The Change

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Before the girl could shut the door, Seulgi jumped up and pushed Lisa backwards. 

"What the fuck did I say?!"

Lisa just kept looking down at the wooden floor

"I told you. I fucking told, if you do something stupid, I'd fucking kill you!"

Seulgi shouted, getting down on her knees to grab Lisa's collar. 

"Look what you fucking did!" She landed a heavy punch on the girls face, causing the group to gasp. 

Lisa raised a hand to touch the blood on her lip. Anger flared up in her stomach

"You don't think I know I fucked up?!"

Seulgi laughed sarcastically as she threw another punch onto the girl's face, causing blood to splatter on the floor beside her.

"Oh wow congrats, you made a fucking revolution. That's not bringing her back though is it?!"

She went to land another punch on Lisa's face but her hand was suddenly pulled back, along with the rest of her body

Jisoo and Chaeyoung held tightly onto Seulgi's body, while Irene held her wife's hand.

"Seulgi. Come on, let's go to our room" Irene tried


Tears begun to flow out of the girl's eyes as she spoke

"We don't even know if she's alive, and this bitch is just roaming around like some depressed ghost"

A jingle from the double doors alerted the group.

Kai rushed out, followed by Chaenyol.

Jisoo and Chaeyoung drug Seulgi towards the door as Irene apologised silently to Lisa.

At the door, Jennie stood. Her face cut and bloody. Her gun hung lazily over her shoulder as she stared at the people around her.

Her features were more defined, her hazel eyes permanently stained with gold and black as she glanced around the room

She had a cold aura to her, causing Ryujin to shake her head

To her it felt as though they had just found her, wondering the streets alone. 

Her voice was cold and raspy when she spoke, as if she hadn't drunk in the last 2 days

"Excuse me please."

Wordlessly the group moved out of the way, intimidated by the girl's stance and appearance.

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