Chapter 18

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'Ugh', I said to no one as I sat up, pulling the blanket that's on the back over my legs feeling utterly grotty. I think to myself that today will mostly be spent watching Netflix, eating chocolate and feeling sorry for myself. Oh and looking at the photos we'd taken.

I grabbed my phone and opened up my photo gallery and scrolled through the pictures Chris took last night. My favourite was just the one of us both grinning at the camera. Chris had that lovely twinkle in his eye and I can see life back in mine. Emma and Charlie had mentioned on a number of occasions that since the divorce I hadn't been the same. I'd lost weight and had lost a bit of my sparkle. I'd always been a bit of a comedian but the divorce had really taken a lot out of me. Clearly Chris had brought me back to life. God that sounded sappy. But it was so true.

I threw the blanket off me to go and make myself a cup of tea, grabbing a pack of chocolate biscuits to accompany my drink and sat back down on the sofa. Now would be a great time to have a dog, I needed the company right now. I felt so lonely after spending the past 2 days with Chris. It's weird as I'm so used to being on my own but these past 2 days have opened a can of worms.

I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV and opening up Netflix. Absentmindly I searched for films with Chris in. There's only 2 - stupid Netflix - and I'd watched both of them, but I decided to watch Cellular again. It was one of his early films and I really enjoyed it the first time.

About 40 minutes into the film, my phone pings next to me and there's a text from Chris.


Hey Lucy, just back at the hotel grabbing my stuff. I didn't say it before but thank you for an unbelievable 2 days. I've had a great time with you and I can't wait to show you around Boston. I've already got so many ideas. See you soon darlin xxx

My heart skipped a beat. He's such a sweet guy. I pondered what I'm going to say and start typing a response.


Hey. I'm really looking forward to coming over to visit you. I've only ever seen Orlando so I'm really excited. I've had an amazing 2 days with you. Thank you for being so patient with me and not running when I started acting like a complete nutcase. It's mad that I've only spent 2 days with you but I genuinely feel like I've known you my whole life. I feel completely at ease with you, I can just be myself. So thank you. Take care and let me know when you're home. See you soon gorgeous xxx

I placed my phone down and concentrated on the film while I sipped my tea dunking in the chocolate digestives for good measure. My phone pinged again so I picked it up to take a look.


Hey hun, just on my lunch, how are you? Fancy me coming round for a bit tonight so you can fill me in on your exciting 2 days?


Charlie! My god, I've got so much to tell you. Yes, please do come round. He left about an hour again. I'm currently sat curled up in a blanket watching a film with him in like a complete sad act. Be prepared, I may cry! I apologise in advance!

I finished watching the film and decided I could do with some lunch but I didn't have much in and I couldn't last on chocolate biscuits all day so I decided to drive out to Tesco's to pick up a few supplies.

As I stepped outside, I saw my neighbour, Dave, coming out of his house with his dog Fido.

'Hey Lucy!' he shouted.

'Hey Dave, hey Fido.'

'You had company this weekend?' he asked looking intrigued.

'Umm yeah just a friend', I replied cautiously.

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