Chapter 43

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Back to Lucy's POV

I woke up with a start as Chris' alarm went off beside him.

'Morning darlin'', he said stretching his arms over his head and smiling at me.

'Morning', I replied with a dumb grin on my face.

'Are you ok?', he asked stroking my arm with a look of concern on his face.

'A little tired, but other than that I'm great. You ok?'

'I'm good', he said kissing my shoulder and looking extremely sexy.

'How long have we got till we have to be on set?', I asked.

'About 45 minutes, and it's a good 20ish to get there. I'm gonna have a quick shower. We can get breakfast when we get there if that's ok with you?'

'Yeah that sounds good to me. I'm gonna jump in the shower myself.'

Despite having spent the night together in the fullest sense, I wasn't ready to share a shower with him just yet. It felt way too intimate. I didn't think I'd be able to handle the sight of him fully naked, the lights had been dimmed last night but in the shower I think I may have fainted at the sight of him!

We both took our separate showers and quickly threw some clothes on. I chose some workout leggings with a nice cosy jumper and my walking boots. Chris let Dodger out and set some food down for him, I grabbed a bag with my phone and camera and we set off to the Defending Jacob set.

I could feel my nerves building up on the car journey there.

'Chris, are you sure you want me on set?', I asked for the 4th time this morning.

'Luce, I wouldn't have asked you to join me if I didn't want you there. You'll calm my nerves!', he answered.

'Do you seriously get nervous?', I asked turning to admire his stunning side profile and that perfect nose.

'Of course I do. I don't think there's any actor who doesn't. And if they say they don't, they're lying. Sure you can get comfortable but every scene I'm in there's always a slight nervousness to me.'

'I never would have guessed. You're a cracking actor', I told him resting my hand on his thigh. After last night I felt much more touchy feely and not as awkward about it all.

'Thank you darlin'. I love my work but I can't take all the credit. The writers really do an amazing job with the scripts. All the crew deserve recognition to be fair.'

We travelled another 10 minutes until we turned right into what looked like warehouses. These were obviously the sound stages they were using. It was all extremely exciting to me. Chris wound down his window.

'Hey Jerry!', he hollered at the security guard.

'Morning Chris!', Jerry replied as Chris drove past him and into a small parking area. We parked up and undid our seat belts. My palms were so sweaty and my heart was racing. But I was also super excited! This was a dream of mine to be on a tv or film set. I felt incredibly lucky.

'You ready Luce?', Chris asked snapping me out of my daydream and squeezing my thigh.

'I think so', I said turning in my seat and leaning over to give him a kiss. We exited the car and I slung my bag over my shoulder and took Chris' outstretched hand and we started to walk towards a small set of trailers.

'Hey Chris', someone said up on the right. 'You're needed in hair and makeup ASAP.'

'Ok no problem Allen, just gonna grab something to eat. This is Lucy by the way', he said pointing me out. I did a shy little wave. 'Luce, this is Allen, production assistant. Anything you need to know, ask him. He has eyes and ears everywhere!', Chris chuckled and Allen shooed him away.

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