Area 8

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Lisa was sitting down with Jennie laying comfortably in her lap. Her legs tightened over Jennie's torso as she softly stroked the girls head. 

Jennie smiled and closed her eyes, not wanting to move from this position, causing the latter to stretch her neck down and place a warm kiss on her nose.

"Could you guys stop being so fucking cute when we're around?"

Jennie's golden eyes opened as she located the source of the disturbance

"Could you finally get laid?"

Jisoo blushed heavily at the snarky remark, as did her partner. 

"Oooh double kill" Kai encouraged, laughing at the tomato faced girls.

"I'll take area's 1 and 3 tonight." Jennie said to anyone who was listening. 

Jisoo nodded

"Then I'll take 2 and 4"

Ryujin smirked 

"5 and 7"

They all looked over at Seulgi with a smirk on their faces. 

"Ugh for fucks sake. Fine fine I'll take 6

Yeji and Lisa spoke at the exact same time

"Whats wrong with 6?" the two girls smiled at each other before turning back to listen

Jennie lent more into Lisa's arms, enjoying the warmth as she spoke

"Nothing. It's a complete sit down area. You get max 2 kills from being there for at least 3 hours."

Chanyol looked at Jennie quizzically

"Why don't you just sleep there then? Like while your on patrol"

"Because if you fall asleep, you might miss something, or someone. If Kang fell asleep there and we radioed her and she didn't respond, we'd end up dead. So just have to stand there on guard for at least 2 hours tops"

Everyone grimaced in metaphorical pain

"Damn. Is area 8 unavailable right now?" Irene asked while soothing the upset Seulgi

"At night yeah. It hasn't been raided properly. Jennie said she'll take it in the morning though."

"Is there a lot of creatures there?"

Jennie shook her head at her worried girlfriend

"Not sure. But from what we always hear near the area. There might be that thing I saw before there. I can never hear the A&A's but when I  look back, their always there"

Lisa ran a shaky hand through her silver hair. 


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