feeling a bit akward but feel this was right

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Helping mew move in, Gulfs brother smiled to him, to then leave. Mew looked about to nod, the place was a bit small and he did have to place a bit into a storage but he felt right about this.
Turning his head has he stood to the living room, he smiled and wide to then crouch to open his arms when hinta and hota came in.
They ran to mew to give them tight hugs.
After there many rounds in the bath tub, gulf went to pick up the girls to phone his brother for him to help mew with the rest of the move out and move in.
Coming into the apartment, gulf turned to close the door to go to the living room to smile, this was a very happy and delightful picture.
Mew looked up to give gulf a bit grin, patting the girls backs, they let go, to then go to there rooms, gulf turned his head to watch them go down the hall.
"Remember, before dinner, complete your homework."
"Yes dad." They said in joyful harmony has they entered there room.
Turning his head back mew was already looking to him.
"Your strict, I usually let them have a snack then homework."
Gulf shrugged to go to the kitchen, with mew in tow, to go to the refrigerator, grabbing some healthy food, he then went to the counter to cut.
"I bring them something healthy to eat during."
Mew then stepped to gulf to then wrap his arms about to place his head to his chin.
"So..... How are you feeling with everything? About me being here?"
Gulf shrugged.
"A bit weird, but...."
Gulf turned his head to eye mew.
"Oddly familiar though."
Mew looked to gulf to nod.
"That it is...... But is it a good weird though?"
Gulf shrugged to turn his head to look down to the action at hand.
"An, akward weird, haven't lived togther since....oow!"
Gulf nicked his finger a bit.
Mew moved his hands off, to grab him by his wrist to then pull him to the sink to turn the water to cold, to place that finger in, to then look about.
"First aide, bottom drawer but mew I'm not bleeding that bad."
Mew eyed the drawer to then retrieve the kit to then go to gulf to open to then grab a bandage to grab ahold of gulfs hand to then shut the water off, to grab a towel to dab it dry, to then place it back to place the bandage on.
Gulf watched with a slight smirk, he had always liked it when mew over worried over him.
"Are you okay?"
Gulf nodded has he looked to mew examining it.
"I'm fine."
Gulf brought his other hand up to place it to his cheek, mew looked up.
"Mmm, thank you."
Leaning his head forward, gulf placed his lips to his.
Parting, there eyes darted.
"Your very welcome."
Mew brought the hand up to kiss at his baggage, keeping his eyes to his.
Gulfs heart started to beat un evenly in his chest.
"Um....."he gulped.
"I need to..... Get this going for the girls then make dinner."
Mew lowered there hands to place his hand to Gulfs that was too his cheek.
"Or.... How about, if you need to get your work done, you should do that, I'll clean this mess, make them the snack and make dinner?"
Gulf looked mew over.
"You sure?"
Mew nodded to give him a kiss to lean back to take there hands from his cheek down.
"Positive, this time around, you do not need to do everything."
Gulf raised an eye brow.
"Were not...."
Mew signed.
"Gulf..... Still..... You don't have to do everything."
Gulf took a deep breathe to look down.
"What i just said..... Is that..... Hurting you in anyway..... That I.... Said what I...."
Mew lifted his head up to place his lips to Gulfs forehead.
He parted to let there hands go to turn to start clearing the mess, gulf turned his head to eye.
"I understand it gulf, your protecting yourself, I know..... Don't worry....I know you love me, what we have.... It's enough, I'm still fighting for you and your heart."
Gulf smiled to then go to mew to wrap his arms about to lay his head to the side to embrace him tightly.
"Thank you, for understanding."
"Mm, now go.....shoo with you."
Gulf lightly chuckled.
He let him go to then go to his office.
Mew turned his head to smirk.
I'll win back your heart gulf, I know I will, I just have to slowly break down your walls, they are up because of me, so it's only fair that I'll be the one to smash them to bits.
To his office, gulf sat to his chair to take a deep breathe in to open his laptop to start on work, while thinking of mew.
Has he got half way done, he looked to his bandage to smile.
That man..... When he cares about me.....I know he does it out of love.
Gulf signed.
Am I being fair to him? The way I'm being? He asked me to be his boyfriend and I almost said yes.... But after that..... Will he end up trying to marry me? We've gone down that road but..... It is not the same.... We already have the kids, he is going back to school, he lives with me.....I just.... Don't want my heart to be shattered again.....I know everything from our lives was a miscommunication and misunderstandings but..... That doesn't erase the hurt I felt or the pain.....
Gulf took a deep breathe to save his work, that he completed, to shut the laptop off, to place his elbows to the desk to lower his head to then rub his neck.
"I do love that man..... When we married, i had every intention of seeing it through and being with for life then I had to see and feel.... But it wasent what it seemed..... Can I put it to the side and start anew with mew? Could we be a happy family? All of us?" Gulf asked himself quietly.
Taking a deep breathe he then lowered his hands to then get up to leave, he needed more time.
Leaving, he followed the smell to go to the kitchen to look at his circle table, his girls were there, seated, eating, to look up and while to him, mew sat to look up.
"Sorry I didn't call you for dinner, wanted you to get your time and finish your work."
Gulf placed his hand to mews upper shoulder to smile.
"Thank you for that. I'll go get a plate ready and come back."
Mew nodded to then turn his head to consume has gulf then went to go to the kitchen to do that.
Coming back he sat to look about, a huge smile went to his face, this felt so wonderful, a nice warm happy family, something he knew he always wanted.
Under the table gulf placed his hand to mews to his lap, to then look to him.
Mew eyed him back with a welcoming smile.
"My answer to your question..... It's a yes."
Mew looked to him a bit confused.
"What question?"
Gulf raised an eye brow to smirk deviously.
He then leaned to his ear to whisper.
"I'll be your boyfriend, but we need to keep this on the down low for a bit, don't want to worry the girls, okay?"
He then moved his head back to chuckle, gulf looked to mews shocked and surprised yet goofy smiling face.
"Mmm, yes.... Now eat, want to go to bed soon."
Mew nodded to take ahold of his hand to squeeze tight to eat with pure delight and joy, his heart was soaring.

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