Cerulean Skies

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"I'm gonna go in 2 days alone and fight it. I'll take the truck and load it up with all the essentials. While I'm doing that you guys should find a scout and tell him you need to leave with them. Radio me the co-ordinates and I'll meet you there"

A chorus of no's filled the room, all except Lisa and Jisoo

"Lisa, aren't you gonna say something? You did when she wanted to take the vial. Now she is literally saying she'll take out a fucking GOD KILLER alone and you suddenly mute" Seulgi shouted, the group not saying anything but silently agreeing

Lisa banged the table, glaring as her grey eyes swirled tears around like a storm

"You think I want this? Yeah Seulgi, lets all just fucking shout it out like you! No, I'm not happy, but did you hear her?! She literally told us that the thing was inside of her, and the extra bits we put in her are the only things that can kill it! Think logically and listen to what the fuck's going on!" She shouted, getting up from the table and slamming her and Jennie's door.

Seulgi stood with her mouth open, tears flowing past her lips

"Jen. You can't be serious right" Kai asked, his voice shaking

Jennie got up and walked towards the bedroom

"I am. Hopefully Jisoo can sort you guys out. I have prepare and so do you." She said, closing the door


Lisa sat crying in a ball on the floor, she didn't want Jennie to do this. She hated the fact that she had to do this.

But like she told Seulgi. Jennie is probably the only one who could end this.

She felt bad for shouting, but Seulgi wasn't helping the pain she was already going through

A soft tapping on her shoulder made her sit up, she instantly found herself in Jennie's arms, sobbing and blubbering like a child

"I don't want you to go Jen. But I know you have too"

She didn't hear much over her cries but she felt the other girl's body shaking. Ready to snap at her for laughing Lisa looked up to see Jennie crying, harder than Lisa, her golden eyes tightly shut as she looked above Lisa's head

"Jen" Lisa whimpered, upset that her lover was upset.

Jennie removed her arms from Lisa and covered her face, not wanting Lisa to see the state that she was in. She didn't even cry this much when Lisa tried to break up with her.

She gripped tightly onto her hair as she let out silent sobs, tears twisting around her hands

"I-I don't want to do this Lis. I don't wanna lose you guys." Jennie admitted painfully.

Lisa felt herself crumble at the pain in Jennie's voice.  Yes Jennie was the worst person to talk to when it concerned her own feelings, but right now Lisa could tell she was an inch away from blowing up.

Lisa wiped her own flowing tears and rested her head on Jennie's shoulder

"I know baby. Your strong. I trust you"

This made Jennie's heart burst, she let out a painful sob, one that had audio. Lisa flinched and quickly engulfed Jennie in a hug, sobbing with her

"Im so scared Lisa. I don't wanna see you hurt." She cried, wrapping her arms around Lisa as she buried her head in the girls chest.


The girl's laid on their bed, lights on, covers off and their faces stained with the tears they had shed.

Seulgi, Irene, Kai, Jisoo,Chaeng, Ryujin and Yeji watched as they slept. Their hearts aching. 

Even in sleep they looked in pain. 

"We should get some rest. We're gonna have to start training in case we have to fight something." Jisoo said, her voice quiet and hoarse.

Ryujin placed a comforting hand on the older girls shoulder, offering a warm smile.

Over the time they had spent together, they had all become family. Even with the issues and fights. The nights they would sit, drink and joke around were their favourites, and it killed them to know that the person who they shared a common admiration from could possibly be dead in the next 8 days.

They all nodded and walked out of the room silently, turning the lights off and closing the door.


Jennie sat watching the sunrise as Lisa slept beside her. 

She never understood why people would call the sky plain old blue. If anything it was cerulean, with light dashes of bright white and splashes of cyan. 

And none of those were shades of plain old blue

The colours slowly filled the once night sky, like an artist painting on their canvas. 

She sighed and looked at Lisa, feeling the same pain as she did last night. Only now, she had cried too much to shed even a single tear.

She felt exhausted, in pain and conflicted.

There was a part of her that told her she shouldn't do this. She shouldn't risk her life, and that she should just let the scouts blow this whole place up while they remained safe. But she knew it was selfish. Because then the Creature responsible for this would just escape, leaving the next closest country to deal with their issues.

She ran a pale hand over Lisa's tear stained face, softly kissing the girls nose.

"Don't trust me Lisa. Don't trust me when I can't trust myself"

Infected | JENLISA AU|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon