need to place thought behind this

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Going home, gulf laid to the back of his door, to look forward to take a deep breathe, slowly he brought his hands up to place them too his eyes, going slowly down from the door, he went to his butt, to bend his knees to his chest, to sign.
What...... Am I going to do? What should I do? Do I want to get back together with mew? Do I want my family to get back together? Living under the same roof? Co habituating?
Gulf took his hands down to then place his elbows to his knees to look forward eyeing his daughters figurine.
What..... Am I to do?
Gulf got his head to the door to shake it a bit.
He was feeling conflicted, confused and with true honesty to himself he didn't know what to do in this situation.
Taking a very long and deep breathe filling his lungs, he got up, to start to take off his jacket, he needed to take a relaxing shower.
Inside, he had his head lifted up, hand to his neck to rub, gulf smiled under the heat.
Okay.....I need to think..... So much has gone down in these past few days, almost had a date with my boss, but cancelled that, went to meet that...
Gulf turned his face to make a scowl.
Mmm.... Then went happened with mew....
Gulf signed.
I honestly don't know what to do now. Whatever this is, is not going to be easy, our girls are 8, very observant, I need to think of them, it's not just about mew and me anymore but about our family.
This really is going to require patience on both of us, not just me.
Gulf opened his eyes to look at the water to watch it come down.
He then took his hand from his neck to place palm up to feel, he smiled.
Why can't mew and I just be has simple has feeling water?
Gulf shook his head to then shut the water off to then get out to dry and place the towel about his waist.
He then went to the mirror to look himself over, gulf then turned his head slightly, almost wishing mew was there to wrap his arms about and tell him everything was going to work out and be okay.
Turning his head back, he reached a hand up to wipe away a tear.
Shaking his head, gulf turned to go to his room to down on some clothing, finished he moved to his kitchen to make himself something to eat too then sit to his table to look to the two chairs, he was missing hinta and hota, grabbing his phone from his back pocket, it was too the time mew should have them.
Gulf smiled hearing mews voice.
"Are.... The girls there?"
"Thought you were calling to say you miss me already, one minute I'll get them, they went to the rooms."
Gulf rolled his eyes to place his arm to his stomach to chew at his inner cheek.
"Well..... While we're on the subject..... Do you miss me?"
"You know I miss you, tomorrow may I drop them off?"
"That should be fine."
"Hi daddy!" Hota interrupted.
Gulf lightly chuckled.
"Hi my baby, how are you? Where is your...."
"Hi daddy!" Hinta interrupted.
Gulf leaned back to smile and wide.
"How are my babies doing?"
"Were not babies!" They yelled in unison.
"Mmm, you two will always be my babies, oh well need to start thinking of your 9th birthday, do you want a party at the same time or since hinta is 10 minutes older, do you want to do what we did for your 7th and have a party for her before hota?"
"Mmm, together, um dad?" They said in unsion again.
Gulf grabbed his fork to then stab the food looking down at the action.
"Could we..... Have one birthday party, at daddy mews house?"
Gulf darted his eyes to then chew slowly to his food.
"Mmm, I..... Guess that could work."
Gulf then took the phone away from his ear while they screamed.
"Hello gulf? Are you still there?"
Gulf brought the phone back has he heard mew..
"Yes.... I'm here, what are they doing?"
"Just ran to there room stating they needed to plan for there birthday, they know it's 2 months away right?"
"Guess that doesn't matter um, I don't know if you were listening but they wanted to have it at your house, would that be okay? You know I would come to."
"So your really planning to cum at this party? I think there are going to be too many people but I think...." He chuckled.
Gulf rolled his eyes to chuckle.
"You are so bad at jokes but that is a little funny. But mew, would that be okay?"
Gulf nodded.
"Well I'm eating, I'll see you all tomorrow."
"I love you."
Gulfs lips parted, he furrowed his eye brows.
"Mmm....I'm.....I don't think I'm there to...."
"Gulf.... I'm not expecting you to, you just need to know that I am so very in love with you and I plan to make up for all my mistakes. Get ready, I've already set a few things in motion."
Gulf relaxed his face.
"Guess we will see..... But I do need to go."
"See you tomorrow, I love you."
Gulf lightly chuckled.
He hung up the phone to place it to his face to look upon it, he then brought it to his lips to kiss.
Gulf took it away to place it to the table to sign.
"I love you too, but maybe I shouldn't"
Gulf are the rest of his meal in silence, to then clean the dishes to then go to his office to spend the rest of the day working, trying not to think.
The next day, gulf felt too awkward with going to work, so he called in sick, before the door, he just heard the girls knocking.
Opening he crouched with his arms wide open with a giant smile, hinta and hota ran to him to give him tight hugs.
"Oh... I've missed you two so much." He kissed there cheeks.
They pulled away to smile to then go to the cloest to take off there shoes and jackets, gulf stood to eye mew.
"Mm, thank you for letting me drop them off."
"Your welcome.."
Mew looked gulf up and down.
"You seem relax, did you go to work today?"
Gulf shook his head.
"Since you dropped them off, I see you didn't either."
"No, wanted to take it off, well.....I hope you all have a great day."
Mew then turned to stop, he then turned his head to eye.
"Well.... You don't need to run off, you should.... Come in, maybe we could make a meal together."
Mew turned to smile and wide.
"You sure?"
Gulf nodded.
"Come on, you should cum in." Gulf winked.
Mews eyes widen to then go in, to close the door behind.

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