Ancient Archives of Mythology

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Jennie groaned as she awoke on the medic table.  Her eyes adjusting to the multiple heads around her

"How many times have I told you? Don't put me on this table even if I'm dead" she muttered, sitting up slightly

The group laughed, while Lisa helped Jennie off the table.

"How do you feel?" Jisoo asked, smiling at the girl

Jennie tilted her head as if she was thinking about something

"I feel like a beer and a quick check up on the Archive's.  So if you'll all excuse me" She said, placing a soft kiss on Lisa's nose before she exited the room. 

They all sighed and shook their heads,

"This girl is gonna end up living in those damn accords." Ryujin said, amusement lacing her voice.

Chaeyoung laughed and slapped her back lightly .

"We all know the sound of the pages turning, makes Jen a hot mess"

A loud shout echoed through the building, startling the girls

"Oi! I can hear you!" Jennie shouted. 

Lisa shook her head

" Knew she shouldn't of taken the vial. Now how are we gonna keep secrets"

Jennie sat the ancient looking Library, pulling out a familiar book on the mythological creatures

"Abaridoms, Adelts,  Shapeshifters.  . .here we go." She said in joy, having found 1 of 2 things she was looking for. 

"Rspelts. Dark slimy creatures that are formed like dogs. Myths say they lived on earth at least 8000 years ago. They cannot stand like others, but have powerful claws that can send the average man flying. "

Jennie scoffed 

"Yeah no shit. Anyways.  Run at 110mph and can sense you via smell at least 3 yards out."

She sighed and made a mental note on the information she had just read. Planning on adding it to her own, homemade fact-file. 

"Okay, Hobgoblins. Child like creatures that can shift their faces. They are around 3 and a half ft, which makes them perfect children. Their baby like face disappears when they die. They turn a pale grey colour signifying their death. They have sharp pointed teeth and long blunt claws. "

Jennie nodded, going to close the book when a small emergency sign caught her eye on the hobgoblin page. 

As her eyes ran across the warning, she felt warm tears well up in her eyes. 

"Fuck!" she whisper shouted, closing the book and heading back up to the dorms.

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