The Day Our World Ends [finale]

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We'll do it like this. Bomb to lead out, while it's leading, attach a few sticky bombs, blast it, shoot it up a bit. Let it play out

What about going back?

Don't tell me you actually thought?. . Okay. No. Jennie. Listen. This plan, requires all of you. I thought you understood that?

I-I do. I just thought it could be different. 

Do this right, and the God's may be lenient with your fate

Taking a deep breath Jennie crept slowly behind the Garhatha, taking out a few sticky bombs as she did

What are you doing? Lead it first! Or you'll die before it's weakened

Fighting back a groan, Jennie pulled out a causal bomb, throwing it just overhead of the monster. 

The second the bomb hit the ground, a blast shattered the area, as the Garhatha screamed out, stomping over to the noise source. 


Taking the opportunity, Jennie started throwing the sticky bombs, grinning madly when they stuck to the creature

It spun around with such speed that Jennie wasn't sure if it was ever facing the other direction. Growling it ran towards her, making her splutter, but take off too

Now would be a good time to let those bombs go, or they'll fall off

Clicking the button on her wrist, Jennie skidded to a stop to watch the bombs set off on it's back. Screaming out, a thick green liquid Jennie could only presume was blood,splashed everywhere, but obviously because of it's size, it was like watching someone getting a paper cut


Quickly unstrapping the AK on her back, and throwing her bag to the side, Jennie grinned 

"Lets go"

The second Jennie went to press the trigger, the Garhatha swung it's weirdly long, and crazy thick arms out, sending Jennie flying into a building

Her head spun as she hit the ground, and she was sure it was bleeding

It's nothing to serious. Just a minor wound. Try to get under it

Groaning Jennie quickly got up seeing as the giant ass thing was head towards her. Scrambling to the side, Jennie barely managed to escape, getting the side of her stomach slashed open was the best feeling, but she'd have to cope

She grabbed her AK and started firing, noticing that the Garhatha hadn't produced any spawn today

This isn't just your D-Day Jennie. 

Jennie ran underneath the creature, having to drop and skid to make sure that it didn't catch her in it's swings

She reloaded at record speed, and clicked her gun, shooting it wherever she could

Her back, side and head was in immense pain, but all she could do was fight through it

It was all going great, until the fat bastard sat down, crushing Jennie's leg in the midst

"FUCK" She screamed, leg feeling as though someone had cut it off

Take your sticky bomb, attach it to the bottom and tug your leg out. It'll be painful, but you've got it

For once, Jennie was glad that she had this spirit stuck in her

Once the bomb was attached, she did as told, grabbing the top of her calf, and tugging it as she pulled away with it.  Crawling away, Jennie looked and once she was far enough she pressed the button

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