month before I saw the horror

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Past one month prior before mew was with his secretary.
Taking a deep tired breathe, gulf was before the kitchen counter, stirring the food into the bowl.
Peering his eyes to the side, he looked to the kitchen table, he saw mew, sitting between the girls, feeding them, they both laughed at his sillyness.
Gulf then looked back at the task at hand to sign.
Wish mew would be that way with me, doesn't even seem to want to be anywhere near or even here. I.... Don't know what I'm doing wrong..... The only thing I could think of is were not having sex, not even kissing but how can I make a move when he keeps pulling away. I think.... Something really is going on with him and his seceratary, it would explain a lot and how he is moving away from me, but I am don't everything im suppose to, I cook, clean, go to work, make sure he doesn't have to do much here, yes we have been fighting a bit more, but that only happens when his seceratary calls him, Maybe it's not even for work anymore, there gave been times he didn't even come back, he says he accidentally falls asleep at the office, but could it be it's because he is with that.....
Gritting his teeth, gulf started to grow in a bit of anger.
Moving to the side, he then started to chop vegetables not really paying attention, all his thoughts were on mew, what he was doing wrong and thinking if mew was having an affair.
Turning his head, mew heard gulf in pain.
Getting up quick, the girls looked to there bowls to then start to play with them, getting very dirty has they sat to there high chairs.
Mew rushed to gulf, to grab his hand, he was bleeding.
Widening his eyes, mew then took gulf to the sink to wash the finger, there was a slight cut, to then run to the bathroom to get the first aide kit.
Coming back, mew shut the water, to place the kit to the counter to open, examining his wound, mew then acted accordingly.
After he bandaged gulf, the two were turned, to eye the bad finger, to then look at the other, eyes darting.
This was the first time in over 2 months mew held onto his hand. Showed gulf his gentle, caring side.
Has they started to go closer, they stopped.
Gulf then pulled his hand back and away, he turned to go to the counter to clean the mess.
Mew turned his head to eye.
Fuck! Why the hell are you going off now!
Retrieving his phone from his back pocket, he placed it to his ear, to place his body to the counter to look over Gulfs back.
"I'm so sorry to disturb you sir, but we have a bit of a problem here at the office. Your father left for the day, did not pay the custodian staff and they are threating to riot."
Mew signed.
"That really is not my....."
"I know sir, sorry sir, I called your father first and he told me to call you, stating yourll handle it. I'm so very sorry, I know this is your day off and...."
Mew signed louder.
"Doesn't matter, I'll be there in a few."
"Thank you very much, shall see you soon."
Gulf rolled his eyes listening to everything.
"Let me guess..... You have to go to the office?"
Mew walked to gulf to stand to the side of him, looking down.
"Yes, gulf I'm....."
He shook his head to throw away the bloody veggies pieces.
"Don't apologize, just go. Sure your more happy to do that." He muttered.
Mew turned his head to eye gulf in anger.
"Real nice. However, your right to a point, rather be in the presence of someone who is happy to be around me then you who is treating me like this. Go fuck yourself gulf!"
Gulfs lips parted, to then turn his head to watch him go.
Signing, he turned around, hearing a crash then crying. Hota had pushed her bowl off, before then, the two covered themselves in there food.
Gulf signed looking them over.
Just great....... Have to deal with a husband who is never home, could be having an affair and treating me like this....
Gulf took a deep before to then eye the floor, he felt he deserved this since what happened in there past.
Feeling bad about himself and this situation, gulf then went forth to clean.
After handling the situation to his office, the seceratary tried to get mew to go to a bar with him however, mew fixed the problem and hurried home, he knew this seceratary was terrible trouble, however he was doing a fantastic job and couldn't be fired, even though mew was trying to find a way, especially after that dream he had, he still didn't know what it meant, however it made him act more like a jackass to gulf, even though he didn't deserve it, and made him stay away even further, he didn't want to hurt gulf more then he already has and did.
Coming home, very tired, mew came in to look about his clean home, has he took his jacket off.
Gulf......I swear.... How can you do all of this?
I'm such a bad husband to you......
Walking forward, mew went to the stand to the other side of the couch to look down, he signed.
Of course you would be here, since that one night I told you to leave, you have not returned, I really don't Blame you gulf. I'm such a horrible person......
Peering his eyes down, he saw the blanket was only half way up, he then grabbed to place it over his body, gulf took a deep inhale but didn't wake.
Mew then placed his hand to his head to stroke a bit.
I love you Gulf......I love you so much...... I'm so sorry for the things I have been saying to you, you don't deserve any of them, I need to really tell you what really happened that one night but, what if you won't hear it all? What if you leave me? I don't know how I could survive without you and the girls. I love you just so much gulf and them.  I don't want to lose my family.
Taking a deep breathe he moved his hand away, to hand his head to grip to couch to close his eyes feeling despicable.
Turning from his side, gulf went to his back to look to for a moment, he then leaned up in horror, a hand to his chest, mew looked to him.
"Damn mew..... You scared me, what are you....."
Mew looked him over, he then let go of how he was feeling, mew just wanted his gulf, no matter what.
"Gulf...... I'm sorry for what I said to you, will you please, come to bed."
Gulfs eyes lit up, his heart thumped unevenly in his chest. Moving his arms up, he smiled.
"Only if you carry me."
Mew lightly chuckled to then move around the couch, to then gather him.
The two looked at the other.
"I love you gulf."
"Mmm, love you too."
Nodding mew, then turned to take gulf to bed, both going under the covers they embraced the other, has they laid to there sides, holding hands for the first time in a very long time, they both felt this was a turning point, or so they thought.

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