the plan

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To his bedroom, mew sat to the edge, hands cupped, to look at them hunched over.
This..... Plan has to work..... Just has to.....
Looking up, Santi came in with his back pack, wide eyes to look mew over.
"Are you ready? Don't know why you wanted to go to school together, haven't since we dated, but....I guess since you got dumped I can be....."
Watching mew, Santi saw him get up, to then retrieve his back pack, to stare him down, has he went about him. Santi turned to keep watch.
Oh don't you get an attitude with me mew, I'm not the one who started this, whatever relationship with a lie. Mmm, wasent a good plan though to have him come here not warning him off my parties..... Honestly thought he knew..... But that boy is a bit naive.
Santi shrugged to then go follow mew unaware of his plan.
To Gulfs parents home, he was too the kitchen table, head in his hand, looking down to swirl his cereal around.
His brother sat to the other side, drinking his coffee, keeping a watchful eye on him. He could see gulf didn't sleep, looking towards him he could see he was very depressed.
"Gulf? Do you..... Want to talk about it?"
He shook his head.
"It's...... Over....... Just need to..... Move on....... Thought about telling mom and dad...... We could move but...... If I say a word.... They'll just kick me out......."
However, I do make enough from my job, maybe I can just move out, not like they want me here anyway, think I'm going to inflict my brother.
His brother looked him over to sign.
"Gulf, it'll get better...... You just need to....."
Gulping and hanging his head, he shuffled to consume more of his coffee, there parents came down, there father sat to the table, there mother to the kitchen to make breakfast.
Gulf took a deep breathe in to then get up with his bowl to go to the sink to place it in.
He didn't want to deal with them today. There silence and treating him like he was not a member of the family hurt him to no end.
Getting out of there, without much fuss, gulf walked to school, with his back pack slinged over, he kept his head down.
It's..... Over and done with gulf..... Never should have started...... Shouldn't have became santi's tutor, shouldn't have accepted that invitation, really shouldn't have stayed in that room to drink, even though I know now it was mew trying to protect me from that after party.
Gulf took a deep breathe in.
Just let these past 6 months go, move forward, graduate, move out of your parents and become an art director........ Just...... Be alone..... They is what you deserve after what you have done.......
Gulf took a deep breathe in, to then wipe a tear from his face.
Sitting on top of a table, Santi was laid back a bit to his forarms looking forward, he was right by mew, who was hunched over, looking to the edge of the school.
When they got there he laid down the plan with Santi.
"Why...... Can't you just tell him the full truth...... Why make up this whole ruse? Mew, I don't think he'll....."
Mew turned his head to eye Santi, he looked to him.
"You said, you were going to go along with this. Not much you have to do."
Santi leaned up.
"I know what I said and agreed too, however..... Why can't you just tell him the truth? Think this is the greatest time to do it."
Mew looked over Santi to take a deep breathe in. He turned his head to look ahead.
"I'm..... Afriad, he'll hate me Santi..... I'm...... Really in love with him."
Santi's eyes widen to then smile, he then placed a hand to his shoulder.
"Well.....I won't come between you two..... I'll...... Stick to this plan of yours..... It's stupid but...... If you get him in the end, how moronic could it be......"
Mew smiled.
Coming to the school, gulf stood, to wipe the tears away, to take a deep breathe lowering his hand.
Damn it! I have to stop crying, it'll be embarrassing if I see him in class and I start this.
Turning his head, he's eyes widen, lips parted, heart sank. He saw mew and Santi to a table, he saw how happy mew looked.
Your......a fool gulf...... Your crying over something that was never real.....
Peering his eyes up a bit, mews smile disappeared, he saw gulf staring at them, getting caught, he turned his head abuptly, to dart his eyes to then step forward.
Mew furrowed his eye brows confused, to then turn his head, to see Santis hand to his shoulder.
Oh..... God damn it!
I'm going to upped this plan, at first I was going to just pull gulf to Santi tell him we are not dating and make him my boyfriend, but now......I need to show him I really do love him.
Mew got up, leaving his back pack by Santi, to then go quickly to gulf. Santi watched with widen eyes.
Knowing mew was behind him, gulf walked a bit faster, to just get his wrist held, mew then turned him about.
"Mew! Let go! This is not......"
Widening his eyes, mew had turned him about, to place a hand to either side of his face, to press his lips to his.
Parting, there eyes darted.
"This..... Us..... Is not done..... Not over......"
Tears started to go down Gulfs face.
"Mew..... It.... Is.....I can see how much the two of you..... Hey!"
Grabbing his wrist once more, mew pulled gulf to Santi, seeing this he tried to break free.
"Damn it mew! I'm sick of this triangle! Let me go, I don't want to talk to him, damn it let....."
Stopping right in front of Santi, he grabbed mews back pack to stand, eyeing them, gulf gulped to hang his head, trying still to get out of this hold. Mew took a deep breathe to stare at Santi.
"Santi......I am in love with gulf...... You and I are over....... Ever since I got into a...... Relationship with him, any feelings I once felt for you are over. We are over! I also will be moving out of the apartment, if gulf here will have me, I want to move in with him."
Santis eyes widen, that was not part of the plan.
Gulfs eyes widen in shock and surprise to look to mew, lips parting.
"What....... What did you say?"
Mew turned his head to look to gulf.
"I love you, want to be with you, I.... Know it's a big step, were young, been only dating for 6 months but, I can't live with him, can't go home, and don't want to live on my own. So gulf......if you love me too, will you move in with me?"
Mew then turned, to let his hand go, to place his hands to his face, gulf brought his hands to wrap them around his wrists, his thumbs rubbed his hands, there eyes darted.
"So gulf...... Do you love me? Want to.... Move in with me?"
Gulf then gave a wide and happy grin.
"Yes........mew.......I love you and will move in with you....."
Gulf turned his head, to flex his jaw has that memory crossed his mind.
I..... Was such a fool. Back then.....I shouldn't have told him I loved him.... Shouldn't have moved in with him...... After I saw how mad and upset his ex was...... He threw the back pack to our feet then left with such a face......(gulf was unaware, that Santi was angry at that moment because he didn't know where else he could have gone, mew didn't tell him that was part of the plan, so he was fuming mad at that, but them moving in with another)
I..... Shouldn't have done so many things..... Should have told him to go to hell! Fine with my other plan to just be alone and now I'm here, divorced, in front of our..... Secret love nest......
Gulf gritted his teeth.
Nope! Fuck this! I need to go home! Shouldn't be here! Need to be with the girls and.....
Turning his head, his eyes widen, mew opened the door to place his arm upon it, looking over gulf.
"You've..... Been standing here for the last hour gulf, come in."
Gulf furrowed his eye brows, to grit his teeth.
"We..... Should just talk out here......."
Mew shook his head, to then move to the side to widen the door.
"Come in gulf, stop being so stubborn and a child."
Gulf rolled his eyes to turn his head to sign.
"You....... I'm only giving 10 minutes too...... Then I'm leaving...... Whatever you have to say..... Say it in full!"
Gulf then went in, mew cocked his head to the side to watch him go, he smirked to then close the door.

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