beyond pissed

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Finally making his way home, gulf placed his back to the door, breathing heavily, with a fuming expression, without thinking, he stepped forward to grab a figurine from the small mantel to throw it to the wall, breathing erratically staring at the pieces, his eyes darted.
That..... Bastard! That selfish piece of shit! I don't care what he says, that was rape! Why is he doing this to me! That fucking asshole! Were divorced! No longer a couple! He cheated on me with that fucking secretary of his and then he goes and does this to me!
What if I don't want to let it go!? Should have thought of that 7 almost 8 years ago you fucking prick!
Turning, he punched the wall, he then looked to his hand to then start taking deep breathes so he could calm down.
Peering his eyes to the figure they widen.
Oh......shit! I...... Broke hota's........ Ballerina...... That I got her last year for her birthday......
Signing, gulf turned to go to it, to crouch looking to the pieces.
Shit......I can't fix this.....
Gritting his teeth, he got up to go to the kitchen to get a bag to come back to throw away the evidence, picking a piece up he winced, looking to his finger he was bleeding.
Damn it...... Serves me right.....I allowed my anger to get the best of me...... I'm the worlds Worst father......
Taking a deep breathe, he then peered his eyes up to part his lips to watch mew come to him with a smile.
He chuckled to grab hold of his hand to then look to him.
"So clumsy...... Don't worry...... I'll take care of you....."
Gulf closed his eyes has he felt his hand go to his cheek to caress.
"I love you Gulf......."
Gulfs brows furrowed.
"You...... Do not! You slept with your secretary you son of a....."
Opening his eyes, gulf looked about to see he was talking to thin air.
Turning his head he took a deep breathe looking to the broken pieces.
How long..... Will it take for me..... To finally be over him....... Doesn't help we.....
Shaking his head he took in a very long breathe to place the remainder in the bag to then tie, going to the bathroom he hung his head sullenly to clean the wound, turning the water off, he crouched under the sink to get a bandage.
Up, he looked to it.
You..... Take care of yourself..... Don't need mew.....or anyone to do that......
Gulf gulped to place the bandage upon his finger.
An hour later, he was too the mall picking up another ballerina figurine, sitting to a seat, he looked to it.
I'm..... Sorry hota..... Daddy didn't mean to break your other ballerina......I....... Allowed myself to......
Gulf shook his head to get up placing the ballerina back into the bag to grab.
Turning, he walked slowly trying to process things.
How...... Could I allow this? The first time I was drunk, he should have known better..... Now from what I can remember......I..... Didn't really give him a way out...... Fine! But this time...... What the hell! And now he wants to meet at our hotel..... The one we spent 6 months hiding from his then Boyfriend......
Gulf stopped to take a deep breathe.
Maybe...... This really is my karma for my past actions......mew was dating Santi while we went to that hotel to.....
Gulf shook his head to then go forward.
Well I guess that saying is true, once a cheater always a cheater.
Mew cheated on Santi with me, then he cheated on me with his secretary when we didn't for 6 months...... But I was so..... Very busy.... Also..... Got bad advice from my friend..... Had to be the wife who did everything, the mother who took care of the princesses while he worked and I also had to work when my and his parents could watch the girls.......I..... Did so much for him and he cheats...... Brings that...... Man into our home.... And.....
Reaching his car, gulf hung his head, he couldn't help but to cry.
Reaching a hand up, he clutched the shirt over his heart.
"Why mew....... Why are you.... Doing this to me..... Haven't I..... Suffered enough......" Gulf wept.
Sniffling, gulf walked forward to go inside his car to place the bag to the passenger seat, slamming the car door, he then hit the steering wheel multitude of times to then grip, placing his forehead to the center, he breathed hardly.
God fucking damn it! I told you..... Don't cry over that bastard! Our marriage ending is not all my fault! Yes I........ Didn't give him love and attention back then but......I was swamped..... Also didn't even take good care of myself..... It was all for that bastard! Everything I did, it was for him and our family! Then he does what he did! Slept with that secretary in our bed! The one we picked out together.
Leaning back, gulf turned his head to look out the window.
"You..... Said you..... Would love me forever.... That I could trust you...... That we would grow old and grey..... And yet..... This happens! And now..... Your doing this to me! I'm not going to that fucking hotel! These two times were nothing but a giantic mistake! We are over! Done! I may have neglected you, listened to my friend, gave you space when you probably needed me most but at least I didn't lay with another you asshole?"
Gulf flexed his jaw to take his hands to his face to wipe his tears.
"I..... Am done crying over you! You don't deserve my tears! You don't deserve any part of me! I'm not going mew! You can stay all day in that hotel! I don't care! I need to move on, need to get over you....... For me to go to shop we frequent...... And for us to..... In the bathroom...... Brings so many painful memories...... Maybe that's what he is doing...... He wants me to be in pain since I'm keeping the girls....."
Gulf took a deep breathe to then start the car.
That has to be it...... Just wants to keep me..... In pain.....
Driving home, gulf turned the music up and loud so he wouldn't have to think, inside he placed the figurine to the mantel to look at it.
I..... Need to move on...... Need to..... Finally....
Turning his head, the twin girls entered with smiles.
Gulf turned fully to crouch holding his arms out, they went to him to hug.
"Aww, how are my girls, sorry daddy had some business to conduct..... Where is...."
Gulf moved his head up to look to the closed door, the girls moved back to eye.
"Grandpa, drove us here, said...."
Gulf took a deep breathe to keep his smile to look to hinta.
"Mmm......I understand..... So are you two hungry?"
They both moved back to nod.
"But..... We need to call daddy mew...... Promised him....." Hota explained.
Gulf stood to nod, his smile left his face.
"Well, you know the number, know where the phone is, so give him a call, I'm going to take a shower, you two be good little girls and I'll make you your favorite."
He bend a bit to tickle them both. They laughed to then leave running to the phone.
Moving about, he went to the bathroom to be in the door way, hand to one side, to peer his eyes to the action, over hearing the girls.
"Daddy! We miss you too!"
Gulf took a deep breathe to go into the bathroom to close the door, placing his body to the back, he looked up to gulp.
Please God...... Let me get over him quickly, just has I'm going to wash away this day..... Let my remaining feelings I have for this man..... Wash away just has easily......
Taking a deep breathe, he went forward to take his shower, with pain in his heart.

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