Chapter 28

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I closed the front door behind me and entered the living room. My Mum was sat watching TV and my Dad was sat on his phone. He looked up and smiled and my Mum turned the TV off.

'Hello sweetheart', my Mum said turning her chair round to me as I took a seat on the sofa. Their cat came and sat next to me.

'Hi', I said. I didn't particularly want to talk to them. I was so mortified by what was going to happen.

'Are you ok?', my Dad asked. I looked up and they both looked really concerned. I decided to be honest.

'Am I ok? Well not really Dad, no. I know I'm your only child, but you've got to realise that I'm not a little girl anymore! This is really embarrassing asking to speak to him! I know seeing me go through a divorce must have been really really hard for you. It was hard for me too. But you've got to let me grow up. For the first time in ooh about 2 years I feel like the old Lucy again. I'm not worrying about things. I'm smiling more. Emma and Charlie have both noticed a difference in me. And it may seem really unlikely, but I know why. It's Chris', I sighed.

My Mum came over and sat next to me and gave me a hug. She looked near to tears.

'I'm sorry sweetheart', she said sniffing.

'Don't cry Mum, please', I said pulling away from her. I didn't want to get upset.

'We just don't want to see you go through that again. We saw what it did to you', my Dad said.

'I know Dad. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. I've met the guy once. I'm going over to see him for 2 weeks. I'm trying to have fun. That's what people do. I've always been so serious', I said leaning against my Mum.

'Look, he'll be ringing soon and I don't want you sobbing on the phone mother!', trying to make them laugh. 'Just for god's sakes don't embarrass me. If you ruin this for me I'll bash your heads together!'

'We won't Lucy, it would just be nice to speak to him. He seems like he could be an important part of your life', my Dad said solemnly.

'I'm hoping so', I said smiling. 'I'll send him a message and see if he's free ok?' I took my phone out of my bag and saw he'd beat me to the punch.


Hey darlin, I'm home and ready whenever you are. Just give me a call whenever you're ready. Everything will be ok x

'Ok, he's free now. I'll just speak to him first. I'm going in the kitchen', I said getting up and walking into the kitchen while hitting the dial button.

'Hey Chris', I simply said.

'Hey darlin, everything ok?' he asked. I could hear the apprehension and concern in his voice.

'Yep. I've spoken to them. I think they realise where I'm coming from now. But my Dad would like a quick word if that would still be ok? God I sound about 15! I'm so sorry for all this Chris. It's mortifying!'

'Luce, it's absolutely fine, go on, pass me over.' I walked back into the living room and handed over the phone to my Dad.

'Nice to be speaking with you Chris. I'm sure this is a bit odd but we're very protective of Lucy', he said. I then saw a lot of nodding, smiling and repeated 'yes, I see, right'

I wanted the ground to swallow me whole so I picked up the cat and took myself upstairs to my old bedroom and sat on my old bed cuddling the cat. I felt like a 15 year old now!

'Lucy?' I heard my Dad say from the other side of the door after about 5 minutes.

'Yeah Dad, you can come in', I offered as he opened the door.

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