The Burial

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The body laid on the table, wrapped up in white and red sheets. 

Jennie and Seulgi had yet to show up, but they understood why.

Lisa sat comforting a blank eyed Kai, while the rest simply stared into nothing.

"Where are we gonna bury him?" Irene spoke up, her voice hoarse and quiet from the crying

"Jennie knows a place. We'll do it there" Ryujin spoke, she was the only one who didn't cry. Not because she wasn't sad, but because she had seen so many deaths that it no longer phased her. 

Jennie and Seulgi walked in with a small box of letter and photographs. Jennie nodded to a red eyed Seulgi who handed out the letters. 

"He wanted to be buried with his family. The pictures in the box. He wrote each of us a letter for after the burial service." Seulgi said, as she handed each person their own letter. 

"We'll need to hurry up. We-" 

Chaeyoung scoffed at Jennie, making the group's eyes fleet between the two.

"Our closest friends, no our brother just died. And your telling us we need to hurry up?"

Jennie bit down on her tongue, causing small droplets of crimson liquid to fill her mouth.

"Look, I mean't no disrespect. He was like a brother to us too. But the area that he's gonna be buried in, isn't always the safest. So we'll need to hurry, to keep each other safe at all times. We cant afford to loose another member of this family"

Chaeyoung's face softened, realising Jennie was probably hurting a lot more. Not more than Kai, but a lot more none the less


Jennie smiled as best she could before tapping Kai's shoulder.

"Let's get him in the truck"

The boy nodded, but didn't utter a single word as he gently grabbed his deceased lovers legs.

The two walked out of the basement and placed the body in the back of the truck.

"I'll sit in the back with him." Kai said, speaking for the first time since the Chanyol's death

Jennie nodded and hugged the boy, who returned it sincerely.

"I'm sorry Kai."

Once everyone was seated in the truck Jennie set off


| Jennie  Lisa |

| Chaeyoung  Jisoo Yeji |

| Ryujin Seulgi Irene |

| Kai Chanyol |


Surprisingly, the drive to the site was quiet and trouble less. 

Lisa held Jennie's spare hand at all times, knowing what her girlfriend was thinking.

Once they had parked the truck in a location that couldn't be seen, they got out and took Chanyol's body to a pre-dug hole. 

Jisoo, Chaeyoung, Irene and Seulgi stood in confusion, seeing Jennie place a small flower on another grave. 

"Who's grave is that?" Chaeyoung asked Yeji

Yeji sighed and pulled the 4 back slightly

"When Jennie first came her, she came with her brother. Taehyung. He was really cool, could fight like a god. The two of them were inseparable. I'm not too sure on the details, but one day when her, Tae and Kai went out, something happened. And Jennie came back, in tears holding an injured Kai, but no Taehyung. She never speaks of what happened, and neither does Kai."

The four girls looked between each other, feeling sorrow for the poor girl

"You guys coming or what?" Kai called over.  The girls quickly joined them for the burial. 

No words were spoken as Kai and Jennie threw soil over the sheet. Each layer of dirt had a single family picture of Chanyol's placed in the middle. They did it until the pictures ran out and the body was covered.

Once they had covered the body, Jennie and Jisoo stood guard, not wanting to speak.  The walked around the area in silence, guns at the ready.

"When I found him, I wasn't sure he was gonna make it. He was so pale and skinny. Didn't even say a word for a couple days."

Jennie bit back her surprise when she heard Jisoo speak, and nodded so the girl would continue

"I remember one night, I heard him crying. He was sitting over that box, looking at the pictures of him and his mom and dad. When he looked up, he looked so fucking broken. Not a single bit of happiness Jen."

"I vowed from that day on I'd help bring that back. So when we met you guys, and he met Kai. I was so happy. Because for the first time in the year that we had been together, he was happy. He always helped with something."

Jennie chuckled slightly

"Cheeky fucker wasn't he?" Jennie said, causing Jisoo to laugh too. 

Sudden gunfire brought them out of their world, as they ran back to the group. 

4 Abaridoms surrounded the group, and Ryujin and Seulgi looked as if they were running out of ammo. 

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