Chapter 58

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*Hang on! What's this, another update!!! You. Are. Welcome*

I continued to pack, complete with stupid grin on my face. It all felt like a dream. Chris Evans was falling for me! Life really didn't get much better than this did it?! Still, I had to face the reality of going home. I knew this long distance thing was gonna be hard work, especially with all the travelling that Chris did for his job. But we were both determined to make it work.

'Almost done?', he asked from the doorway. He'd just got out of the shower and I still wasn't used to seeing him in just a towel. I'm sure I was drooling!

'Yeah almost', I replied sitting down on the bed. If I didn't I would have fell over at the sight of him!

'Well good, cos I've got one more surprise before you go home!'

'It's not heights again is it?! Cos I don't think my heart could take it again, as amazing as it was!'

'No heights, promise. There's just something I'd really like to show you before you go.'

'Ok, let me grab a quick shower, won't be long.'

30 minutes later

I had put on one of my jumper dresses with tights and boots. It was significantly chilly now and Chris had told me to dress warm. It was about 5pm as we set out. Chris hadn't told me anything about where we were going. I was just hoping it involved food as I was starving!

As Chris drove, I took in his appearance. He wore dark jeans, brown boots and a black sweater rolled up to the elbow, he'd brought a leather jacket with him that lay on the back seat. It was such a simple outfit but he made it look effortlessly stylish and incredibly sexy!

We'd been driving for about 30 minutes before we pulled up in a small car park. If I wasn't mistaken we were by the harbour. As we got out of the car, my suspicions were confirmed when I saw all the boats bobbing up and down. It was already dark, the lights from the nearby buildings reflected on the water and it looked so beautiful. Luckily Chris had made me bring my camera!

'Care for a stroll?', Chris said as he held out his hand to me.

'Sure!', I said taking his hand in mine as we made our way along the harbour. There were vendors serving food every so often and I was hoping we'd be stopped at one of these places on our walk.

It was so nice to be walking along, hand in hand without a care in the world. We didn't need to fill the silences as we'd become very comfortable in each others company. Every so often, Chris would look over at me and smile and give my hand a squeeze. It was so idyllic, I felt like I was in a cheesy Christmas movie!

'Did you wanna take any pictures Luce?', Chris asked as we stopped briefly.

'Thought you'd never ask!', I said smiling as I took my camera and started snapping away. Chris just observed from the side with a knowing grin on his face.

'Fancy some food?', Chris asked after I'd taken a million pictures, including some of us both with big dorky grins on our faces.

'Oh thank god, I'm starving!', I said a little too dramatically.

Chris took me over to one of the vendors, they were serving street style food so I choose loaded fries and Chris got fish tacos. We found a bench to sit at while we ate our food and chatted about nonsense.

'Well that was delicious!', I said as I threw my rubbish in the bin. 'Never had street fries before and they certainly did not disappoint!'

'Good, tacos were good too', Chris replied as he got off the bench and offered his hand to me. I picked up my drink and took his hand as we made our way back down the harbour and into his car.

'That was such a lovely idea for my last night, thank you Chris', I said as we made our way home.

'That's ok. I know you said you got sea sick, but there was no way I could send you home without you seeing the harbour. And it's beautiful at night right?'

'Oh definitely. It's absolutely gorgeous, got some cracking photos hopefully!', I said excitedly. How I had any room left on my memory card was a mystery as I'd taken so many photos.

Once we were back home, I decided to get into my pjs straight away, I put on my lacy pjs for the last time and teamed the look with a pair of Chris' socks and one of his plaid shirts.

'Loving the new look Luce', Chris said from behind me.

'You don't mind me borrowing do you?', I asked fingering the shirt.

'Looks way better on you!', he simply said as he patted my bum as I made my way back into the living area.

Chris had set up the living room super cosy. He'd poured me a gin and tonic, stoked the fire and got loads of cushions and blankets out for us to snuggle under. I dived onto the sofa throwing a blanket over me and taking a sip of my gin and tonic.

'I can't be having too many of these, don't wanna be thrown off the plane for being pissed do I?', I said laughing.

'Well it would mean you could stay here longer!', Chris said plonking himself next to me. He'd changed into a baggy white t-shirt and navy joggers and he had matching socks to me. He made all clothes look designer, although I'd imagine the clothes were hardly from Primark!

'What time is your flight?', he asked as I took a sip of my G&T as he sipped his beer.

'The flight isn't till 12.00noon but I'll have to be at the airport for about 9am right?'

'Well....', Chris said trailling off.

'Chris, what have you done?', I said setting my drink down and turning my body to face him with a stern look on my face.

'Well you said, you weren't in work on Monday, and I wanted you here a bit longer so.....'


'I moved your flight a little later. Please don't be mad. I'm sorry!', he said with a regretful look on his face.

'You don't have to apologise, I just wish you'd told me! Kind of important!', I said. I was happy I had a little longer with him, but something deep deep down was niggling at me. Did he always get his own way? I deciced to put it to the back of my mind and take it for what it was. A romantic gesture to spend more time with me.

'I know, I should have told you straight away. It was a last minute thing, I only changed it yesterday.'

'They let you change it that last minute?'

'Well yeah.' He looked really embarrassed. Of course it got changed for him. He was Chris Evans after all. 'Oh and in the interest of not keeping things from you, I've bumped you upto first class again.'

'Chris!', I said tackling him and ending up straddling his lap, holding his arms up.

'Yes Lucy?', he said with a cheeky glint in his eye and an arch of his eyebrow.

'I've forgotten what I wanted to say! Damn you and your perfect face!'

'What this one?', he said scrunching up his nose and making his eyes all wide and scary like.

'Yes this one', I replied going in for a kiss making sure to keep his arms held up. It took all my strength as the guy was so ripped! I didn't last long as he soon had his hands wrapped round my waist and kissing me back.

'So what time is my flight then?', I asked stopping the kiss abruptly.

'5pm.' He quickly answered before he claimed my lips once again. His hands made quick work of removing his borrowed shirt, taking the straps down on my lacy camisole and kissing his way down to my chest. It was around then that I lost all control and all thoughts disappeared out of my head.

*Fill in the blanks yourself guys, just that little bit made me go all peculiar!*

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