Chapter 71

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'Luce?', I could hear Chris saying. I blinked my eyes open and turned my head to see his smiling face. 'Morning sleepy head', he said with a grin.

'Is it morning already?', I asked squinting to look at my alarm clock seeing it was 11.30am. 'Bloody hell, it's almost the afternoon! How long have you been awake? You've not been watching me sleep have ya Chris cos that's just creepy?!', I said giggling.

'Nah , I've only been awake 10 minutes myself. Didn't realise how tired I was!'

I suddenly sat bolt upright in bed. 'Oh my god, I didn't dream it did I? You posted on your socials about us didn't you?!'

'I sure did', he responded grinning from ear to ear.

'Has it gone nuts?', I asked tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

'A little', he said shrugging.

'Chris, don't sugar coat it, I'm a big girl I can take it.'

'OK, yeah it's blown up. I just don't want it scaring you off', he responded taking my hand in his.

'Hey, listen. I'm not going anywhere. Yes it's gonna be one hell of an adjustment but it will die down eventually. May take some time but it will, we'll get there.'

'You're taking this so well Luce. I really thought you'd be freaking out right now', Chris offered running his hands through his hair.

'I'm sure at some point it'll all catch up with me', I said chuckling. 'But right now I'm OK. Maybe it was having to deal with the divorce and it was character building or something.'

'Well I hope this doesn't come off patronising but I'm really proud of you', he said lifting his arm so I could snuggle into his chest. He placed a kiss on the top of my head.

'I'm proud of me too actually. I know there'll be people who will call me names online, say I'm not good enough for you, that I'm ugly, I'm only with you for the money etc. And don't get me started if it ever comes out that I did the promo shots for Defending Jacob. But I believe in us, I love you Chris, so so much. I never thought I'd fall so hard so quickly but I guess that's what happens when the guy is you. You're special.'

'Stop it, you're making me blush!'

'I meant every word.'

'I love you too darlin'. Its been such a whirlwind but I'm glad how it's turning out.'


'You ready for this?', I asked Chris as we pulled up in front of my parents house.

'Ready as I ever be. Do I look OK?', he asked smoothing down his shirt, looking at himself in the flip down mirror and biting his lip nervously.

'You're such a diva. You look gorgeous, now let's get this over with. I've already told them we won't be here long.'

We both exited the car and walked up the path. Before we could reach the door, it opened showing my Mum  stood there with a massive grin on her face.

'Well hello you two, come in, come in', she beckoned us both in and closed the door. 'Let me take your jacket for you Chris', she offered fussing over him.

'What am I, scotch mist?', I asked waiting for her to take my jacket and realising I was being ignored.

'Oh you can do your own Lucy. Now come on into the living room', she took Chris by the arm dragging him. He turned round and looked at me pleadingly as I giggled following them both.

'Hey Dad', I said as we made it into the living room.

'Mr Taylor', Chris said offering his hand which my dad took and shook firmly.

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