Chapter 32

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After my very long soak in the bath, I got into my fluffiest pyjamas and quickly dried my hair with my hairdryer. Ooh would I need to take a hairdryer? Do men own hairdryers? Ian didn't, he barely had a wash in the morning let alone styled his hair. I made a mental note to ask Chris when we video chatted later.

I headed downstairs and noticed it was already 9.30pm. I had taken a long time having a bath! It had done me the world of good though. I felt completely chilled out. I went over to my DVD collection and decided to pop on one of my favourites - Miss Congeniality. I was a HUGE fan of Sandra Bullock and this was one of my favourite. I popped the DVD in and went and got myself a small glass of red wine and settled down to watch the film.

About 20 minutes before the end of the film, my phone started singing, it was Chris requesting a video call.

'Hi!' I practically squealed.

'Hello darlin' how are you?' he asked with his gorgeous smile. I noted his eyes looked extra blue today. Maybe it was the lighting. Whatever it was they looked all sparkly, like two deep pools of loveliness.

'I'm good, I'm fully prepared! Everything is packed or ready to be packed. I've had a bath to chill out, I've had a Chinese for dinner, checked with next door about keeping an eye on the house and I'm currently watching a film', I said letting out a big sigh. I don't think I'd taken a breath!

'That's a lot of information Luce', he chuckled.

'Sorry! I'm just so unbelievably excited! How are you anyway?', I asked.

'I'm good, just in from shooting. We started later today so it's been a much shorter day. Nearly all done now. I can't wait for people to see it, I'm really excited about it. It's such a good story.'

'I wish I'd read the book now!', I said throwing my free arm around for dramatic effect. 'Hey, maybe I'll see if I can buy it at the airport and read it on the way over?', I suggested.

'You can read a book that fast?', he asked wide eyed.

'Oh yeah, I got mad skills Evans', I said giggling.

'Clearly', he said joining me laughing.

'So, question for ya Chris, do you own a working hairdryer?', I asked looking hopeful.

'Will it emasculate me if I say yes?', he asked looking embarrassed.

'Nah don't be silly. Saves me bringing one, fabulous!', I said smiling.

'Glad I could help. I think', he said looking unsure yet still smiling. 'Are you really all packed?'

'Oh yes! I've had most of the stuff in my suitcase for the past few days. Hand luggage is practically done. I need it all out of the way as I'm going to clean the house from top to bottom tomorrow', I answered.

'You're cleaning the house? What for?', he enquired.

'I don't know. It's something I've always done. I like it to be nice and clean for when I come home I suppose. My Mum always says I'm tidying up for the burglars!', I said laughing.

'You're way too organised. I'm always on the last minute when I'm travelling', he said rubbing the back of his neck.

'Well, I'd imagine when you're travelling for press and stuff you're in and out pretty quick. Oh that came out wrong didn't it? And there's another one! Shut up Lucy', I scolded myself.

'You are funny', Chris said while chuckling at me.

'I'm glad I amuse you so', I said sticking my tongue out. 'So what are you doing with the rest of your evening?'

'I'm just going to tidy one of the guest room's up for you, gonna clear some drawer space and stuff. I want you to feel at home while you're here', he said sweetly.

'That's so lovely Chris, thank you. I can't wait to see your house. From what I've seen in the background it looks lovely and spacious.'

'It is, just me and Dodger rattling around. It will be nice to have company', he replied with that winning smile.

'I will try and be a good house guest and keep you company', I answered mirroring his smile. A yawn escaped. 'Sorry!'

'No need to apologise, you tired darlin'?'

'Yeah. It's been a mental week at work. Oh I didn't tell you, I nearly had to work tomorrow. They were thinking of putting on an additional training session. I was raging in work, swearing at my screen the minute I put the phone down to my boss. Luckily she rang late this afternoon telling me I wasn't needed. Bloody good job eh?! Who'd clean for the burglars?', I let out a massive laugh.

'You're crazy Luce', Chris uttered.

'Takes one to know one Evans. I am tired though, do you mind if I go to bed?'

'How many times Luce, you don't have to check with me!'

'I know, but these video chats seem to be getting shorter and shorter of late. I'm getting old being so tired all the bloody time!', I said exasperatedly.

'I got a few years on ya darlin'!'

'Ya still got all your boyish good looks and charm though', I said winking at him.

'Well I do try', he said with a flourish of his free hand and ran his hand through his hair leaning back on his sofa.

'Ok, I'm going to bed, I'll bring you along for the ride so we can carry on chatting', I said getting off the sofa and heading to the front door to check it was all locked up.

'Do you have a particular wine you like by the way?', he asked.

'Random question. I can't drink white wine at all. I love red wine, preferably a cabernet sauvignon and I like rose. I love prosecco and I don't mind champagne. Ooh I like gin and tonic and I love a beer. God I sound like a right alcoholic don't I?'

'Of course you don't. Ok, I'll make sure I've got a stock in then. I'm gonna nip out tomorrow after filming. Erm, why can't you drink white wine?'

'I got ridiculously hammered on it about a year ago. I don't remember some of the night or even getting home. Just the thought of drinking it makes me feel a bit sick if I'm honest. I'd never been sick from alcohol before that.'

'Really, you got to what 33 without throwing up from drinking? That's pretty impressive!'

I'd got upstairs and slumped down on my bed after drawing the curtains. 'Right, I'm gonna have to love ya and leave ya, my bed is calling me I'm afraid', I said yawning again and stretching my free arm up.

'Ok darlin, sleep well. I can't wait till I see you next because it will be in the flesh', he said giddily.

'Are you excited by any chance?', I asked getting up and making my way to the bathroom pausing before I went in.

'Very!', he simply answered.

'Me too! Very much so! Right, night Chris', I said waving.

'Night darlin'.'

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