despising myself

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Taking a deep breathe, mew hearing his phone go off right near him, he patted the bed, furrowing his eye brows, while he was too his stomach, to then retrieve it to place it to his ear.
"Mmm, hello?" He said grumbling.
"Mew!? This is your father, where are you!"
Turning to his back, mew got up slowly, to place his hand to his forehead to rub, he had a giantic headache.
Opening his eyes slowly, he looked about to sign.
He was in the hotel room, turning his head, he looked over the bed to see no gulf.
"Mew! Mew! Did you hear me! Where are you!? Your over 2 hours late for work."
Mew gulped to turn his head back to look forward to keep rubbing his forehead.
"Mmm, yes I heard you. My..... Car broke down this morning, when I got it fixed it was late, I accidentally fell back to sleep. I will be there in the hour my apologies."
"This is highly unprofessional, just get here! I do not need your apologies, stupid boy!"
Mew signed to throw the phone to the side, to place both hands over his eyes. He was very hung over.
Gulping, he then went to the edge to sit, hands still to his eyes.
Taking a very long deep breathe, he took them down, to look to the side table, his eyes widen a bit.
Upon it, was 2 white pills, to a silver platter, and a glass of water, with a note behind labeled aspirin and water, please consume, in Gulfs hand writing.
Taking a deep breathe, mew went over to grab and then consume.
He felt like an utter piece of shit.
Finishing, he got up, to walk about to grab the phone to dial his mother, to then go to the bathroom to start the shower.
"Mmm, did you take the girls to school?"
"That I did. Am I to pick them up?"
"No, today through Friday, um......."
"Will your ex get them?"
"Mm, that's right."
"Well, since I'm not in your home, I can say this. I still believe it was a mistake for you two to have them, you should have known better, should have known a disgusting gay....."
Mew furrowed his eye brows in anger.
"Mom, with all due respect, shut up! Those girls have the best father known to man, who loves them to death and always put there needs first, even before his own well being and his name is gulf fero! Now, if you wish to see my children again, do not say what you just did!"
Mew hung up the phone to place it to the counter in a huff.
Taking a deep breathe he took a fast shower, in pure anger.
Going out with just a towel, he stopped before the chair, to part his lips, tears then went down. His clothes were dry cleaned and folded very nicely.
Gulf..... You always are so.....
Bringing up his hand, he wipped his tears, to then get dress.
Leaving, he went to his car to then go to work, feeling a multitude of emotions.
Inside his office, when he opened the door, his father was sitting to his desk to then get up, to look at him in anger, going to him, he smacked him across the face, his head went to the side, mew didn't even try to fight it.
His father then pointed to him.
"I have done so much for you! This is my company mew, it will be left to you after I die, now I do not know what your real. Excuse is to why you weren't here, I don't even care, just stick to our agreement. Stay single, be professional and above all else, the company comes first! I know you have a family, however, your mother told me, she had to watch them and had to spend the night while you probably was with an disease ridden filled, nasty, faggot such has yourself. Do not let this happen again mew!"
His father looked him up and down to then leave slamming the door.
Mew kept his head to the side, not even reacting to the pain he felt too his cheek or to his head, the aspirins helped but was still very much hung over.
Turning his head to look forward, he gritted his teeth.
You..... Deserve this pain mew..... For everything you have done to the only person who has touched your heart and you love.... You deserve this....... You are a despicable, horrible, terrible father and a shitty excuse of a man......
Mew gulped, his depression was coming in waves.
Taking a deep breathe he went to his desk, to sit, looking forward.
After a few minutes, he then turned his head to peer his eyes down to the 3rd drawer, turning himself, he opened to eye a pill bottle. He had his depression medication there and his home.
Should I...... Take them...... Should I maybe..... Take all of them.....
Reaching, he then stopped to sign, he felt his phone go off in his back pocket.
Going back up, he retrieved it to take it to his ear.
"Mmm,I wasn't going to call but.....I know how your father can get when your..... Late for work...... Um..... Were you late for work?"
Mew took a deep breathe to place his hand over his eyes.
"Yes.... By two hours, it was my fault, should not have drank, um.... Did we again when I got there? I remember you opening the door then everything went black."
"Well, you did try, but then you...... Um.... Blacked out on top of me...... That's why you woke with...... No um..... Did you take the aspirins I left?"
"They I did. Thank you."
"Well, it's not because I give a damn about your well being or anything, it was because I can't have you get fired, the girls need the stability."
Mew smirked.
"None the less, thank you."
"Well, I won't keep you, sure your at work now um...... Could you......perhaps meet me at...... This Saturday?"
Mew took his hand away to nod.
"Just tell me what time, um, would it be acceptable if you drop. The girls to your parents? I..... Don't want my parents around them right now."
"Um..... Did something happen? Are you..... Um okay?"
"Thought you did not care about my well being?"
Gulf signed into the phone.
"Your attitude affects our girls, that is the only reason I care. See you Saturday, just for sex! I don't give a fuck about you mew, it's.... Just physical....."
Mew took a deep breathe in to swivel in his chair to look back down to his medication, thinking of taking them all.
"Mmm........ I'm going to let you go......"
"Um mew....."
"Mew......I.... Um... Didn't quite mean that...... So..... Please.... Take care of yourself..... See you Saturday......"
Mew heard the click, to close his eyes.
"I..... Love you gulf......I.... Know you care......"
Signing, mew kicked the 3rd drawer closed to then place the phone down to eye.
You deserve nothing from him mew, whatever he gives, just...... Take it...... Gulf.... You should know, I am only staying here for you and those girls, but espacially for you....
Taking a very long deep breathe, mew turned to get to work, despising himself.

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