Chapter 5

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The next few days went by in a blur. Work was mad busy. I barely had time to look at my phone let alone see if I'd had a message sent over from Stateside.

It was Thursday evening when I finally had time to breathe. I didn't work Friday's and I was looking forward to having a much needed rest. I was taking my nephew round for a playdate at Emma's on Saturday and so I could catch up with her and Riley. My sister-in-law and I have remained on good terms and Elijah loved his Auntie Lucy!

My phone suddenly buzzed out of nowhere, it was a whatsapp video call from Chris. Oh shit, I looked like hell! Did I answer it or decline? Was that rude? I decided to stop over thinking and just bit the bullet and answered

'Well this is new, hey! I said', waving - god he must think I'm such a dork!

'Hey Luce, just thought this would be fun, that's ok right? I'm not disturbing you?' he asked looking slightly concerned.

'No, not at all! I've literally just sat down, it's been a mad busy week'

'Oh really? We're just on a break here, I've got maybe half an hour till I'm back on set.'

'How's filming going? Are you enjoying it?', I questioned.

'Yeah I'm loving it actually', he said looking really animated. 'It's great cos we're filming right in my home town so I'm close to my family and I can go home every night.'

'When will it come out? Any ideas?'

'Not to sure, I'll let you know though, think it'll be on Apple TV'

'Cool. You'll have to excuse the mess of this', - I said drawing a circle round my face - 'I've barely had time to run a brush through my hair! Sorry!'

'What mess? You look great!', he said with a big genuine smile. And did I see a tinge of a blush on his cheeks?

I went really shy and I could feel my cheeks burning up. Did he just tell me I looked great? Or was it just one of those knee jerk reactions that everyone does to make you feel better? Stop over thinking Luce, live in the moment

'Thanks. So how long are you filming for?'

'In total, about 3 months I think. All depends how quick we can get it all done. That's the rough timescale though', he answered with a shrug.

'Does it get lonely being in your trailer so much?'

'It can do, but I'm in most of the scenes for this so I don't have much time to be alone to be honest. It's good though, keeps my head in the role. Plus I've got company right now', he said pointing at me through his screen with a goofy grin.

I smiled shyly 'I kinda get that. I suppose it's a bit like when I'm at work and I'm really busy, time goes so fast that the day is over before it's begun. Which where I work is a blessing!'

'How is the job going anyway? You mentioned a big project was coming to a head, are you getting anywhere with it?' he asked looking interested. How did he do that? He seemed so interested in anything I had to say and his memory was second to none!

'You remembered that?! Um yeah, we're starting to roll out the training at the beginning of September. It's scary but I'll be so glad once it's all live and rolled out. Just at the moment it can feel a little like pulling teeth, and my manager is no support whatsoever!'

'Have you always wanted to work in healthcare?' he said.

'No! Not at all! I've had a few different careers I've wanted, um chef, hairdresser, photographer and a producer.' I animatedly answered.

'Really? Producer?' he questioned looking surprised.

'Yeah, definitely! But by the time I realised it, I was too old and you have to start right at the bottom, usually voluntarily and I couldn't afford to not have a wage.' I said looking a bit down. It really had been the dream job. That or photography.

'Ah I see. Hey umm I've gotta go in a few minutes, but I kinda wanted to run something by you', he said looking extremely nervous.

'Yeah sure, sounds omnimous', I said laughing a little.

'Well you see', - he started scratching the back of his neck and looking really awkward - 'I'm actually flying over to London in a couple of weeks while we're on a break from filming. I'm coming over regarding another project and I'll be stopping for about 3 days. I was um wondering if um you'd maybe wanna grab a drink while I'm there?' he asked looking at me hopefully.

I didn't know what to say, I was doing my goldfish impression again but realised I needed to say something quick before he thought I'd froze

'Luce, you froze?', he asked.

'No I'm here, um yeah that would be, um yeah that sounds good', - I did a shy smile. He smiled one of those heart-breaking smiles he was so known for that made his eyes crinkle.

'Hey that's great. Well it won't be for a few weeks, but I'll let you know all the details when I do. Listen I've gotta go, they're shouting for me. Speak soon Luce.'

Bye Chris, speak soon

Was this actually happening? Had I just slipped into a parallel universe? Chris Evans, as in Captain America was actually asking me to go for a drink with him? Was it a friend thing or a something more thing? I'd never been very good at figuring out whether someone liked me. In fact I was shit at it. When I was younger I walked past a group of lads a few times who whistled, my reaction was to tell them to f off. How I ended up married is anyone's guess! My friends had to remind me that boys did that when they liked you. I needed to speak to someone who knew, I needed Charlie!

Sliding into my DMs (Chris Evans fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now