Chapter 51

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Despite my incessant mithering, Chris wouldn't tell me anything about the plans for tomorrow. I gave up eventually and decided to go to sleep because he'd emphasised we had to be up early.

His alarm went off at 7.30am and I wearily had a quick shower and got myself dressed. Chris followed suit. He was in a very chirpy mood, and I had to admit it was grating on me. I didn't do well with surprises, especially those that had me up at the crack of arse!

'Will you stop whistling?!', I said to him in a slightly aggressive tone.

'Why? I'm in a good mood!', he said with a big grin on his face.

'You may well be, but I don't know where we're going or what we're doing and I'm up early!', I said wearily.

'If it's bothering you that much I'll tell you!', he said flapping his arms around for added drama.

'Will you? Please? It's driving me mental! I feel so anxious!', I said defeated as I plopped on the bed to put my boots on. He came and sat beside me, took the boot out of my hand and took both my hands in his.

'Ok, well, we've got about a 50 minute drive to where we're going and we're having a private helicopter tour of New York!', he said with wide eyes.

'A what?!', I said snapping my hands away from him.

'What's wrong?', he asked looking crestfallen.

'Chris, I'm terrified of heights! Atleast on a plane you can't really tell how far up you are, oh god!', I replied throwing my head into my hands. It felt like my heart was beating so fast and I could feel a ball of anxiousness in my chest.

'Lucy, you're gonna be fine. I'll be next to you the whole time. I know you're scared of heights, you've told me before. But trust me, this is gonna be amazing. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise!', he said sincerely.

'You better had Mr!', I emphasised thus by poking him in the chest.

'Come on, we've got a few stops to make before we get there', he excitedly said jumping up to find his shoes.

'Stops where?', I asked finishing putting my boots on and grabbing my handbag, phone and camera.

'Now those are staying a secret!', he said stopping me before I could argue.

'You're enjoying this way too much Evans', I said frustratingly.

'Yup', he replied taking my hand in his and leading me out of the room. Once we were in the lift, he donned his usual disguise before we reached the lobby. Once the doors opened we saw that the lobby was quite busy, Chris gripped my hand tighter and headed for the doors where we could see a car waiting.

'Excuse me, are you Captain America?', we heard a little voice say behind us as we stepped outside. We both turned to look and were met with a little girl looking hopefully at Chris with who we assumed was her Dad stood behind her looking apologetically at us both. The girl couldn't have been more than 6.

'Hey darlin', Chris said crouching down to her eye level. 'Yes, I am Captain America, but I'm on a secret mission so you've got to keep it a secret, can you do that?'

'Oh yes!', she nodded enthuastically with a massive smile on her face. 'Um could I have a picture please Cap?', she asked meekly.

'Sure sweetheart, let's go over here?', he said mostly to her Dad as we moved over to the side.

'I'm so sorry about this', the man said to Chris.

'Oh it's fine, have you got your phone?', he asked.

Sliding into my DMs (Chris Evans fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن