Abarimons and Adelts

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Night was here, but the hazel eyed girl had yet to get back home. 

She slowly un-cliped her gun, and crouched lowly as she begun to walk. She was only a few minutes away. 

But they were quick. 

She took time to slowly spin her head around, taking in her surroundings, memorising the patterns of the wind. 

"Fuck sake." She cursed underneath her breath, feeling the wind suddenly change. 

She made her way to a hidden corner, looking up at the sky as she hid. 

The moon was a pinkish purple, the sky glistening in blood as she heard the low growls and loud screams. 

She checked the ammo in her gun before sticking her head out, checking around to see if she could spot the demons responsible for the noises. 

Not seeing any she turnt her head and stuck it back in the small spot. 

" Abarimons and Adelts. Lovely" she muttered sarcastically

Not hearing any noise, the girl scooted out of the small hole she was hiding in. 

Her foot scooted some loose gravel on the floor, causing a semi loud crumble, a loud scream followed after, causing the girl to scramble to her feet


She took off sprinting, alerting the creatures that surrounded the area. 

Panting heavily she looked behind her to see a tall thin werewolf looking figure chasing after her.

"It can run on two legs?!" she shouted in confusion, still sprinting with her gun tightly grasped in her hands

The creature let out a piercing screetch, making the girl halt in agony as she grasped her ears with one hand.

"Shut the fuck up!" she shouted, not being able to hear her own voice. 

Her eyes opened and she was surrounded by the creatures. 

The tall bony werewolf crept towards her slowly, saliva and blood leaking out of its large mouth.

She steadied her gun and smiled

"May as well knock you ugly fuckers back to the past"

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