Goldenrinn Eyeð demon

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"So what happened Jen? Your face is all plastered and your hand is all bandaged"

Kai asked, sipping on the beer her had just found in the fridge

Jennie looked up from Lisa's face and shrugged, her face now serious and cold

"I was on patrol. Started coming back and both Abarimons and Adelts were out. There was something else too. I don't know what but it was fucking massive."

Ryujin sat up from Yeji's lap 

"What did it feel like when you were near it?"

Jennie sat back, thinking about the feeling it gave her.

Jennie was able to feel the energy of the creatures, she wasn't sure why but was able too. 

"It was cold. Like I could see my breath cold. Even though there was a bunch of Adelts surrounding me, I could only focus on that one creature. It felt like it was drawing me into it. I don't have a fucking clue what it was, but if I ever see it again. I probably won't make it out alive."

The whole group sat up and looked at Jennie, who still had a cold expression on her face. She was the strongest out of the group,she never doubted her abilities. 

"Jen?" Lisa called out, pulling the hazel eyed girl from her thoughts


"What do you mean by that?" Yeji asked wearily, not liking the look on Jennie's face

"It literally forces you to only look at it. I can't even remember what it looks like,but you cannot take your eyes off it, not even for a second. You can feel everything around you, but you can't move, speak, or even breathe. It's like sleep paralysis without the sleep."

"fuck. we're gonna need ammo " Lisa said, sipping on her own beer

The rest of them nodded their head in agreement and amusement at Lisa's blunt statement

Jennie laid in her bed, hand behind her head as she faced the window, staring at the purple moon.

"I hate this" she muttered, not wanting to wake the people in the other dorms

They had so many issues, they had so many bad memories. So many times where they were just ready to give up.

She would normally share a bed with her lover, but she felt something off today so she decided against it.

Closing her eyes,  Jennie drifted into a deep slumber. 

A sharp pain in her leg woke her up abruptly. She shot up and looked down at her leg.

Red and black liquid oozed out of it, the liquid getting thicker by the second. Her breath quickened alongside her heartbeat. 

Her lungs felt as though they were burning and her eyes begun to water. 

The sharp pain in her leg, crawled up to her chest, turning further into her stomach, causing a loud scream to rip out of her throat.

Black dots begun to cloud her vision as she collapsed onto the bed, stiff as she held her chest, screams still filling the air. 

The pain overwhelmed her, and she found herself calling out in desperation


She carried on screaming, her eyes tightly closed, not even realising the younger girl was already in the room.


The brown eyed girl looked down at her girlfriends body, noticing the tight grip she had on her chest

"What the fuck?!" Ryujin shouted, entering the room. 

"I-I don't know, she just screamed out my name and I just got in" Lisa stammered out, worried and panicking

"Fucking tear it out!" 

Jennie screamed, still holding her chest in the spot where her heart would be

Yeji ran in the room, an injection tightly grasped in her hand.  She went up to Jennie's side and stabbed it harshly into the screaming girls shoulder.


Jennie's screamed died down as she could feel the liquid flowing through her body. Her breathing stayed heavy as she looked around the room, eyes never staying in one place. 

Her chest loosened up as her heart rate slowed. 

Foreign words formed behind her eyes, causing her to squint to read them

"goldenrinn eyeð demon"

Ryujin, Yeji and Lisa's eyes widened as they heard the girl speak the foreign language. Lisa rushed to Jennie's side when the girl closed her eyes suddenly.

"She's breathing"

The three looked at each other

"Later. She needs to be awake to explain this shit. Right now? I've got a pizza palace and a 3 headed fluffy dragon awaiting me" Ryujin said, walking out of the room. Yeji smiled at Lisa softly before following her partner.

Lisa ran her hand down the side of Jennie's face, wiping some of the sweat off as she did

" Don't stay strong for too long baby. It'll kill you" she whispered, laying next to the girl.

She cuddled up to the sleeping girl and held her waist. 

"Love you Jennie"

Infected | JENLISA AU|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora