Chapter 24

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Over the next few weeks, training carried on in work and with each session I was getting more and more confident. However, even though I'd been told I was very good at it, I was starting to think I wanted a career change.

For as long as I could remember I'd wanted to do something creative, either something in the film or tv industry or photography. I loved taking photographs. When I started at my current job I felt like I'd be there forever. But I had grown tired with it. At 34, I wanted to finally do something I enjoyed. Everyone should have a chance to do something they love. I just knew that I couldn't just up and quit my job as I had a mortgage and bills to pay.

I knew that if I wanted to pursue a career as a photographer that I'd need to build a portfolio. I thought the trip to Boston would be a perfect opportunity, but I also wanted to get started straight away. I made a point of going to different locations every weekend taking photos of anything and everything, Autumn being the perfect season.

After 4 weeks, I'd built up quite a lot of photos that I thought were worthy of being bought but I was lacking in photos of people. So I'd arranged for the coming weekend to take some photos of Charlie and Lewis in our local park to celebrate their 6 month anniversary. Charlie was well up for it and she knew it would help me out massively.

It was a Friday night and I was settled in front of the TV watching Gogglebox waiting for Chris to request a video call. We'd not had a lot of chances to chat lately. He had been filming a lot, and despite it being local to his home he had been massively busy. We had just over 2 weeks before I flew out.

I quickly sent Charlie a text to confirm the details for tomorrow's photoshoot.


Hey hun, hope you're ok. Just checking you and Lewis are still up for the photoshoot tomorrow. If we can meet in the park at 11.00am, should be done for 12. See you tomorrow!

She quickly replied.


Hey! Yeah of course we'll still up for it! Really looking forward to it. I'm so glad you're pursuing this Luce, you really are a talented photographer you know.

I was so happy with how well it had been going with building up my portfolio. However, I was flagging a little. With the training at work and then spending most of the weekends taking photos then going through them and editing them I'd had very little down time. Maybe the weekend before I flew out I'd have a rest.

My phone singing at me snapped me out of my thoughts. I picked it up and slid it to answer the video request from Chris.

'Hey darlin, how is my favourite Brit?' he said with a big grin on his face.

'Tired but very excited, how is America's Ass?' I cheekily asked.

'Cheeky. I'm good, I'm tired too. It's been a long few weeks filming.', he said with a sigh.

'Still enjoying it though right?' I asked concerned. He had been so looking forward to working on this project especially with it being so close to home.

'Oh yeah definitely. Just with it getting to the end of the shooting schedule I'm just a little worn out. Will be nice to have a break', he said with a smile. 'So what are you upto this weekend darlin, why are you excited?'

'I'm doing a photoshoot with Charlie and Lewis tomorrow in the park that we went to.'

'That's great Luce, I'm so glad you're so into taking photos, you've got a really good eye you know', he said with his pants dropping smile.

'Thanks Chris, that means a lot, especially from someone who has been photographed by many an amazing photographer', I said with a big grin on my face. I had told him about working on a portfolio and he was so positive about it and really supported me in doing it.

'So not long now until you come out, looking forward to it?' he asked looking expectant.

'Course I am! I cannot wait!', I screeched. My voice had gone up an octave.

'I can't wait to see you', he simply said with a wistful look in his eyes.

'Right back at ya. 4th November can't come quick enough, get me on that bloody plane already!' I said waving my hands around for dramatic effect.

We carried on chatting for almost an hour. With the time difference I always ended up going to bed so much later than usual but because we usually had our video chats at weekend it didn't affect me too bad.

'Right, I'm gonna let you go darlin, I know you've got a big day tomorrow', Chris said.

'I certainly have. I'm a little nervous, I don't normally take pictures of moving things! Especially ones that talk back! And believe me, Charlie talks back, she's a fiesty one when she wants to be!' I said.

'Ok Luce, you get to bed and I'll speak to you tomorrow yeah?' Chris said getting off his sofa and heading out of his living room into the kitchen opening his fridge door and grabbing a beer.

'Ok, night Chris, speak to you tomorrow', I answered. '16 days and counting', I added with a big grin.

'Night Luce, sleep well', he said and ended the call.

It had been weird lately. Because we hadn't been able to chat as much it hadn't felt as I dunno, intense? It felt almost like we were becoming more like friends than anything else. And I was starting to get a little worried that when I went over that the spark that we definitely had when he was here would have gone.

I went to bed and fell into a fitful sleep, worrying about my trip to Boston.

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