Chapter 14

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After we'd eaten the pizza and had another beer I was feeling a little tipsy. It had lowered my inhibitions and I felt truly relaxed. I checked my phone and had 2 messages, one from Charlie and one from Emma.

'I just need to make a quick call', I said as I peeled myself off the sofa and headed into the kitchen. Once I got there I quickly dialled Charlie's number.

'Hey Charlie', I said as she answered on the 2nd ring.

'Hey hun, you ok?', she asked.

'Ummm yeah, I'm fine', I said.

'What's the matter, has something happened?' she questioned.

'No, it's been such a nice day, I just don't want it to end', I said sniffing slightly.

'Oh is he still there?' she asked.

'Yeah, we've just had a pizza and chilled for a bit, it's so nice', I said sighing.

'You're falling for him aren't you?' she prodded gently.

'Am I pathetic if I say yes?' I answered honestly.

'No, of course you're not, he sounds like a really lovely guy', she said.

'Oh Charlie, he is. He's kind, sweet, handsome, generous, thoughtful and he's constantly paying me compliments. I'm so not used to it. Plus did I tell you how hot he is? I mean, he's hot on screen, but my god in the flesh, it's hard to restrain myself, and that's me saying that! He's like sex on a stick!' I said. Charlie chuckled.

'Have you been drinking?' she asked still laughing at my outburst.

'Only a few beers, I'm not in work tomorrow, figured I'd need a day to come down from the excitement!' I said. 'Oh and guess what, he's asked me to go over to Boston in a few weeks to spend some time with him, I feel like I'm on cloud nine!'

'Oh wow Luce, that sounds serious!' she said in a very serious tone. 'Sounds like he likes you just as much as you like him.'

'I really hope so, cos he's got me hook, line and sinker', as I said the last word I spun round and saw Chris standing in the doorway of the kitchen with the sexiest look on his face.

'Just enjoy spending time with him ok', I heard Charlie say although now I was far too distracted by the sex on a stick that was stood a few metres away.

'I will, right I'm gonna go, but I wanted to ring cos I did promise', I said looking down at the floor to hide my red cheeks.

'Ok hun, text me tomorrow ok?' she asked.

'Of course I will, speak soon Charlie', I said as I hung up.

There was an awkward silence in the air as I placed my phone down on the worktop and scuffed the floor with my socked foot.

'Um how long have you been stood there?' I asked looking at him through my eyelashes.

'Long enough', he answered as he made his way over to me, his eyes never leaving my face.

'Listen,' I got out as he put his arms around me, lifted my chin up and kissed me passionately.

He backed me up against the worktop, putting his hands either side of my head on the cupboard behind and I wrapped my arms around his waist pulling him closer to me. He quickly dropped his arms, placed them around my waist and pulled me up so I was sitting on the worktop, him standing inbetween my legs. Typically, I took this time to bang my head on the cupboard behind me.

'Ow', I said as he pulled himself away looking at me with lustfilled eyes.

'Oh, you ok?' he asked rubbing the back of my head.

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