Chapter 25

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I woke up with a start hearing my doorbell ding. I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs. There was a delivery guy waiting at the door. I opened the door and looked expectant at him.

'Miss Taylor?', he asked. I nodded and he handed a parcel over to me. It was square in shape and had a bit of weight to it.

'Could you just sign here please Miss?' he asked handing me his electronic tracker for me to sign. I closed the door and took the parcel into the living room and sat on the sofa.

What on earth had I ordered and forgotten about now? I was sure I hadn't ordered anything! I had a day's shopping planned next weekend for my trip but I was adamant I hadn't ordered anything.

I walked into the kitchen and a knife to open the box. I tentatively scored the box open and looked inside. Inside was a handwritten note:


I know you've really gotten into your photography lately and I'm so happy you're doing something that you love.

I wanted to get you a gift and I couldn't think of anything better. I've been told its one of the best on the market. Enjoy!

Chris xxx

Chris had sent me a gift, this was amazing. I pulled out the box with shaking hands. I looked at the writing on the box and saw he had bought me a state of the art digital SLR camera. It was immense. I had been eyeing up a digital SLR ever since I'd got back into taking photos but I knew I'd be saving up for ages to be able to buy one.

I took it out of the box and gave it a good look over. It was beautiful. Some people got excited over shoes or handbags, and yes I had a fair few handbags but cameras were much more my thing. I wouldn't be able to get to grips with it in time for the photoshoot today but this most definitely would be coming with me to Boston.

This eased my worries a little about Chris and I. Yes it wasn't flowers or heart shaped balloons but it was something he knew I loved. That meant more than all the flowers in the world. I knew he'd likely be asleep now but I decided to send him a quick message anyway.


Hey you Mr Sneaky Pants. I've just received my gift. I can't believe you bought me a SLR! It's an amazing gift Chris. I can't wait to start using it. Thank you so so so much. I don't know what I've done to deserve you, you're so wonderful! Hope this didn't wake you, but I had to thank you straight away. Will speak to you later. THANK YOU!!! XXX

I carefully put the camera back in the box and took it upstairs along with the handwritten note that I was clearly going to treasure forever!

It was 8.30am and despite being really tired I decided to start getting ready for the day. I could always come home and have a nap later on. I had a quick shower, not bothering to wash my hair as it had only been done the other day. I padded back into my bedroom from the bathroom and my phone was singing at me. It was Chris requesting a video call. Surely it was seriously late over in Boston!

'Chris!', I said in shock as I answered the call with a big grin.

'Hey darlin, so I take it you liked your present?' he asked mirroring my big beaming smile.

'Oh Chris, it's incredible, thank you so so so much. I don't even know what to say!' I said feeling completely overwhelmed now I was talking to him.

'Just say you'll use it to take all those incredible photos that you're capable of', he said.

'Of course I will, you're so kind and generous, thank you!', I replied tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. 'Isn't it in the middle of the night over there?', I asked.

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