Ryujin smiled slightly as her girlfriend spoke with worry evident in her voice.

"17-4-7 response to base. Ryujin speaking. Just minor injures. Nothing a bandage and some pills cant heal. Both area 5 and 7 are clear. L&CC too."

While awaiting a response, the girl pulled up her top slightly to inspect any wounds. She grimaced when she spotted a large gash along her stomach. She spun her head around the area to see any type of material. 

She smiled when she spotted a t-shirt at the back of the counter she was leaning on. Grabbing it she tore the material and took out some alcohol solution and poured it on the material.

The black haired girl held her breath as she tied it tightly around her wait. Her eyes begun to water as she felt the solution enter the wound, sending a burning sensation through the wound

"Base response to 17-4-7. Yeji speaking. Okay, just head back now. Radio if you need us to send out one of the medics. Over."

The radio went silent as Ryujin pulled herself up

"Pft, Kai couldn't be a medic even if his life depended on it. Little bitch passes out at any sight of blood" she cursed underneath her breath as she grabbed her skateboard.

She pulled out her game boy and begun to fiddle with it once more as she made her way back to base, proud she was able to complete both areas with minor fights.

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