Chapter 30

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After Charlie left I decided to start packing. I only had a week left and I wanted to be as organised as possible. I always packed a good week in advance. It was something that had driven Ian mental.

I packed as much stuff as I could. I had made myself a list of things I needed and ticked things off as I went. My phone pinging snapped me out of my packing zone.


Hey Luce, hope you've had a good day shopping with Charlie. I'm home for the rest of the day so if you wanted a video chat I wouldn't say no ;)

I didn't need asking twice, I sat cross legged on my bed and quickly requested a video call. Eager me?

'Hey darlin', you ok?'

'I'm good thanks. Got everything I need I think, I've just been packing!', I said very excitedly.

'Packing already?', Chris asked quirking an eyebrow.

'Oh yes, I'm very organised. I'm also seriously excited, I couldn't help myself!', I said slightly bouncing. Chris chuckled.

'I'm glad you're excited, not long now eh?'

'Nope! Just 8 days. I can't bloody wait!'

'I was gonna wait till the day before, but I've got a little surprise for you', he said with an apprehensive but excited look on his face.

'I don't know if I can handle anymore surprises. You talking to my Mum and Dad nearly did me in!', I said laughing.

'It's a nice surprise, promise Luce', he said with a gentle smile.

'Ok, hit me', I said bracing myself.

'Ok, well the filming has run over slightly. I'm gonna be needed on the Tuesday when you're here', he said.

'Oh, erm that's ok. I'm sure me and Dodger can keep each other company', I replied.

'Well I was kinda hoping you'd come down to set with me?', he asked.

'Me? You want me to come to set with you? No, you're kidding right?', I couldn't quite believe it. He was asking if I wanted to go and watch him do some filming. Surely this was a joke! It was only like my dream to watch something be filmed.

'Not kidding Luce, I'd love it if you came with me. It's just a little re-shoot, shouldn't take too long. I just thought you'd enjoy the experience. What do you think?'

'What do I think is that you Mr Evans keep getting better and better. That sounds amazing. Are you sure it's ok?', I couldn't quite believe this. This was turning into one hell of an epic adventure.

'It's absolutely fine. I've spoken to the relevant people and they're fine about it. Michelle is looking forward to meeting you!', he said smiling.

'Michelle is looking forward to meeting me? ARGH! This keeps getting better and better. I can't wait for this. Awww wow, eeeeeeee', I squealed.

'I'm glad you're so excited. I was a bit worried', he said chewing on his lip.

'Why were you worried?'

'Well I thought it may be a bit much.'

'No, not at all. You know how into films and TV I am. This is like a dream come true. Are you sure it's ok? I don't want to come across as a total fangirl. You know that's not the reason that I like you don't you?', I queried.

'Of course I do Luce, I wouldn't have asked otherwise', he responded with a megawatt smile.

'There's that smile', I sighed leaning back on my headboard.

'What this one?', he grinned like a maniac.

'Well maybe not quite that one you nutter', I quipped laughing. 'You are funny.'

'Is that funny haha or funny peculiar darlin'?', he asked me.

'A bit of both?!' I said grinning.

'I'll take that!' he said smiling back at me.

'So this week in work and then over to Boston I come, I'm so giddy, can you tell?', I asked bouncing again.

'Just a bit yeah, I'm glad you're looking forward to it. I certainly am!'

We chatted for a little longer until he had to go as he was going to visit family for a while.

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