really need to think about that

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Moved away, gulf sat with his back to the head board, to hung his head a bit to dart his eyes, that question knocked him on his ass a bit.
Mimicking Gulfs position, mew had his head turned to eye, waiting patiently.
He signed.
"Mew... I really don't have an answer for you.... I'm.... Sorry...."
Gulf turned his head to eye with an apologetic face.
Mew shook his head to place his hand to his face to caress.
"Don't, don't you dare be apologetic, this is a bit much, I know, I quit my job, going back to school and selling this condo to then move in with you to sleep too the couch, me asking such a thing, I shouldn't have suddenly placed that on you, I'm sorry."
Gulfs face softened to then bring his hand up to cover his, there eyes darted.
"Mmm.... Who said you would be sleeping to the couch? You can sleep in my bed, just have to wake before the princesses."
Mew smirked.
"You are one incredible person gulf, this is one of the billion reasons why I love you and you have a tight hold on my heart."
Gulf lit up a bit.
"Mmm, but mew....I do need time to think about that, I can tell you, you are winning me over a bit, can't believe your doing all this, can't believe you actually stood up to your father, you have never done that before, I'm very impressed and proud of you."
Mew cooed, to then move about to Hover, taking his hand away from his cheek, he then pulled gulf down to wrap his hands to his Wrists to place his hands to either side of his head looking down at him intently.
"I'm glad, and I know, should have stood up to that prick long before, but with how he was being too our girls, I just can't with them anymore, you, hota and hinta are the only ones who I care about, you make me...."
Mews eyes widen has gulf had moved his head up to place his lips to his to then wrap his legs about, to wiggle his butt to mews erection to then lower himself down, connecting them, they both moaned into the others mouths.
"Stop.... Being so.....I think we have only 20 minutes until dinner is done, this time needs to go quick....." Gulf stated between kisses.
Moving them about, mew made gulf be on top, gulf looked down with wide eyes, mew moved his hands from his waist to then place to his nipples to tease.
Gulf placed his hand to his mouth the other to stroke his cock.
"Ah, then you need to be riding me gulf.... Cum for your daddy....."
Gulf lifted his head back to stroke harder to grind heavily on his ex's cock.
Mew kept his eyes glued to the action to curl his lips to moan into his mouth. Watching gulf turned him on to no end.
Once they were done for the second time, they both took a very quick shower to then down on some clothes to run to the oven, both breathed out in relieve the dinner didn't burn.
Once they plated, mew went to the girls room to look about happy hota was awake, the girls were playing cards.
He went to hota to carry her to the table even through sure protested a bit, she didn't like to be treated like a baby, hinta walked to the side to laugh.
To the table they all sat around to eat, gulf then started to play footsie's under the table with mew, he smirked has he played back, something they hadent done since high school.
Hinta and hota looked up to eye them, they seemed so very happy.
"So..... Why are you two smiling?"
Hinta probed.
Gulf and mew stopped playing, to look up at the other, there smiles went away.
"Oh..... Don't look sad.....hinta..... Look what you did!" Hota said a bit mad.
Hinta looked to hota.
"What? What did I do?"
Mew and gulf looked to them.
"Hey you two, don't fight." Gulf stated.
"Mmm, that's right, there is no need for that."
Gulf turned his head to eye mew to smirk, mew looked to gulf to play footsie's with him once more.
"Well she started it, just asked a simple question."
"Well, because you asked, they became sad, leave them alone."
Gulf took a deep breathe to place his foot over mews.
"Well..... Would you tell them or should I?"
Mew widened his eyes.
"Tell them.... What?"
Gulf raised his eye brow.
The girls looked to mew.
"Tell us what?"
Mew looked to them.
"Um..... Gulf.... Are you talking about what we discussed in the bedroom while you were helping me?"
Gulf kept his eyes to mew, has he then peered his eyes to him.
"Yes. I believe you should tell them."
Mew smiled, they both kept looking to the other.
"Tell us what?" Hinta exclaimed.
"Yes, what is it?" Hota asked further.
Mew looked to them.
"Well, princesses, daddy quit his job, I'm going to go to school and then I'm going to sell this condo."
There eyes widen to look to each other to then look to mew.
"But..... Where are you going to go?" Hinta asked sullenly.
"Are you going to live on the streets?" Hota started to breathe heavily feeling anxious.
Mew then looked to gulf to smile.
"Would you like to...."
Gulf rolled his eyes to then look to the girls.
"Daddy mew.... While he goes to school, is going to move in with us and sleep to the couch, I want him to save has much money has he can."
The girls eyes lit up to then look been the two.
"Your really going to live with us daddy?" Hota smiled.
Hinta looked to him with hope.
"Your father and I talked a lot about this, so yes, I'll be living with you."
They both got up to hug gulf to go to mew to hug.
Gulf looked to that too smile and wide, he was regretting his decision a bit, since he couldn't really give mew an answer yet, but looking to this, he knew this was going to be a great thing, or would it be?

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