Chapter 65

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*Just a short filler chapter to move the story along. *

The next few weeks flew by. I had quite a few photoshoots lined up; one for Charlie and Lewis for their engagement, a baby shoot and a family one. I had thought about offering to do them all for free, but after chatting with my Mum, Dad and Chris they all suggested I did a bit of research and then under cut the lowest price I found. Everyone was happy with the price and it meant I could save up.

Chris and I had regular video chats as often as we could and that's where I found myself 2 weeks before Christmas, chatting away to him curled up on my sofa on a Friday evening with a glass of red wine.

'Are you all ready for Christmas then?', I asked him taking a sip of wine.

'I think so, are you?'

'Pretty much yeah. I've just got to finish one last one and then send it off!', I said grinning. I'd been working on Chris' present for the past few weeks, juggling it with the shoots I'd been doing and I knew I had to send it in the next couple of days to make sure it got over there in time.

'I wish we could spend Christmas together Luce', he said glumly.

'I know, me too. Hopefully we'll be able to work something out in the New Year yeah?'

'I'm sure we can Luce. What plans have you got over Christmas?', he asked.

'Nothing much, just meals with family members. I'll see my nephew at some point hopefully. Hoping to see Charlie and Emma too', if I was honest I was so bummed that I wasn't going to be spending any time with Chris. This long distance stuff was seriously hard. 'Is it all family stuff for you too?'

'Yeah. I've got a pretty big family with aunts, uncles and cousins so it's non stop dinners that my Mom insists on doing. She loves hosting though.'

'She certainly seemed in her element both times we went round, she's very welcoming. I can see where you get it from', I admitted. He smiled at this.

'Ya know, I was thinking, next time I'm able to come over, what about me meeting your folks?', he suggested making me go bug eyed and almost choke on my drink I'd just taken a sip of.

'Really? You wanna meet my nutty parents?', I answered shocked.

'Sure. And I'm sure they're not nutty. They just care about you Luce. I can see why they do', he said with a beaming smile that made me melt.

'Flattery will get you everywhere Chris', I said with a wink. 'But if you want to meet them, I'm sure I could arrange it. I'd have to prep them so they didn't embarrass me though!'

'I'm sure they wouldn't Luce.'

'And I'm sure they would. Believe me, half an hour in and my Mum will have the baby photos out, guaranteed!'

'Well, I think that'd be nice. I'd love to see pictures of you as a baby. I mean, I can't see how you could get any cuter, but we'll see!'

'It's just compliment after compliment with you tonight isn't it. Thank you gorgeous, it's much appreciated.'

'Hey, just saying what I see darlin', he simply said.

'Well, I think it's only far that I see your baby photos next time I'm over then', I said with a chuckle.

'Really? I'm so dorky in mine, I had a ridiculous haircut, I was such an uncool child.'

'Pfft, don't be silly. I bet you look super cute.'

'Do you think you'll be able to come over Luce?', he asked changing the subject.

'I hope so. I've not heard anything from Morten about any job opportunities so if I did come over it may only be for a week, that's all I'd be able to take off work at the moment I think. Although, I did broach the subject with my manager about taking some unpaid holidays and she didn't seem too bothered by the idea. I think because the new system is in place and up and running really well she's not as bothered about me being on site. I'm sure if they were desperate I could logon from wherever I was to do whatever was needed.'

'Well, speaking of, you know the guy who wrote and directed Knives Out? Rian Johnson?'

'Yup. You've mentioned him before.'

'Well, I was showing him the promo shots from Defending Jacob. He was super impressed Luce.'

'Chris!', I whined. I was happy he was so proud of me but it felt he was trying to control me again.

'Now, hear me out. I just wanted to show off your work, that's all, I promise. But like I said he was really impressed with your work and he said he would keep you in mind for future projects. I thought that was good right?'

'That's actually amazing. Sorry, I didn't mean to overreact', I felt bad for whining now. He'd done it because he wanted to show off my work, that was all.

'That's OK. I understand. I won't pimp you out, honest', he said with a chuckle.

'Thanks, much appreciated', I said joining him in laughter.

I really felt so lucky that he was so proud of what I was trying to accomplish. Plus, I was feeling more confident now I'd spoken to work about having an extended leave of absence. Maybe I could get some work over in America for a little bit of time and then be able to spend time with Chris too. I just had to work bloody hard on getting my portfolio the best it could possibly be.

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