Chapter 16

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I got to the top of the stairs and shuffled from one foot to another. My heart was beating so loud it felt like it was in my ears. I knew he didn't expect anything from me but I was still so nervous. Last night had been so spontaneous stopping in his hotel room with him that it kind of took me by surprise. But this has been coming for a few hours now and I'd worked myself up.

'Hey what's wrong?' he asked pulling me into him and stroking my back.

'Am I pathetic if I say I'm nervous?' I said resting my head on his shoulder and breathing in his scent.

'What is there to be nervous about?' he asked pulling me away so he could look at me, keeping his hands on my arms stroking up and down. 'And no, you're not pathetic at all, far from it.' he added.

'I guess last night just happened so quickly that I didn't really have time to think about it. I've had time to get myself worked up for this and it's caught up with me.'

'Listen Luce, I don't expect anything. At all. I'm just really enjoying spending time with you.'

'Me too. The last 2 days have been amazing.' I said looking at him through my eyelashes throwing him a shy smile. 'Ugh, sorry, I'm such a girl!' I said giggling.

'It's my favourite thing about you ya know, the girl part', he said making me giggle even more. I walked over to open the bathroom door and showed him where I kept the spare toothbrushes and left him to it. I padded over to my bedroom and closed all the curtains and put on the bedside lamp and turned off the main light. I went over to my chest of drawers and went through my pyjamas. All my pyjamas were all so silly. None of them screamed sexy, they screamed silly moron. I found my least weird pyjamas and quickly changed into them. They were Mickey Mouse ones, a pair of shorts and a vest top. I took my hair out of the messy bun and ruffled it letting it fall down my back. I'd been trying to grow it for a while and it was a good way down my back now.

'Hey', I heard Chris say as I turned round to look at him.

'Hey', I said. 'Did you find everything ok?' I asked pointing over to the bathroom.

'Yeah, teeth all clean', he said giving me a dazzling smile.

'So I'm just gonna go brush my teeth, be right back.' I said as I walked past him, lacing my fingers with his briefly.

While I brushed my teeth I thought about the last 2 days. It was like a dream and I was sure to wake up soon. If someone had told me a few months ago that I'd be going on a date with Chris Evans, spending the night with him and be planning to go and visit him in Boston I'd have laughed in their face. But it was real. What had I done to deserve this?

After brushing my teeth, using the toilet and washing my face I took a minute just to calm down before exiting the bathroom, turning the light off, and the light to the stairs and landing and walked into the bedroom. What waited for me made me blink several times to check I'd not knocked myself out.

Chris was lay on the bed, in just his boxers (they were black Calvin Klein's) with his arms (they were massive!) above his head with his eyes closed. He looked so damn sexy.

'Comfy are we?' I asked crossing my arms across my stomach.

'Very, you've got a good bed', he said gesturing around him to the bed with a sexy grin.

'Glad you approve', I said making my way over to the other side of the bed. Luckily he hadn't taken my side. He stood up and slid under the duvet as I did the same.

'Ugh, it's cold in here!' I said shivering. Stupid short pyjamas. I should have put my other ones on.

'Well get over here and I'll warm you up', he said doing a sexy little chuckle. I scooted over to his side and lay my head on his chest with my hand next to my head. 'Argh, god your hands are freezing', he said wincing.

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