Author's Note And Apology

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Dear all

I'm so sorry I've not updated in a while. I'm massively struggling for motivation and time if I'm honest. It's been an incredibly hard year as I'm sure you'll understand.

Just to add insult on top of injury, things are quite difficult at the moment. One of our cats has a tumour and he hasn't got much time left so as you can imagine things are tough.

If anyone wants to give me a hand in writing I would welcome it with open arms. But for the time being I don't think I'll be updating this story for a bit. You never know, the mood might take me and I may write but I don't want to get anyone's hopes up.

I hope you are all well and if you've read any good Chris stories please recommend them to me so I've got some distraction and it may motivate me too.

Crystal xxx

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