Chapter 12

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The journey passed quick enough, we chatted most of the way there. There was drinks in the limo so I had a coke and Chris had a water. Soon we were turning onto my street.

'It's number 7', I said to Chris who relayed this to the driver who pulled up just outside. What would the neighbours think of a limo on the street?! I'll be starting rumours!

Chris pulled on his sunglasses before exiting the car and came round to my side to open the door for me

'Mi lady', he said in a mock British accent.

'Why thank you kind sir', I said taking his hand and giggling like a school girl.

Chris thanked the driver and I led the way up the path to my front door while I got my keys out of my handbag. I unlocked the door and walked inside. Chris closed the door behind him and removed his sunglasses and cap.

'Wow Luce, this place looks great', he said as he looked around.

After the separation, Ian decided to move out and get a place on his own, and I was luckily able to keep affording the mortgage on the house we'd bought together. I'd made a lot of changes since he'd left, it finally felt like my home and not ours.

'You think so?' I asked shyly, thinking his house must be ten times the size of this little semi-detached 3 bed house.

'Yeah it's so nice and neat, and I love the art on the walls', he commented pointing at the various paintings I had up. There were mostly landscapes, but my pride and joy was above the mock fireplace, a photograph I'd taken of autumn leaves.

'I love art', I said taking my jacket off and setting it on the banister at the bottom of the stairs. 'Do you want a drink at all?' I suddenly felt really nervous and very exposed. As much as I had got beyond Chris being a Hollywood superstar, it was a very surreal moment him stood in my house!

'Yeah that would be good', he answered as I walked into the kitchen with him following.

'Luce you ok?' he asked as he came into the kitchen. God this guy was good, he could sense something wasn't right.

'How did you even know?!' I asked looking at him with wide eyes.

'I just got a vibe, what's wrong?' He came over and pulled me in for a hug.

'I dunno, it's just weird you being in my house is all. Not weird in a bad way, just I dunno, a bit surreal I guess', I shrugged.

'It doesn't have to be', he said lifting my chin up and placing a kiss on my lips.

'Ok, you're right, pull it together Taylor, tea, coffee?' I asked shaking myself and doing a bit of a Rocky punchy thing. Uh oh, he was gonna see I was bat shit crazy!

'Ok what was that?' he asked chuckling.

'Just giving myself a little physical pep talk, works wonders!' I said getting 2 mugs out of the cupboard.

'Coffee would be great', he said chuckling as I turned the kettle on and decanting coffee and tea for us both.

'So how long have you lived here?' he asked as he leaned against the sink while the kettle boiled.

'Umm well we bought it just before we got married, so 7.5 years I guess', I said taking the milk out of the fridge.

'Ah I see', Chris said folding his arms across his muscular chest.

'Luckily when we split up I was able to take on the mortgage myself and Ian moved out. I'm glad it was amicable as I love this house.' I said smiling. 'I've made a lot of changes though, he never really got my need for art or decoration, since he left I've re-decorated everywhere.'

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