did this for you, for us

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Chopping the veggies, and loudly, gulf stood before the kitchen counter looking Angerly to the bowl in front of him, he was making dinner, but not solely for his husband, but for his parents has well.
Throughout the entirety of the week, gulf was fuming mad, he couldn't believe mew actually called them, and invited them to come over that Sunday for a dinner.
Taking a deep breathe, mew was to the couch, finishing his work, he moved the lap top from his lap to close to place it to the side.
Hearing the Loud noises, he got up, moving passed the hall, he turned his head, hearing nothing, from the girls room, hoping they were still asleep, he then went to the kitchen counter, the other side, to place his hands upon, he then peered his eyes up, to watch gulf chop in anger.
Signing, he reached his hand over, to try and grab a piece of cucumber just for gulf to smack it away.
Mew widen his eyes to look to gulf, who then went right back to chopping.
"Really gulf?"
Gulf rolled his eyes, to slam the knife down, to then gather the chopped pieces to then spread them over the lasagna he made from scratch.
Mew signed again.
"Gulf...... Would you stop.... Throwing a tantrum...."
Gulf widen his eyes, to then look to mew.
"Seriously......I have every right to be mad! You had no right to call them mew! What were you thinking! Do you not remember how they treated me, or how they were when...."
Gulf took a deep breathe in, to shake his head, he gathered the food to then go to the oven to place in. Mew turned his head to watch. Over the course of the week, gulf hadent said a word about this, they both also were occupied with other things, including work. Plus that secretary called mew day and now night, the things he was wanting to talk about, did not solely involve work any more, however, since he was receiving a cold shoulder from gulf and he didn't sleep in there bed for the last week, mew couldn't help but like the attention, even though he knew it was a bit wrong, he just couldn't help it.
Mew turned his head to eye.
"Of course I didn't forget gulf but...... You need the help..... Also..... They have been sending letters everyday.... So....."
Gulf slammed the oven door to walk Angerly to the counter to clean the mess, eyes to it, mew looked to him with furrowed eye brows.
"You are so...... Oblivious to there actions mew..... They only started to send letters when they found out, accidentally, by my brother, who didn't mean to let it slip, we were having those babies. They didn't start till then.....god do you even remember the letter they sent us after we came back from our honeymoon. The funeral card and now your allowing them to....."
Both turning there heads, they heard crying.
Gulf signed to then grab the dishes to turn to throw them to the sink, to then go to them.
Mew hung his head to shake it.
"I can't tell what is more annoying..... The girls crying, interrupting us from having an actual conversation, or my 23 year old husband throwing a tantrum like a god damn 5 year old!"
Gulf stopped to the hallway entrance to hang his head.
He took a deep breathe in.
Gulf then brought his left hand to his chest to cradle the infinity bracelet moving it about, to eye the floor.
"Mew....I...... I'm sorry......"
He then went forth to go to the girls.
Mew turned his head to sign and deeply.
God damn it!
Gulping, he took a deep breathe in, to then go to the door, he heard the bell.
Opening, he laid he's eyes to the two people he hadent seen since he was 17.
Moving, he opened the door, to reach his arm out.
"Please.... Come in."
They looked to the other to nod, going in, he took off her jacket to hang to the door nob, they both took there shoes off, looking about, mew closed the door to grip it a bit, un resolved old anger filled him.
He had to take a few deep breathes to calm himself.
Turning, he went forth to go to the living room, to hold a hand out.
"Please.... Sit."
They looked to another to nod, walking forth they both sat.
"Please excuse me, I will go gather gulf and our girls."
Gulfs mother nodded, they both watched him go.
Mew want to the nursery, to see gulf hunched over the crib, watching the girls, be too there stomachs, looking to the other to giggle.
He patted hota head a bit sullen.
Mew went to him, to place his hand to his back to rub.
"Gulf...... There.... Here....."
Gulf strightened up to shuffle from mews hand, to then gather the girls.
"Great......" He spoke in a depressive sign.
Turning, he kept his head hung. Mew looked over him, placing his hands into his pockets.
"Well..... You go first....."
Mew then brought his hand to Gulfs cheek.
Gulf then moved his face to the side, pouting.
Mew took his hand away to sign to turn.
"Come on."
Gulf took a very long depressive breathe in to follow.
Going to the living room, mew sat to one chair, gulf went to the ottoman, holding either girl to his arms, to keep his head down not looking to them.
His mother leaned forward.
"Gulf...... Um...... Could we..... Maybe..... Hold the girls?"
Gulf took a deep breathe to eye them, they both cooed looking up at him.
Mew kept his eyes to gulf, understanding why he didn't want this.
Moving forward, gulf gave hinta to his mother, hota to his father when he moved forward.
Gulf leaned back to cup his hands looking to them.
"Oh gulf..... They are so...... Which one is....."
Gulf widened his eyes to then look up.
"Why does it matter!"
Mew gulped, watching the exchange.
His mother patted hintas back.
"I.... Didn't mean.... Anything.... Um...... Your right.... It doesn't matter..... The are both your.... And your husband's children..... Sorry....." She looked down uncomfortable.
His father darted his eyes between his wife and the baby to look to hota.
Gulf gulped.
"Um..... The dinner..... Should be..... Done.....mew.... Could you.... Get the girls.... Place them too there high chairs.....ryna.......yino...... If you please.... Go to the kitchen table....."
Gulf got up to go to the kitchen to gather the food.
They all stood, mew gathered the girls to do just that.
The whole dinner was in uncomfortable silence.
After, they had the girls to the carpet, for them to play, his parents were to the couch, looking down to watch, mew to the chair, to watch has well, gulf to the ottoman doing the same.
His mother then took a deep breathe in.
"Um.... Son.....I was hoping for us to......"
Gulf shook his head.
"Don't...... Don't call me that........"
She nodded, his father then wrapped his arm around her shoulder for comfort.
"Um.....I know.... This is.... Difficult..... Awkward......But gulf..... We really want to..... Be in the lives of your children..... They are our first grand children and...... We know.... We have made mistakes with you and how we went about.....um..... This but...... Please gulf..... Don't deny us..... Don't deny them.... To have a relationship... With there biological grand parents..... We are there blood"
Gulf hung his head feeling horrible.
Mew looked to them eyes narrowed.
Are you really making this Gulfs fault? You are the ones....
Gulf took a deep breathe before mew could do anything. He eyed him.
"Well....I.... Guess we.... Can work on an arrangement for you.... To watch the girls while I go to work..... But it has to be here....."
Her eyes lit up.
"Thank you gulf...... Thank you so much....."
He nodded, she then looked to her husband
"Well...I believe we have taken enough of your time, we will get going. Mew, if you could please.... Give gulf our phone number. We will wait for your text again thank you so much."
Gulf nodded.
The two got up, to have mew lead them out.
Coming back, he was a bit peeved to there tactic, to the living room, he saw gulf with his back to the couch, looking to the girls sitting down. He signed.
Mew then went to sit next to him, he placed his arms about, for gulf to then wrap his about to hug.
"You gulf..... Are a very mature person."
Gulf shrugged.
Letting go, mew kept an arm around his shoulder to eye, gulf looked to the girls who were trying to sit.
"Are you.... Okay? What are you feeling gulf? The way they went about this was....."
Gulf turned his head to eye mew.
"I... Don't want to talk about it.... Will you.... Just comfort me?"
Mew nodded, to place his other hand to his cheek to caress. Gulf moved his head with the action to coo.
Raising an eye brow that started to turn mew on.
"You know gulf..... Even though this situation..... Is not ideal..... With them here.... To help..... To watch..... Maybe we can have a date night..... Have it be just the two of us....."
Mew moved closer to rub his nose to his other cheek.
Gulf bite into his lower lip to peer his eyes to mew.
"Mm, that would be nice, hadent been just us for....."
Has gulf started to go closer, he sign, mew let his hand drop to take it back, his phone
Vibrated in his back pocket.
Grabbing the phone he placed it to his ear to, look at Gulfs lips.
"Oh I am so sorry to call you, I know you said this is your day off, you meeting your parents but you forgot to sign something, we need to meet."
Mew signed.
"I'll be there. Soon."
Gulfs eyes widen has he saw mew turn his phone off, to then placed it back to his pocket.
"What?" He eyed gulf.
"This is our day off and your going to...."
Gulf shuffled out of his embrace to move forward to play with hinta.
Mew looked to him in a bit of anger and frustration.
"Gulf..... This is for work! Not social, we need to pay rent and....."
"Whatever mew..... Just go. Work and your young secretary seem to be more important then your family. So just go!"
Mews eyes widen.
He spoke out of frustration and anger.
"I can't..... Believe..... You just said that to me..... At least that secretary is treating me better then you. At least they wouldn't be sleeping away from me on the couch for the last fucking week! They would probably want to be right near me! You take that for granted! So You really are an asshole gulf! Go to hell!"
Gulfs eyes widen to turn his head to watch has mew got up to down his shoes and jacket to leave slamming the door.
Tears welled up in Gulfs eyes, turning his head back he looked to the girls, they looked to another then to gulf to start crying.
Gulf signed to grab each to cradle.
To the elevator, mew grabbed his phone to call his secretary.
"Yes mr...."
"The drive to the office is to far, can you meet me at gibjos bar?"
"Yes sir, right away sir."
Mew took in a deep breathe, to place the phone away, to place a hand to his forehead to rub, he was feeling frustration, stress, guilt and anger. All he seemed to want to do is have a stiff drink to drown his sorrows.
He knew it wasn't a good idea to do this and with them but his secretary has such a happy, joyful, wanting to please attitude and a soft deamnor, mew was wanting that right now, espacially since he was having troubles with his husband, not knowing he was going to give that secretary the wrong idea of there encounter, making them read to much into it.

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