Connections and Elder Gods

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"Mass Killing Spree" Jennie said, wondering why everyone's mouth had dropped when she said that.

Kai ran a hand through his brown locks, groaning loudly

"You've got to be kidding me? Are you serious?" He complained

"Yeah not everyone has your type of stamina Jennie" Seulgi pointed out, making the rest nod 

Lisa however kept staring at her girlfriend.

She knew what she meant

"But that's not what you meant. Is it Jen?" Lisa asked shakily.

"No. It's not."

Jennie stood up and pulled out their large white board and grabbed a black marker

She scribbled down some dates, some foreign looking words and then stuck a image of something on there from her pocket

"So. In 8 days we need to do a lot."

"I'd say a week before you lot showed up, I had this episode. I thought something was digging into my leg. Turns out it was a very vivid and realistic hallucination."

She scribbled the word Hallucination on the board before continuing

"I can also sense when there are monsters nearby. The change in the wind, and the actual creatures aura. Hence why I knew that the little hobgoblin that got to Chanyol was actually a hobgoblin"

She scribbled 6th sense next to a messy written Hallucination.

She turnt around, gold eyes meeting Lisa's grey ones. Offering a small smile she looked at Jisoo.

"Seem familiar Kim?" She asked her. 

Jisoo stood up and walked to the board, slowly putting the pieces together

"8 days. . . .hallu. . sense. . .norse . .I GOT IT!" She shouted at the end, staring at Jennie with wide eyes

"The Kiecotta."

Everyone stared at the two like they were crazy. 

"Exactly. That's what happened when they were selected for the gods" Jennie said, smiling at Jisoo, happy to have found someone who was just as intrigued by it all as she was

"Can you guys fill us in??" Chaeyoung asked, feeling annoyed

Jennie nodded and sat down next to Lisa.

"So, the Kiecotta were originally mortals, they  were usually the strongest out of all humans. The gods and mortals back then had a great partnership. People would pray to them, and they would give them riches and jewels out of sheer kindness."  Jisoo started

"That's where protection came in. Everyone saw how the creatures were getting stronger and more out of control, so the gods requested 180 warriors to help them." Jennie said, eyes practically glowing

"Only 40 out of 180 would be chosen. The rest would be sent back down to earth to help the mortals with the creatures" Jisoo imputed, looking rather annoyed at the figures she just mentioned

"So the elder god Raza secretly sent down a vial of the elder god of strength Zale's blood to increase their fighting. Once it was sent down the 40 that were selected were told to drink the vial. Once they did they were put in a room for 24 hours." Jennie said, hand tapping on her leg, which is something she did when she was excited or interested

The group looked at Jisoo for the next bit of info, but Jisoo shrugged, not actually knowing. She fell asleep before she could read that part

"After the 24 hours each one of them claimed that either their leg or their arm was cut and bleeding during the night. Leaking black and red blood. They also claimed they're chest felt as if someone was sitting on it. After through investigation and a detailed look in the rooms, no evidence was found that any of that had happened."

The group stared at Jennie in surprise and confusion

"How did they look in the rooms properly back then? Medicine wasn't the best back then" Irene said.

"Well no matter what we may have learnt in History. Ancient Rome was the most civilised and medically accurate place in the world. Mainly because of their connection with the gods. So they had the skills to look properly."

"This is where it gets interesting right?" Ryujin said, faking a yawn. The group except Jisoo and Jennie laughed, the two pouting at her

"Its all interesting" Jisoo mumbled, sinking into her chair as Chaeyoung laughed at her and rubbed her hair soothingly

Lisa giggled and rubbed Jennie's thigh softly as the girl continued

"Once they had taken the potion they all according to the records, had gold, red and black eyes, defined features, taller than their human forms and a thin build."

"A lot of times people would confuse them for Aphrodite warriors but they weren't." Jisoo said, eyes shut as Chaeyoung continued to rub her hair

"However. It took only 8 day for them to be wiped out. You see, the British colony at the time found out. They tried to colonise Rome but were out matched. Plus Rome had the gods on their side." Jisoo finally said, still not moving from her position

"Yeah, so while the 40 god like fighters battled it out with the creatures in the higher realm, the 140 that were left tried to fight off the brits. It ended good for Rome, but on the 7th day after the attack. The British basically bombed Rome. The Kiecotta had no where to go so they stayed with the gods. But a Garhatha managed to get into the realm and literally killed them all"

"What the fuck is a garahsla?" Yeji asked, making the others laugh at her mispronunciation

"A Ga-rth-at-ha is essentially the leader off all the monsters. Kill it and they all become weaker, meaning they're slower, no shifting and certainly available for a nuke"

The room went quiet. Information had been crammed into their heads and they didn't know how to handle it.

"So what was your plan and what did it involve?" Lisa asked, fearing the answer

"2 days from now. I take a couple days out. Explore and try to find the layer. Once I do I radio co-ordinates and someone can come out and help fight it."

"But I have a new thought" She started, not looking at anyone

Lisa crossed her fingers and hoped that she wouldn't. . . 

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