The Unknown

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A pair of dark orange jeans stained with dark red patches and layered with small holes and rips, slowly manoeuvred around the corner. 

Night was approaching quickly.

The girl pulled her hat down further, covering her eyes from the dull pink sky, hoping to make herself seem as invisible as possible.

She stalked down the empty streets, occasionally turning her head to the side, not wanting to spot anything. . . 


A semi automatic gun lay peacefully on her back, her hand occasionally grazing the nozzle. 

Her hazel eyes temporarily fixed on the broken down toy shop, which was now reduced to rubble. She removed them quickly, not wanting to disturb memories that lay in the back of her mind. Undisturbed and unrecoverable

Eventually she had reached the end of the street.

"Not a person in sight" She muttered to herself.

She turnt on her heels and begun walking back down the same destroyed street, the street where the concrete had been ripped and thrown about in a desperate attempt to keep the people safe.

"That went pretty fucking well huh?" 

Sarcasm dripped from her voice, coating it as she scowled. Like many she had lost family to the struggle. 

They promised them that as long as they stayed inside of their homes they'd be safe. But like most government promises

The outcome was unknown.

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