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Lisa stood on the beach, the sand brushing against her toes, as the crisp salt air filled her lungs

She was empty.

She missed her, and seeing the statue everyday, didn't make it any easier

"Lis, we brought coconuts" Irene chanted, making, Jisoo, Ryujin,Yeji and Chaeyoung laugh

"Thanks 'rene, where's seulgi?"

Irene sighed and pointed at the football court. Well, it was just a few sticks to represent sidelines, and a tent used as a goal. 

She was playing with three other people

"It's nice out here." Lisa said.

Ryujin and Yeji agreed before running off into the water, making Jisoo and Chaeyoung follow laughing

"She would've liked it" Irene commented

Lisa smiled. 

Of course she would've, she would've sat here and painted the entire place

"Hey guys! Meet my new friends!" Seulgi shouted, a few laughs from behind her

Lisa felt her heart catch in her throat

"Hey, my name's V. It's short for Vincent" The boy with a grin so bright it could light the sky. 

Too familiar

"My names K. Stands for Kaiotic, I'm V's boyfriend" He said with a proud grin

"Yeah yeah, let me speak now" The taller girl said, a smile on her face

"My name's Ruby. Not short for anything" She said, a grin on her face as Lisa watched gold flakes sparkle in her brown eyes

"Anyways, just wanted to introduce you guys, we're gonna go play in the water now" Seulgi said, dragging Ruby by her arm

"Hey watch it!" Ruby shouted jokingly as K and V followed behind

"I think- I think we just met our friends Lis" Irene said, shock plastered on her face


a/n lmao imma keep ppl hanging like that. 
Hope you guys enjoyed this book, I certainly think it was good for me because it's a new genre that I have now explored! Thank you for your support on this book, and I hope you all stay safe!

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