Chapter 8

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Saturday morning arrived quicker than it should have done. I hadn't slept well. I kept having mad dreams about the impending date. One dream I'd arrive and I hadn't done my hair and my makeup had streaked in the rain, the next it was the radio DJ Chris Evans instead of the handsome Hollywood actor. I decided to treat myself and let myself fall back asleep and didn't wake up till 11.30am.

I spent the day preparing for the date. I had a long soak in a bubble bath, shaved my legs, washed my hair and generally made myself feel calmer and more relaxed. I had something bigger for lunch and just a light dinner. I didn't know if he'd want to grab some food while we were out.

I took my time getting my hair and makeup just right. I went for golds and peaches on my face to compliment the emerald top I was wearing but vamped it up with some brown liner and just a slight pinky lip tint. I'd recently started wearing contact lenses and it made such a difference to my face to not be wearing glasses. I got my outfit on and looked in the mirror. I had left my hair to dry on it's own so I just had a few waves to it and ran through some serum to calm down the frizz.

'Not bad Taylor, not bad', I said nodding at myself.

Soon it was 6pm and I had to set off for the train to catch the tube to Charing Cross station which was the nearest tube station to The Savoy. I got a taxi to the train station, got a ticket and made the train with plenty of time to spare.

I departed the train and made my way to the underground and waited for the tube. It wasn't too busy for once so I wasn't pushed up against some nutcase which made a lovely change.

I got off the tube and took the escalator up to street level and exited the tube station. It was just a short walk to the hotel and as I got nearer I could see how grand it was. It looked stunning.

It was a coolish early September evening and I was very glad I'd worn a cardigan and a jacket. I checked my watch and it was 6.50pm. I was always early. I hated to be late. But sometimes it was to my detriment as I was always waiting round for people.

'Excuse me Miss', I heard a voice say as I shuffled outside trying to keep warm. It was the doorman who was letting people in and out of the hotel. 'Can I help you?' he asked.

'Oh no thank you, I'm just waiting for someone', I managed to squeak out. God I was nervous. What if he didn't show? What if I made a fool out of myself?

I didn't have long to wait to find out as the next minute I saw the doorman open the door and there he was. Dressed in dark jeans, a navy blue shirt and a black leather jacket. He had on some smart boots and his hair was slicked back. He looked absolutely breathtaking. He walked over quicker than I expected.

'Luce!, he exclaimed as he got nearer and engulfed me in a bear hug. I was slightly taken aback but I put my arms round him and leaned in. God he smelt good. He pulled away and looked at me.

'You look absolutely stunning', he said looking me up and down while smiling. I could feel myself go as red as a tomato.

'Thank you, not too bad yourself', I retorted while looking down at the floor all embarrassed.

'Well I do try', he said as he laughed. 'Where to?, he asked as he offered me his right arm and pointed in both directions for me to pick one.

'Well I've looked up some bars that aren't too public, I figured you wouldn't want somewhere too out in the open', I explained as we took a left.

'Thank you, that's really sweet', he said as he looked over at me.

It was only a 5 minute walk to the bar I'd found online. We chatted a little, but I let him do most of the talking. I was trying so hard to concentrate on what he was saying but my head felt too fuzzy and my heart was racing. I had to try and calm down. It wasn't just being here with him but I had developed social anxiety over the past 8 or 9 years and it was in full swing tonight.

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