learning of our painful past

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2 weeks past the boys by, they kept to there schedule, meeting every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Gulf even started to go to class on time, every day he did, mew went to a seat closer to him, soon he was only one chair away.
When the two met, they talked of trival things, like there jobs, did there homework and there home life, they didn't indulge to personally and they both were loving the time they were spending together, after they would talk it was mew this time that would start things, he couldn't help it, the more he learned of gulf the more he couldn't keep his hands to himself.
By Sunday, the end of there second week and the beginning of there third, the two were in the room, sitting criss crossed, a foot from the other, to do there homework has they sat to the bed.
Mew then made a face.
"What did you get for 24?"
Mew looked over the equation to roll his eyes.
"Think I'm wrong again."
"Probably are, you always seem to forget to add something." Gulf lightly chuckled.
Mew turned his head to eye.
He then brought his hand up to grab Gulfs notebook to toss to the floor. Straightening up, his eyes widen to look to mew.
"Now that was just mean."
"What you said was mean. I'm not always wrong."
"When it comes to math, yes you are." He teased.
Mew narrowed his eyes, to then pick up his notebook to then toss to the floor, moving closer he placed his lips to his neck.
"Mmm, mew.... Were not done yet....."
"This is your fault, your teasing face is cute."
Gulf lightly chuckled once more.
"You say that everytime I make an expression, oh your happy face is cute, oh your sad face is cute and..... Um....mmm...."
Gulf bit into his lower lip has mew went to his shirt to undo the buttons.
"Well, they all are......"
He then started to lick his neck.
"Mmm.... Mew.... We.... Need to.... Get back to work..... Don't want your parents to get angery if there son fails."
Mew opened his eyes to get a thought. He then leaned back, to eye gulf.
"Gulf......I have.....a question."
"Since, renting this room for the night is expensive, maybe we should, start to go to your house. I....... Want to meet your parents."
Gulfs eyes widen, he then moved back a bit uncomfortable.
Mew leaned away to look to gulf.
"Gulf? Why do you..... Look so uncomfortable, were friends right?"
Even though I know we are more, but..... Can't be quite yet..... Hopefully one day.... This lie isn't helping.....
Gulf turned his head to eye the wall, his hands gripped the bedding.
"We.... Are but.... My parents..... Don't..... Like when I bring over..... Male friends...."
Mew raised an eye brow growing in curiosity.
"It's......a long story.....I.... Don't....."
Mew looked over Gulfs deamoner to then move a bit closer.
"Gulf, you and I, have known the other for......2 months and almost 3 weeks. How about....if I..... Tell you..... About my family..... Will you explain about yours?"
Gulf peered his eyes down.
"I..... Guess..... It's not....a.... Pretty story though....."
Mew nodded.
"Neither is mine, well...... You know I live with....."
Gulf gritted his teeth to nod.
"Well, when I came out at the age of 15, he was by my side through it all, not wanting to have a gay son, I..... Have to keep it a secret."
Gulfs eyes widen a bit to turn his head to look to mew.
"Yes. In exchange for keeping my sexual preference under the radar, my parents are paying for my apartment. Any money I make from my job, I'm saving for if something happens."
Gulf made a face.
"Do you...... Talk to your family? Spend time with them?"
"Only...... On the holidays, to private functions, I am too stay quiet. Even though I am over Joyed my mother is having a girl, they both are not happy about it, they wanted another boy, to........ Run the family business. My dad works has the boss of his company."
"I'm...... Sorry you..... Have to..... Keep what you are a secert."
Mew shrugged.
"I'm...... Happy you had.....Santi there to.... Help you...."
Gulf gripped the bedding in jealousy, to then hang his head.
Mew took a deep breathe in.
Well, what he did 6 month later, caused me to break up with him. I'm sure if I told you that, you wouldn't be happy that I ever had him with me.
"Even so....... The look..... On my parents face when I...... Told them...... Still.... Breaks my heart..... They no longer see me has there son."
Gulf made a face.
"I..... Understand that."
Mew raised his head a bit to eye gulf.
"You..... Do?"
Gulf nodded.
"There...... Is a reason why....I don't really drink...... And I was hesitant too at that party, but did it anyways. My..... Ex...... We had gone out for a month before, we broke into my parents liquor cabinet, I was....a bit bad when he was around, did things I normally didn't do...... Apparently when I'm.....drunk.....I can get...."
Gulf raised his head to look to mew who chuckled a bit.
"Sorry.....I don't mean to laugh..... But yes when you get drunk, you become quite..... Insatiable....."
Gulf hunched his body, to bring his hands about to pick at his fingers, to hang his head.
"Well, when I..... Over drank..... Instead of.....pushing me away, my ex..... Took advantage."
Mews eyes widen.
"Did he....rape...."
Gulf shook his head.
"No...... He just...... Kept going...... Then.... Every time we would.....after I drank for the first time.......I had to be drunk every time after. He..... Really enjoyed that other part of me.....Then...... There was a weekend my.... Parents left with my brother...... We..... Were to my room, drunk and....well.... You know I can be loud."
Mew nodded.
"Well, apparently my brother got sick, my parents came home early, he had gone to the couch, my mother tended to him, hearing my moans, my father thought they were screams, he rushed in and..... Pulled my ex off of me...... My father yelled at us both, my ex just dressed quickly but didn't say a word, I got up, dressed then.... Tried to fight for us.... He..... Still didn't say one word.....has I told my dad I was gay he..... Punched me very hard in the face....."
Mews eyes widen.
"That's when.... My ex left. Hearing the commotion, my mother came up, my father told her right away what was going on, she..... Slapped me, and said she couldn't believe there was a...... Under her roof......."
"Oh gulf..... Your parents are assholes....."
Gulf shrugged.
"That..... Wasent the.... Worst part."
Mew then brought his hand to Gulfs to look to him with concern.
He raised his head to eye.
"You.... Don't have to tell me if you don't want to....."
Gulf took a deep breathe.
He never told anyone of this but trusted mew.
"The very next day, I.... Saw my ex.... To the school wall, kissing another."
Mew furrowed his eye brows in anger.
"That prick."
Gulf nodded.
"I..... Didn't take it well, I...... caused a scene, it was no stranger but my best friend...... After I was called to the principal, at home my parents sat me down, to tell me we were going to move, to start over, if I said anything about what I had done or.....of me being gay...... They said they would throw me out. That's why...... I'm here...... Now..... When I'm at home...... We don't talk about it..... They treat me..... Like an alien...... Not someone of there..... Blood..... They don't.... Even celebrate my birthdays anymore or gift me anything on Christmas even though I give them things.....I..... Don't mind though....I....."
Mew then leaned forward to wrap his arms about.
Tears started to go down Gulfs face.
"Gulf...... That's not right...... Even my parents..... Send me money on my birthdays and Christmas...... What they are doing is so cruel to you...... You do not deserve it......."
But, I do.... Especially since now...... I've turned you into a cheater...... I'm...... Such a terrible person..... Back then and now.....I deserve what I am receiving and in full.
Gulf brought his hands up, to grip his back.
"It's..... Fine mew.... It.... Really is....."
Mew leaned back to shake his head.
"No it's not. Wait, didn't you tell me....a bit back..... Your birthday would be...."
"Mm, it was, two weeks ago. Other then my brother gifting me a small bracelet, I didn't celebrate it, it's...."
Mew moved back to hug gulf and tight.
That just means tomorrow, I have to make a big deal for his belated birthday.
"Gulf..... I'm so sorry..... Happy birthday."
Gulf lightly chuckled.
"Mmm.... Thank you..... We.... Should get back to our....."
Mew leaned back to look over gulf.
"Gulf..... You shouldn't let your parents treat you like this. You are there son."
He took a deep breathe in.
"I.... Could say the same about you. You shouldn't let your parents treat you like this, but.... At least you...."
Gulf peered his eyes down to take a deep breathe, to bring his hands around to place them too his chest.
"At least you have...... Your boyfriend....."
Mew flexed his jaw to move back a bit eyeing gulf.
I..... Know I need to tell him.... But..... He is already depressed over his parents.....
"Gulf....I thought we... Agreed we wouldn't mention him..... It is just the two of us in here..... Remember....."
Gulf cocked his head to the side to nod.
Mew then took his hands to his face to caress, gulf peered his eyes up to look upon him.
"Can we....... Just lay down together.... For a little while gulf?"
Gulf brought his hands up to his wrists to wrap to nod.
Going down, the two laid to there sides, mews arm went under his head to hold his hand, the other went over his body to hold his other hand to move it up to his chest, mew then went to his ear.
"If....... You want to.... Cry more....I am right here...... You can..... Let it all out gulf....... I'm here for you."
Gulf closed his eyes to take a long deep breathe.
I..... Deserve this pain.... That is forming In my heart, what we are doing is so very wrong..... But.....I can't stop myself...... Learning more of mew.... How he is being right now.... I'm.... Falling deeper in love with him, even though he is santi's.
With that thought, the tears streamed down his face.
"Mm....mmm.... Mew....I. Know..... Your always the strong one but..... You can cry too, I'm..... Right here for you....."
Mew hugged gulf closer to his body, to close his eyes, to let them fall. He never cried in front of other people, not even Santi, but the love he was having for this boy, couldn't be contained.
Oh gulf..... You are consuming my heart..... I'm such a fucking jackass for keeping what is actually going on between Santi and I a secert from you. At first, it was because of the sex being too remarkable for words but now it's because I don't want to lose you.
I.... Love you so very much gulf......I..... Don't think I can ever tell you the truth..... I'm in too deep now.... I'm To fully hooked onto you.....I really need you who is compassionate, considerate, un selfish, loving next to me.
I'm.... So sorry gulf....I..... Know this is probably hurting you but.....I do not want you to leave me...... I'm addicted to you now.
The two then cried unaware the tears were not because of there families but the pain and hurt they were feeling in the others hearts of the situation at hand.

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