stumbling into my life

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Mew to the Terrance, looked over the snow, that blanketed the ground, but was gone off the roads, he was a bit over the guard rail, he then peered his eyes to his un lit cigratte, thinking of taking a puff.
Signing, and deep, he hold it up to his face, to tilt his head to eye it up and down.
Wish I...... Owned a lighter...... Wish I...... Would smoke it.......
Breathing out hard, he placed it between two fingers to flick it having it fall to the ground.
Placing his elbows to the top, he looked down to shake his head.
Whoever is able to smoke you, they are extremely lucky, I hate......14 years ago I promised gulf I wouldn't........ Why.....should I keep that promise when were not even together......
Closing his eyes a far off memory came in.
I hate smokers...... You need to quit so we can be together until we are really old, won't happen if you keep this up. So choose..... Me or cigrettes? If me..... Promise you won't smoke again.....
Mew smiled.
I..... Promise.....
Slowly he opened his eyes, to sign, looking over the night sky.
Turning, mew was having enough of this day.
Inside, he went to the cloest to take his coat off, to then go to the kitchen to clean, looking about, his face fell, he hated the silence.
Done, he went to the living room, to retrieve his phone, to eye.
I..... Know gulf has said never to.... Call or text unless it's an..... Emergency.....has to be about the girls but......
Typing, mew needed an update, even though it had been only a couple hours, he was missing his family.
Your..... Not a family anymore mew..... Not a complete one anyways.......
Signing, he press sent.
Gulf: they are fine, or are you thinking I am not capable of watching these two princesses. Has I recall when you worked your busy schedule and screwing your secretary, I had the girls, both of them, 7 days a week from when they were born to a year before we settled into our arrangement. When I had to work, deal with a bunch of things and the divorce.
Mews eyes furrowed.
Mew: gulf you have no idea what you are talking about! Stop being so crass.
Gulf: do not message me again unless it's an emergency and it's about the girls when you have one. I am not talking to you about this. That is the glory of being divorce, now piss off!
Mew took a deep breathe in to move his head forward to grip the phone to shake his head.
You...... Don't even......ugh!
Turning mew was ready to have this day be over.
After a warm shower, he got ready for bed, to go about, to take off his watch, to place to the side table, to place a hand to the empty space, a picture of him and gulf holding one of the girls use to be there, it was there till gulf came to collect his things, he shattered it against the wall.
Taking a deep breathe he looked over the bed that was the same, has when they shared it. Mew couldn't get a new one, this one held to many memories, even though it had that one bad one, mew couldn't fathom throwing it away.
Taking his hand from the table to the covers, he pulled them back to get in.
Moving to the center, he laid to his back, to place his hands underneath his head, looking up.
I really wish....... He would listen....... He really has no clue...... What...... Happened.....
Mew took a deep breathe to close his eyes, he didn't want to think about it, even though the text messages were harsh, mew couldn't stop missing his family, all of them, he knew he did slightly deserved this outcome.
Gulping, mew started to think of other things then his head slowly went up thinking of when he first met gulf.
Past mew 16
To his apartment kitchen, mew was sitting down, eating some chips, to look at his phone, going through some old emails, looking up sati came in.
Mew leaned back to look to him.
"Do..... You really have to have this party? I have to study, not just for my high school exams but I have to study for...."
"Massage school I know I know..... But mew you know how I am."
Mew peered his eyes to the wall.
"Well..... Now I do......"
Sati went to mew to place his head to his hand, bent a bit to the table.
"Well, if you could just satisfy me, I wouldn't have to throw these types of parties now do I."
Mew looked to santi with anger.
"You are such a...."
Straightening up, they both looked to the back of the door.
"Ah the first of the party goers are here, my time to way out who I will bring to my room or not. Mew I will try for us to keep it down, we well occupy the living room then later my bedroom."
Mew stood to eye santi.
"Whatever. Just be quiet, make sure that are consenting, not drunk and not under age."
Sati nodded with a smile.
"Of course. Now go....shoo with you...."
Mew rolled his eyes to retire to his bedroom.
2 hours later, he was too his desk, with his hands to the air, visualizing a human back, looking down he eyed the book.
Okay.....if I do this then......
Dropping his hands down, he turned in his chair to look down, eyeing a boy to his floor, who was to his side, trying very hard not to spill his beer bottle.
He breathed heavily, to eye around has he was too his side.
Mew got up to step to him, eyeing, to then hold a hand out.
"Are you.... Okay?"
They looked up with a gentle face, he was very apologetic looking in nature.
"Oh..... I'm so sorry......I just used the bathroom, and I..... Thought this was santis room......has the.... Party started to become smaller, he invited me and a few others to his room, for an.... After party......." He shrugged.
Mew took his hand a bit away to then shake his head.
"Mmm, take my hand, let me help you up, then you could go to him."
They nodded to take the others hand to stumble a bit, they eyed the bottle to then take a step back to then eye the floor.
"I..... Didn't spill any did I?"
Mew looked about to shake his head. Then looked up to him.
"I don't think so, now if you turn around, his door is the one down the hall."
They nodded.
"Mmm.... Thank you.....I am sorry I..... Stumbled myself in here..... I'm a bit of a light weight.... Hahaha...."
Mew eyed the bottle, it was only half gone.
"Oh..... Since your santis boyfriend, can you tell me..... Why is he inviting us to his room? I was fine in the living room."
Mew looked up to the others face, to cock his head.
"He.... Didn't tell you why?"
They shook there head, dumbfounded.
"No......has I said, has the party started to.... Downsize.....I saw him go to a few, boys and girls, they then went to his room, then he came to me and asked. I had to go to the bathroom first, but I really don't know, does he have something else plan? Do you know?"
Mew looked to the side.
Damn you santi, this is not okay, this is also not asking for consent.....
They shrugged, to look down.
"Mmm.... I'm very sorry to be asking you all of this things and becoming a bother. I should get back to the party. Sorry again, that I disturbed you."
Looking back to them they turned to go to the door frame to freeze. Mew stepped to him, feeling bad he didn't know of satis plan.
"Um...... How about this......I..... Need to take a break anyway.....I have a..... Mini fridge to the side of my desk.... How about you..... Stay and drink with me? I know you right? Your in my class?"
They turned to nod.
"That's.... Right."
Mew stepped to them with a smile.
"Well then..... Will you stay a bit?"
Maybe I can get them drunk and have them pass out so they don't have to deal with sati.
There eyes darted.
"I..... Don't want to be a inconvenience to you.....I can see your busy."
"Not at all.... Come on....."
Mew went to the mini fridge to then take out a bottle and another to turn to motion with it.
They turned fully to eye.
"Mmm..... You first need to drink what is in your hand.'
They chewed at there cheek to then look down at the bottle they had.
Mew smiled, to hand him the full one.
Looking to the other side of the desk, they threw away the semi empty to then go to sit to the edge of the bed, mew opened his to go to the door to close and lock. He didn't want anyone from. This "party" to come in.
They kept there eyes to mew.
"Are you.... Sure I'm not bothering you.....I could leave and...."
Mew slightly smiled to turn his head then body to go to them to sit to the edge.
"You are not bothering me, so my name is mew tyuro, I..... Can't remember yours."
"Mmm.... Gulf fero. You...... Probably don't really know me, because I sit to the back and..... I'm a bit quiet."
Mew sipped at his drink to nod.
"I've seen you though, so..... How do you know santi? He doesn't really introduce himself."
Gulf turned his head to look down to eye the bottle.
"I've been his tutor for the last 4 months. I'm surprise he hasn't told you, his boyfriend about that."
Mew gulped to turn his head forward.
"Ah...... What are you.... Teaching him?"
"Mmm.... Art."
Mew hung his head to laugh.
Gulf looked to him to raise his eye brows.
"Why are you laughing?"
"Gulf......santi knows nothing of it, but I'm sure his failing his art course, that's why he's gone to you."
Mew sipped more from his drink.
Not that.....I really know, these last few months.
Gulf cocked his head to the side looking over mew, a bit confused with his deamnor.
Turning his head, becoming uncomfortable he drank a bit too much.
Mew turned his head to eye, taking a hand up, he wrap his hand over Gulfs to lower the bottle, he looked to mew.
"Woah, slow down, you said your a light weight right?"
Gulf nodded, the two then looked to there hands still touching, for mew to then take it away to look forward.
Gulf looked to the other side, placing the bottle inbetween his legs, to chew at his cheek, the astromosphere surrounding them was becoming a bit un bearable.
"So....... How are you here then gulf? Santi inviting you I mean?"
Gulf shrugged, to look down to his bottle.
"He..... Said I'm too shy.... And quiet...... He wanted to help me.... So..... Here I am...... He is right about that, I'm trying to be......."
What I used to be, but after....... My ex..... It's a bit....trying for me to come out of my shell.
Gulf then grabbed the bottle to take a swig.
Mew turned his head to eye the action in confusion.
Gulf gulped, to then lean forward to place the empty bottle to the ground. Mew got up to get him another, to go to the other side to motion with it, gulf nodded to take it, peering his eyes to it, the tension was saturating.
Mew turned his head, to eye the wall.
"Um...... Let's..... Play a game."
Gulf turned his head to eye mew.
"What game?"
"It's something to break the ice, it's called questions, I ask you one, then me, then you and so on and so forth."
Gulfs eyes darted a bit intrigued.
"Nothing.....too personal..... Okay...."
Mew turned his head to eye then a smirk went to his lips.
"Okay..... But when the other asks something to personal they have to drink, deal?"
Gulf nodded with a smile.
"Okay..... Something easy."
"How old are you?"
"I'll be 17 in 4 months."
Mew nodded.
"How old are you?"
"Will turn 17 next month."
"Oh.... Happy almost birthday..."
Mew smiled.
"Thank you. So...... What was..... That a few moments ago? Why did you take a big swig of your beer?"
Gulf eyes darted to then take a Sip of his beer.
Mew lightly chuckled.
"Okay okay....... Tell me, do you have any siblings?"
Gulf took the drink down.
"I have an older brother, he is two years older then me, do you have any siblings?"
Mew shook his head.
"Not yet anyways, my mother is pregnant with my sister."
Gulf smiled.
"Thank you. So.... Why are you so quiet and shy?"
Gulf lightly chuckled to take drink.
"Mmm...... Do you.... Have any pets?"
"No..... My brother is allergic to dogs, that is all I want a puppy, do you?"
Mew shook his head.
"No..... Had a cat, he passed away when I was 11."
Gulfs face fell.
"I'm so sorry."
"It's okay he was really old. Was my mother's."
Gulf nodded.
"What about your mother?"
Gulf took another swig.
Gulf took another.
He took another.
Mew raised an eye brow.
"Can you at least tell me why you don't want to answer?"
Gulf placed the beer bottle slightly down to sway a bit.
"Mmm.... There.... Good people just......I .... Hardly know you.... And I.... Don't really talk about them..... To strangers...... Also..... They.... Are a bit......"
Gulf shrugged to take a giant swig just to empty the bottle.
Mew got up to get him another has he placed that one too the floor.
He eyed it to laugh.
"This......I think..... Is a losing game for me....I have now 4 bottles to your 1..... Heheh...."
Mew smiled wider looking to him.
"Then..... Something easy.... What's your favorite color?"
Gulf brought the bottle up to his lips to eye mew, who rose his eye brows, gulf lowered the bottle to laugh.
"Kidding....... It's yellow. What is yours?"
"Well..... What about..... Your parents?"
Mew turned his head, all humor washed through him, gulfs eyes darted, his face fell.
He then took a Swig of his beer till it emptied, getting up he got another, to sit to eye.
"Mmm.... Okay how about...."
"They....... Are good people....too.... They just..... Don't want there only son.... To be gay..... That's why.....I moved in with santi 2 years ago."
Gulf made a face.
"I'm..... Sorry..... What ended up happening that lead you here?"
Mew took a swig to then eye the bottle.
"Mmm.... If you don't want to talk about it.....I won't probe I'm...."
"I...... Knew I was gay, when I was 12, I kissed.....a boy for the first time, it was from that game.... Spin the bottle, we played it with girls but..... When I kissed them I felt nothing, with him I did. By......15, 2 weeks into the summer I couldn't hide myself anymore, I was also dating santi by that point, we both came out to our parents, they didn't take it to well, so...... We got jobs and moved out, my parents helped me get this place but told me never to come home again until I changed, but..... We keep in phone contact."
It was worse with santi, but gulf doesn't need to know about that.
Gulfs eyes darted to peer them down.
"I'm sorry..... To hear about that...... Maybe..... They just need some time.... Know my parents did....."
Mew widen his eyes to look to gulf.
"Gulf, are you..... Gay?"
Gulf brought the beer bottle to his lips to then consume to nod.
Mews eyes darted.
"Gulf lowered it to then place it to the floor, to keep his body turned, eyeing the space between them, red started to go to his cheeks, he was intoxicated but not blacked out drunk.
"In..... My house..... We.... Don't talk about it..... But..... They all know...... Had known.... Since I semi came out to them..... When I was 12 Has long has i....... Don't draw attention to myself...... They don't care...... But when I did....."
Gulf gripped the bedding.
"I..... Don't want to...."
Mew shook his head.
"You dont have to...... Now..... When I said.....I don't really know you..... Did you just move here?"
Gulf nodded.
"Had too...... But I don't....."
"Okay okay...... Well, how are you liking it here?"
Gulf smiled.
"It's okay......I like it.....I like..... Meeting people like you and your boyfriend..... The ones who are nice to me..... Thank you....."
Both looking down, gulf accidently kicked the bottle over, they saw the remainder splash out.
Gulf made a pout.
"Oh..... I'm so sorry...."
Mew shrugged, to place his bottle to the other side of him to the floor.
"It's okay. I'll just...."
Gulf leaned to the bottle has mew did.
"Oh no no no..... Let me.... This is my fault.... Can't have you..... You...."
Placing there hands to the neck of the bottle at the same time, the two looked to another. Gulfs eyes darted looking over mews perfect face, he couldn't help himself.
Leaning his chin up, he pressed his lips to his.
Both widening there eyes, gulf moved back, taking his hand to his mouth, he turned his head forward to sign closing his eyes.
"Oh..... I'm so sorry.....I don't know why I...... Did that......I shouldn't have, let me clean this mess and leave...... You have a boyfriend and I just...."
Getting up, mew grabbed gulf by the wrist to pull him back down, he then placed an hand to either side of his face, there eyes darted.
He looked gulf up and down to pull his face once more to his, to luscious lips.
Gulfs eyes widen, to then soften.
If.....I let you go now..... Yourll just get yourself into trouble and something I really don't think you want from santi will happen, also......I want you to stay here.......I...... Like you...... You are so..... Charismatically Sweet...... Innocent.... And unselfish, a bit naive and dense but in a cute trustworthy way.
Gulf then brought his hands up to mews chest to push him back.
There eyes darted.
"www.... Wait..... This...... Can't happen..... Your dating....."
Mew went in closer, staring at his lips.
"Do...... You want me to stop? Do you..... Not.... Like me?"
Gulf chewed at his inner cheek to look to those crimson moist lips, he wanted another taste, he knew this was wrong, but being intoxicated was not helping, it never did.
Leaning slowly forward he paused a few times to then place his lips back to mews.
Moving there heads up and down a bit, mew turned to pushed gulf down to hover, slowly he took. His tongue out to gain immediate access, gulf reciprocated it and in full.
Taking his hands off of Gulfs face, he placed them to his shirt to start to unbutton.
Squeezing his pectorals, gulf then did the same for mew, taking his hands down he helped him take his shirt off over his head, coming back down, they placed there tongues back in, to then both take there hands to the others pants to open, drawing out the others stiffened members, through the boxer holes.
Letting go of Gulfs, mew then parted from there kiss to go to his neck to plant a few then went lower, gulf took his hand off, to place them too either side of the back of his head, to turn his own, looking to mew in slits has he placed kisses around his body.
Gulf breathed heavily.
"Mmm.....mew.....mew? This..... Isn't right.... We should...."
Mew placed his hand to Gulfs pants to lower them and boxers to throw wherever, keeping in eye contact with gulf.
Going lower, He then started to lick his tongue from his base to his head, back and forth.
Gulf couldn't help but moan sweetly.
"Shush..... It's really ... Okay.... Don't worry.....mmm..... There is.... Something else you need to worry about though...."
Gulf got up on his elbows to look drunkly to him.
"What.... What is it?"
Mew smiled to kneel, to take off his own pants and boxers to throw wherever, to then lean himself to gulf, placing his hands to either side of his body, to look to him..
"I..... Don't have.... Any condoms or lube..... I'm clean..... Just had a check up..... Are you?"
Gulf nodded to then widen his eyes.
"Wwwait.... Why are you.... Asking me that...."
Mew smiled, to back off, to grab his legs to pull him down, gulf flopped to his back to look up.
"What are you...." Gulf peered down to see mew place his tip to his outter.
Hanging his head he spat upon it.
"Mew.....www.... Wait.... This is.... Wrong.... What about your.... Boyfriend..... We shouldn't be...."
Mew took a deep breathe in..
"I said..... Dont worry...... Do you.... Want to stop? Are you.....a virgin? Too drunk to..... Fully con....."
Gulf shook his head.
"No no and I'm just tipsy drunk but..... Mew.... What about your.....nnn......"
Gulf lifted his head back to moan into the air.
Mew leaned his body down to go to Gulfs erect nipple to lick then suck, he then took a hand to the other one, to tease, then with his free hand it went to his member to stroke has he made himself go fully inside, inch by inch.
Gulf gripped the bedding.
"I said.... Don't worry.....mmm..... You feel.... So..... So..... Tight and hot.... Are you.... Sure your.... Not a virgin?"
Gulf shook his head.
"No no..... I'm not.....I..... Can..... Will show you how much a virgin I am."
Taking his hands to mews chest, he pushed him to his back, to straddle, he's head lifted back, his hands were to his pectorals to squeeze.
"Ah.....ah....aaah..... Please..... Play with me...... Make me....mmm..... Cum..... Please....."
Mew smiled to wrap his hand to his cock that was sticky with pre cum to pump it once more, to take a hand to his nipple to squeeze and tease.
Gulf then started to grind faster, moaning heavier.
"Mmm....I see your not a virgin but gulf..... Even though I'm loving your sweet moans..... You have to be a bit quieter......"
I'm sure, santi is deep in his after party but still.
Gulf nodded to bite into his lip to grind a bit faster.
Mew started to thrust deeper and quicker.
"Mmm gulf..... You feel so..... Incredible inside.....aaah won't be able to..... Hang on....nnn.... Can I.... Cum inside you?"
Gulf nodded.
"Aaaaah please......I want it..... Fill me......I want the cum...... Deep inside of me....."
Mew chuckled a bit.
Guess.... Were no longer strangers if you are wanting that.
"A bit...... Naughty and.......lewd I see.....ah....aaah...... I'm gonna...... Give it all to you then..... Get.....mmm.... Ready...."
Gulf nodded, to take a hand up to play with his other nipple, the other went a bit over his mouth has it opened to moan, he couldn't help it he was so close.
"Ah yes..... I'm ready..... I'm gonna.... Gonna cum...... Give it to me mew..... shoot your load into this tight little ass....aaah please I want it..... Want it all....ah god so good...... Fill me...." He said through his fingers.
Mew couldn't help himself, taking his hand away he placed them to gulfs waist to really give it to him.
"Ah..... Fuck..... Here it..... I'm cumming..... Take it all!"
Feeling the twitching has mew filled his cavity, gulf hung his head to cum onto mews body, shuttering a bit. They both stayed liked that to breathe heavily.
"Gulf..... Oh wow......I have never..... Cum that hard..... For......" Mew gritted his teeth.
Gulf turned his head to eye the back of the door. He's face fell to give a drunken pout.
"Mmmm...... I'm such....a..... Horrible..... Human being......I made you..... Into a..... Cheater....I need to leave...... I'm so sorry.....I need to...."
Mews eyes widen to lean up to wrap his arms about.
"No gulf..... No..... You are not a horrible human being....... You did not do anything..... Listen I need to tell you.... You.... Gulf?"
Feeling him go limp, mew moved him back a bit to eye, he then busted out in laughter. Gulf had fallen asleep.
Dis connecting them, mew turned him to lay on his side, mew then laid to his to pull the blanket up, to cover them, mew then laid his arm about to close his eyes.
I'll....... Tell him tomorrow.......
Waking a few hours later, gulf seeing what he had done, got up, cleaned the mess to then leave in the middle of the night to walk all the way home, a bit hung over.
Patting the bed, a few more hours later mew smiled has he held onto something.
"Mmm..... So you.... Stayed this time...."
Coming out of his dream, mew opened his eyes just to make his smile disappated.
He was hugging a pillow.
Getting up, he threw it to the side to look about.
Damn it...... It was but a dream.......I thought I.... Was maybe getting a second chance....
Mew signed to dart his eyes.
I remember...... He wasn't there when I woke......has I looked around, he cleaned everything,...... After that I knew I needed to find and talk to him......
Turning his head he eyed his phone.
I...... Feel the same has I did 15 years ago. I need to...... Find him..... To talk to him..... After...... What happened... Yesterday night... This is not..... Done yet...... We need to discuss further what happened..... We just have to......
Reaching for his phone, mew need to see his ex, he needed to see gulf.

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