Chapter 54

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The following morning, Chris had set his alarm for even earlier. Luckily we had had a major early night so I didn't feel like death this time around.

We both got dressed quickly, both downing a coffee and Chris arranged a car to take us to the Empire State Building. As we made our way into the awaiting car, I noted that even though it was the middle of the night, New York was still bustling. Very much living upto the title of the city that never sleeps.

'You ok Luce?', Chris said with a squeeze of my hand as we headed towards our destination.

'Yeah, bit tired, but looking forward to this!', I replied giving him a smile.

We soon pulled up to the Empire State Building, and the driver came round to open my door. I got out and just stared up at the building in front of me. It was enormous!

'Wow!', I exclaimed as Chris came up beside me.

'Pretty impressive huh?', he asked.

'Just a bit!' He took my hand in his as we walked into the building. It was very Art Deco and reminded me of the 1940s. We walked over to an attendant who was stood by the lift.

'Mr Evans, lovely to meet you, Miss', he acknowledged me as he hit the up button on the lift. We soon entered the lift and made our way upto the 86th floor. All the while, the attendant gave us a detailed history of the building. I found it fascinating and so did Chris.

'And this is the 86th floor', he said as the lift dinged and he let us disembark. What was infront of me made me grip onto Chris for dear life. We were so high up!

'It's ok Luce, I got you', Chris said giving me a squeeze. 'Come on, let's go over here so you get a really good view of the sun rising.'

As terrified as I was of heights I knew I was safe, so I tentatively took the steps towards where Chris was leading me to.

'Oh wow, this is incredible!', I said. The view was spectacular. The helicopter had given me a birds eye view of New York, this was giving me a panoramic. I grabbed my camera and started snapping away. The more photos I took, the more relaxed I became. The sun was slowly rising and it looked breathtaking.

I felt Chris encircle his arms around my waist and he rested his chin on my shoulder. 'Enjoying yourself?', he whispered into my ear making me shiver all over.

'Very much so, this is stunning Chris!', I said lowering my camera and just admiring the view and leaning back to rest my head on him. He removed his arms from around me and took out his phone and took a selfie of us both.

'Are we ready to go upto the 102nd floor?', the attendant asked.

'Yeah sure, come on Luce, let's go', Chris said taking my hand in his and heading over to the lift. 102nd floor?! Oh jesus!

Once we'd arrived at the 102nd floor, we tentatively stepped out. To be honest, yes it was super high, but it had been high enough for me on the 86th floor. I took a load more photos as the sun continued to rise. Chris snapped a few of me when I got brave and stood near the edge and tried to not looked panicked.

After about 30 minutes, we headed back down. We both thanked Aaron who had been our guide and headed out to our waiting car.

'Fun?', Chris said as we set back off for the hotel.

'Majorly. Scary as hell but seriously cool. Thank you', I said taking his right hand in my left and giving it a squeeze.

'You're very welcome', he replied bringing his hand up and placing a kiss on it.

It was around 9.00am when we got back and our flight back to Boston was gonna be around 12ish. As we were flying back in the private jet, we didn't have to keep to a specific time, but we figured we'd time it with the check out time of the hotel.

'I'm starving!', I said taking off my boots and launching myself on the bed.

'Let's order some breakfast then', Chris suggested removing his own shoes and bringing the menu over to me, lying down next to me and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

'Ooh, I might try eggs benedict, I've always wanted to try that!', I said getting a little excited. Some people ate to live, I certainly lived to eat! I passed the menu over to Chris and took my phone out and looked at the photos we'd taken. I decided to send a few to my parents, Charlie and Emma.

Chris went over to use the phone to order our food while I lazed on the bed and looked over all the other photos I'd taken while we'd been in New York.

'Luce, where did you put the tattoo cream?', Chris asked as he made his way over to me looking effortlessly gorgeous.

'Think it's in the bathroom', I replied sitting up and smiling. God he was handsome. He went to get the cream, reminding me to put the cream on my tattoos to keep them from going itchy. Chris came back out with the tattoo cream muttering "your turn" so I applied the cream to my new tattoos.

Breakfast didn't take long to arrive, we both devoured our food. I was famished.

A few hours later

We were all packed and ready to leave to get back to Chris'. Knowing that we were going to be in a private jet made it all the more exciting this time around.

We were soon at the airport and driven straight to the private jet on the runway. A stewardess welcomed us and took our bags off us as we made our way up the stairs. I still couldn't quite get my head around travelling on a private jet. It was just so luxurious! I was sure to wake up at any minute.

We settled in for the short flight. Chris offered me a glass of champagne and I gratefully received it. If this was the only time I'd ever be on a private jet I had to make the most of it. Right?

No sooner had we taken off then we were landing. It was a short walk to the terminal and we were soon on our way back to Chris' car to go back to his house. I settled in for the short ride back, Chris was quiet concentrating on the road. It had been such a whirlwind trip to New York and we'd packed so much in that the tiredness suddenly hit me and I felt my eyes closing.

'Luce, wake up, we're back', I could hear Chris' voice waking me gently.

'Oh hey, sorry', I said shifting looking sheepish that I'd nodded off.

'No need to apologise darlin', he simply said exiting the car, I did the same and we retrieved our cases from the boot of the car. Chris was going to pick Dodger up later on today so I didn't need to worry about a dog jumping all over me when I walked in.

'Hey Chris', I said as we walked into his house. 'Would you mind if I took a nap? I'm shattered', I said. My body had officially given up.

'No, not at all, go sleep. I'll go and see Ma and pick Dodger if you're ok being on your own?'

'Of course, I reckon I'll be asleep before my head hits the pillow. Think the adrenaline has worn off!', I said tiredly grinning.

'Go on, sleep, I'll see you when I get back. Spare keys are in the same place.' He placed a chaste kiss on my lips and shooed me to the guest room that I'd claimed as my own.

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