Chapter 10

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'So, I've just gotta do something', I said peeling myself away from him.

'What?' he asked. Instead of telling him I just did it, I set off with a run and launched myself on the bed. 'Ive always wanted to do that!' I collapsed and started laughing hysterically.

'You're crazy', he said as he meandered over to join me.

'Oh come on, you've never done that?' I asked through my laughter. 'The amount of hotels with gigantic beds and you've never felt the urge?', I asked quirking an eyebrow shuffling up to rest my head on the headboard.

'Nah, not really, we have so little time, that I just get in the bed and sleep ready for the meeting, press or whatever.'

'Well, I think now is the time to do it', I said giddily.

'Oh I dunno', he said looking nervous.

'You, Chris Evans, movie star, who does a lot of his own stunts is scared of jumping on a bed?' I said looking at him in surprise.

'Not scared! I just don't wanna break something', he said running his hands through his hair.

'You won't break anything', I said egging him on. 'Go onnnnnnnnnn, you chicken?' Hey it worked in Back to the Future, maybe it would work now.

'Oh now you've done it', he said as he stood up and stepped away enough for a run up. 'If I break something I'm blaming you', he said wagging his index finger at me and letting out a low chuckle.

He ran and threw himself on the bed landing very close to me, and started laughing doing the left boob grab which made me do the same, minus the boob grab.

'See! How much fun was that?' I asked turning onto my side so I could see him.

'A lot actually', he said as he mirrored me and turned to face me. I yawned. 'I'm gonna go brush my teeth' he said as he moved off the bed and headed into the bathroom.

I lay back and put my arms above my head. This was incredibly surreal. Here I was, lay on Chris Evan's bed in one of his shirts no less, and he was just in the bathroom brushing his teeth and would be lay next to me in a matter of minutes! Life really does throw you a curveball sometimes!

Chris came out of the bathroom and turned off the light in the living area so the only lights on were the ones either side of the bed. He lay on the bed next to me and faced me, pushing my hair away from my face.

'You are so beautiful', he said, as he leaned in and started to kiss me. I let out a tiny moan and kissed him back wrapping one arm round his back. He moved his hand down and it landed on my waist. The kiss came to it's natural end.

'God you're good at that', I said all breathy. He buried his head in the pillow.

'What's wrong?' I asked touching his shoulder. He lifted his head and smiled at me, was that lust in his eyes?

'I know what you said earlier, but my god you look hot in my shirt!' he said and pulled me as close to him as humably possible and buried his head into the crook of my neck and chuckled. He was clearly turned on.

'Well it's a good shirt', I said laughing too. 'Listen, we need to get some sleep ok?'

'Ok, sure', he said, 'but I'm not letting you go' he asked.

'Well duh', I said. He started stroking my arm.

'Thank you for an amazing night Chris, it's been incredible', I mumbled feeling myself nodding off.

'You're welcome, and thank you Luce, I'm so glad we've met', he replied.

He kissed my forehead and I drifted asleep with a big smile on my face.

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