Chapter 50

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The next few hours flew by. Scarlett was incredibly friendly, the food was delicious and the longer we were there, the calmer Chris got. I think the couple of beers he had also helped.

I clocked the time on my phone and noticed it was almost 5.30pm.

'Wow, time flies when you're having fun!', I exclaimed.

'Well, I'd best head home, Colin and Rose should be back by now. But this has been so lovely, thanks so much for joining me for dinner', Scarlett said smiling. She was such a lovely down to earth person. She had been guarded about some stuff but on the whole she had been very open which I appreciated. I think Chris was enjoying one of his best friends get on so well with me too.

Chris stood up and enveloped Scarlett in a hug, I stood up and got swept into a hug from her too.

'It was so nice to meet you Lucy', she said giving me a big beaming smile. 'Look after this dork for me will ya?', she asked.

'Will do!', I answered grinning.

Once Scarlett had left, Chris and I sat back down. He was fiddling with his almost empty beer bottle.

'Penny for them', I asked him imploring him to meet my gaze.

'Oh, nothing', he not so convincingly added.

'Well I'm not buying that, come on, what's wrong?', I asked.

'I just wish that hadn't happened back at the tattoo shop', he said with a big sigh.

'What the paparazzi?', I checked. He nodded. 'So, it happened, it's finished, come on Chris don't be down about it. We escaped unscathed!'

'You sure it didn't freak you out?', he asked looking at me through his eyelashes.

'Ok, a little, but I gotta say as much as I can imagine it gets really annoying for you guys, I kind of got a rush out of it. It was like I was running from the law!', I admitted.

'Trust me, the novelty wears off pretty quickly', he said.

'Oh definitely, it was just, I dunno, a bit of a thrill for someone like me. But yes, I can see it getting very annoying, very quickly.'

'What do ya say we get out of here?', he said with an arch of his eyebrow.

'Sounds like a plan! Do you think we'll be safe to walk?', I asked. I really wanted to wander round New York but knew it could be difficult for him.

'We'll chance it!', he said standing up and reaching for my hand.

He donned his cap and sunglasses and we exited the restaurant. It wasn't on a busy street but I knew it would get busier the closer we got to the hotel. I gripped onto Chris' hand and we started our walk back to the hotel.

Luckily, everyone was rushing around and no one seemed to have time to stop and take a second glance at Chris. I felt myself relax and enjoy walking round New York City.

'You ok?', Chris asked glancing over at me. I nodded and smiled, he returned my smile. To anyone else we were just a couple walking through New York. It was so nice.

After 20ish minutes of strolling, we approached Central Park. Chris steered us to walk through it.

'You sure?', I asked tugging his hand a little.

'Positive, it'll be fine', he assured me. He really was chancing getting papped but he was risking it so I could experience something.

Central Park was so beautiful. It had been somewhere I'd always wanted to go. It was such an iconic place. Having grown up with Friends, it was a big part of pop culture for me. All the trees were changing in the Autumn and the scenery was just stunning. I just stared around with a big grin.

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