Chapter 40

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'Could we maybe watch a film?', I asked Chris on my way back from the bathroom.

'Yeah sure darlin'. Got anything in mind?', he responded.

'Not particularly. I like most genres, apart from war films!', I said returning to my seat next to him and scooching closer to him. He placed an arm round my shoulders and returned to stroking my exposed shoulder while he stopped the music and opened up Netflix.

'Do you find it weird watching a film with someone in that you know? Or watching your own films?' I asked as he browsed through Netflix.

'Watching myself is super awkward. But I like to watch films in general so watching something with say Scarlett in doesn't bother me. Why do you ask?'

'I was gonna suggest a film but it's got Paul Rudd in, it's one of my favourite films.'

'Which one?' he asked.

'Role Models, it's bloody hilarious! Have you seen it?', I answered looking over at him expectantly.

'I think I've seen it. Man, Rudd has done that many films!', he said slapping one hand on his thigh for emphasis.

'That's because he doesn't age Chris', I said matter of factly.

'Tell me about it! Ah here it is, is that what you wanna watch?', he asked shifting to get comfortable.

'If that's ok, I just fancy not having to concentrate too hard on a plot and it's one of my favourites.'

'Of course', he simply said pressing play. I moved down a little and leant on his chest getting myself comfy placing a hand over his heart.

...A couple of hours later...

'Lucy, come on darlin, wake up', I could hear.

'Oh sorry Chris, I must have dozed off. You make a very comfortable pillow!', I said sitting up. 'I didn't drool did I?' I questioned looking horrified making him laugh in the process.

'Minimal drool Luce!', he said smiling and pulling me in for a hug.

'What time is it?', I asked enjoying being snuggled into him.

'It's about 10 Luce.'

'I bet you're not even tired are you?', I asked lift my head off his shoulder and pressing my hand to his chest to peel myself off him.

'Not particularly, but you clearly are. Why don't you get yourself to bed?', he suggested.

'I can't yet! This is my first day and I feel like I've slept for the majority of it! Slept and ate! I'm like a puppy!'

'Don't be silly, it's tiring travelling, believe me I know!'

'I just feel like I'm such a rubbish house guest!' I said flinging my arms around dramatically.

'How about this. We both go to bed and we watch something there? Then if you fall asleep you're in the right place to sleep anyway? Unless you wanted to sleep on your own -' I quickly cut him off.

'No, that sounds lovely. Thank you Chris.', I could feel my heartbeat speed up a little. I started fidgeting with my fingers.

'And enough of that, remember, you're my girl. Just having you here is enough for me ok?', he said taking my hands in his and looking at me. I'm sure he could see my soul with that penetrating gaze.

'Ok', I said shyly.

'Come on then', he said standing up and holding out his hand for me. I took it and heaved myself off the sofa grabbing my phone. Chris took the glasses into the kitchen and we headed to the bedrooms. I went into my assigned room and went to use the bathroom and brush my teeth.

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