Chapter 67

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This chapter could end up being quite beefy but I'm splitting it into sections. I've been wanting to write a certain bit of this for a while now. I hope you enjoy it.


Boxing Day

I'd decided to cook for my parents on Boxing Day. They did me Christmas dinner every year, even when I was with Ian we went for either Christmas Dinner or Boxing Day.

I spent most of the day cooking a Jamie Oliver meal and by the time they arrived my kitchen was in disarray.

We sat and ate the meal I'd spent hours making and made small talk.

'So, Chris has asked if he could meet you both next time he comes over. What do you think?', I asked taking a sip of my red wine.

'That would be lovely. I'm very keen to meet the man whose swept my daughter off her feet', my Mum said with a beaming smile.

'And you wouldn't embarrass me would you Mother?', I asked.

'I wouldn't dare', she said laughing.

'How do you feel about us meeting him Lucy?', my Dad asked.

'Nervous. But I really really like him and I'd like you to meet him and see why I like him so much. So yeah, when he's able to come over we'll have to arrange something.'


27th December

I was really looking forward to seeing Elijah and definitely my meal with Charlie and Emma. We had booked into a lush restaurant and cocktail bar and I was ready to let my hair down.

I'd arranged to have Elijah for a couple of hours in the morning while his Mum did some shopping.

It was so nice to see him again. I'd missed spending time with him. With work being so busy I'd not been able to see him as much and it kinda felt like as time went on things were getting strained with my ex sister-in-law. It was inevitable really having got divorced from her brother I guess.

Soon, it was time for Sadie to pick him up and me to start getting ready for my meal out with my two best friends.

I had a shower, washed my hair and started the long process of making myself look gorgeous. As I was in the middle of my makeup my phone buzzed next to me. It was a message from Chris.

Hey Luce, I'm gonna struggle to do a video call today, got lots on and a few work meetings. I hope you have a good night with Charlie and Emma. Hopefully I'll be able to chat with you tomorrow.

That was a bit strange. He'd not mentioned anything about any work meetings over Christmas. But I knew these things could happen at the last minute so I tried not to read into it too much and carried on getting ready.

Soon I was climbing into a taxi to pick up Charlie and Emma en route. I was super excited to spend time with them. We'd had a few nights at mine but hadn't been out for a long time. We all needed it.

We made our way into the restaurant and ordered cocktails and perused the menu at length while swapping our Christmas present stories.

'That bracelet is absolutely gorgeous', Charlie said as I flashed them my present from Chris that I had only removed to shower.

'I love how each charm means something too. He seems like a really sweet guy', Emma said. I nodded in agreement.

'Well, I wanted to ask you guys something. He's mentioned about wanting to meet my Mum and Dad when he's next over and I'd really like him to meet you guys too. What do you say?', I asked playing with my fingers.

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